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Cloud computing is fundamentally altering the expectations for how and when computing, storage and networking resources should be allocated, managed, consume and allow users to utilize services globally. Due to the powerful computing and storage, high availability and security, easy accessibility and adaptability, reliable scalability and interoperability, cost and time effective cloud computing is the top needed for current fast growing business world. A client, organization or a trade that adopting emerging cloud environment can choose a well suitable infrastructure, platform, software and a network resource, for any business, where each one has some exclusive features. In this paper, we managed a comprehensive classification for describing cloud computing architecture. After this classification, easy to choose a specific cloud service out of several existing cloud computing services developed by various projects globally such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Sun, etc. Using this survey results not only to identify similarities and differences of the various aspects of cloud computing, but also identifying some areas for further research.
Int. J. E Entrepreneurship Innov., 2012
Cloud computing is fundamentally altering the expectations for how and when computing, storage, and networking resources should be allocated, managed, consumed, and allow users to utilize services globally. Due to the powerful computing and storage, high availability and security, easy accessibility and adaptability, reliable scalability and interoperability, cost and time effective cloud computing is the top, needed for current fast growing business world. A client, organization or a trade that adopting emerging cloud environment can choose a well suitable infrastructure, platform, software, and a network resource, for any business, where each one has some exclusive features and advantages. The authors first develop a comprehensive classification for describing cloud computing architecture. This classification help in survey of several existing cloud computing services developed by various projects globally such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Sun and and by using this surv...
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Cloud computing now easily tops any list of topics in computer science because of its far reaching involvements in many areas in computing, especially Big Data. Moreover, It is a one of the most emerging technology due to the provision of various computing infrastructure and services. Cloud computing has evolved through a number of phases that include mainframe computing, cluster computing, and grid computing, parallel computing, distributed computing and utility computing. Cloud computing is often considered the successor of grid, cluster and, mainframe computing. Cloud computing is the delivery of many services through the Internet. These resources include tools and applications like databases, infrastructure, platforms, data storage, servers, networking, and software. Many people and businesses use cloud for a number of reasons including cost savings, increased productivity, speed, efficiency, high performance, scalability, high computing power and security. This paper presents the definition of cloud computing, its characteristics, different cloud services and various platforms that are used in cloud computing.
Today, computing becomes steadily more important and more used. Cloud computing has appeared as an accepted computing model for processing very large volume of data. Cloud computing is an unavoidable trend in the future computing development of technology. In this paper, we have discussed the computing taxonomy and their relationship with cloud computing. Then we have discussed the essential characteristics, layered service model architecture and deployment model of cloud environment. Last we have identified the several research challenges, cloud adoption challenges along with the applications of cloud computing. This paper is for those who have heard first time the term "cloud computing" and wants to know about its taxonomy. Also this paper will provide an idea of design challenges of cloud computing and help in identifying important research directions in this area.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015
The internet is marvelous technology of the computing world. The most exhaustive technology that internet dispense, is the Cloud Computing. It provides instrumental values to the customers and cloud service providers. With the advent of cloud computing the client uses the resources like hardware, software or storage, that are offered by other organization, instead of buying their own resources. However, these cloud services are provided by the cloud service providers by means of virtual machines. This study proposed the various aspects related to cloud computing technology. This paper includes the service model that reveals the various cloud services provides to different types of clients according to their requirements. This study provides the details of the layers in the architecture of cloud computing. Moreover, this study also includes the information about the various types of clouds.
We live in the era of gigantic complexity. With the daze elevation in technology, the IT infrastructure has remoulded to the core. However, in the fullness of time the epoch of cloud computing is now arising also acknowledged as on-demand computing. It provides marketability, fidelity, coherence, high-performance and adequately low-lying cost conceivable way out as compared to dyed-in-the-wool infrastructure .Aloft the internet, it is the technology yielded in the form of service and these services are furnished with the hardware system in the data centres .This paper gives the meticulous outlining for cloud and focuses on the primarily outlook of Cloud Computing. In the long run, this paper comes to light to render the service modal, types of cloud computing : IaaS , PaaS, SaaS , ways of cloud computing as well as advantages and disadvantages of Cloud Computing. The future of this technology is at top of ladder. It is the next generation and can be of tremendous value to the worldwide companies.
Data Security, Transfer, and Management, 2014
Cloud Computing is deemed the main trend of IT development for the coming decades, and it is to have a profound impact on the development of the human society and the world economy. In this chapter, the authors examine the history of cloud computing, the technical and business models, and the global implications of cloud computing's development in the near future. Finally, the market demands for cloud computing and the foreseeable developmental stages are explored.
Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand, like the electricity grid. It is a method for delivering information technology (IT) services where resources are retrieved from the Internet through web-based tools and applications, as opposed to a direct connection to a server. Rather than keeping files on a proprietary hard drive or local storage device, cloud-based storage makes it possible to save them to a remote database. Companies providing cloud services enable users to store files and applications on remote servers, and then access all the data via the internet. This Paper highlight architecture , services, pros and cons of using cloud computing.
International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 2017
This paper presents a selected short review on Cloud Computing by explaining its evolution, history, and definition of cloud computing. Cloud computing is not a brand-new technology, but today it is one of the most emerging technology due to its powerful and important force of change the manner data and services are managed. This paper does not only contain the evolution, history, and definition of cloud computing, but it also presents the characteristics, the service models, deployment models and roots of the cloud.
ARS Publications, Chennai, 2020
This book “Cloud Computing” is to understand the concepts, key technologies, strengths and limitations of Cloud Computing. It contributes an impression towards enabling the technologies, in the development of cloud. It provides a preliminary study to understand and use architecture of compute and storage cloud, service and delivery models. It will help the beginner to understand and have hands-on experience in implementing the Cloud with resource management and security.
Cloud computing is a new computational model which is primarily based on grid computing. Cloud computing are often outlined as a computing surroundings wherever computing wants by one party are often outsourced to a different party and once would like be arise to use the computing power or resources like information or emails, they will access them via web. This paper is for anyone who will have recently detected regarding cloud computing and desires to grasp a lot of regarding cloud computing. During this paper, we described Cloud Computing, Architecture of Cloud Computing, Characteristics of Cloud Computing, and different Services and Deployment model of Cloud Computing.
Cloud computing explains as highly scalable computing resources which provided as an external service via the internet on a pay-as-you-go basis. With the fast development of cloud computing technologies, an increasing number of individual and organizations choose cloud platforms to store and deal with their data of various kinds.In this paper we have shown the overview of cloud computing. We also discussed several characteristics, advantages and issues in its application areas. 1. Introductıon Cloud computing is still an evolving concept. Its definitions, use cases, underlying technologies, issues, risks, and benefits will be evolve and change over time. In simple terms Cloud Computing means storing or accessing our data and programs over the internet rather than our own hard drive. Many data can be stored to the cloud and can be accessed from anywhere in the world. We also called it as a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable comput...
Face to the continuous increase of information systems implementation and maintenance costs, companies externalize more and more their Information Technology (IT) services as cloud providers, the main interest of this strategy for companies is that they pay only for services actually consumed. Cloud computing is becoming a well--known buzzword nowadays and the most attractive field of information and communication systems. After virtualization, cloud seems to be the revelation that will allow companies to be more efficient and to manage the information systems cost more confidently. Following this stunning entry, we present in this paper a survey of cloud computing, highlighting its key concepts and architectural principles and services, these services are divided into three categories Infrastructure--as--a--Service (IaaS), Platform--as--a--Service (PaaS) and Software--as--a--Service (SaaS). IAAS it can be defined as delivered computer infrastructure, typically a platform virtualization environment as a service. Rather than purchasing servers, software, datacenter space or network equipment, clients instead buy those resources as a fully outsourced service. Security is a big concern within IaaS, PAAS providers offer access to APIs (Application Programming Interface), programming languages and development middleware that allows subscribers to develop custom applications without installing or configuring the development environment. SAAS gives to users access to software or services which reside in the cloud and not on the user's device. Furthermore, we discuss and compare a list of software for creating cloud--computing solutions such as Eucalyptus, OpenNubela, and OpenStack. The main aim of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the design challenges of cloud computing and to show that how cloud computing will make the business world simpler, more efficient, and more specialized.
International Journal For Research In Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 2020
Cloud computing gives a rich set of IT services that are provided to a customer over a network on a leased basis and with the flexibility to rescale or down their service requirements. Usually Cloud Computing services are given by a third party provider who owns the infrastructure. Cloud Computing holds the potential to eliminate the necessities for high quality infrastructure. Those components are virtualized computers. This would allow multi-fold increase within the capacity and capabilities of the present and new software. The resources can be dynamically allowing also for an optimum resource by a pay-per-use model it means customized Service Level. The user can access the data from anywhere just with the help of an internet connection. To access this computing, the user should be authenticated through by providing their identification credentials like Userid and password for security purposes. In a cloud computing environment, the complete data resides over a group of networked resources, enabling the info to be accessed through virtual machines. Despite the potential gains achieved from the cloud computing, the organizations are slow in accepting it thanks to security issues and challenges relevant to it. Security is one in every of the main issues which hamper the expansion of cloud. There are many challenges also there for adopting cloud computing like well managed service level agreement (SLA), privacy, interoperability and reliability. This research paper presents the main concept of cloud computing, the various cloud models and therefore the overview of the cloud computing architecture. It simply states that cloud computing means accessing, retrieving and fetching the data and programs over the internet rather than the computer's hard disk.
Cloud computing is a network-based environment that focuses on sharing computations, Cloud computing networks access to a shared pool of configurable networks, servers, storage, service, applications & other important Computing resources. In modern era of Information Technology, the accesses to all information about the important activities of the related fields. In this paper discuss the advantages, disadvantages, characteristics, challenge, deployment model, cloud service model, cloud service provider & various applications areas of cloud computing such as small & large scale (manufacturing, automation, television, broadcast, constructions industries), Geographical Information system (GIS), Military intelligence fusion (MIS), business management, banking, Education, healthcare, Agriculture sector, E-Governance, project planning, cloud computing in family etc. Keywords: Cloud computing, community model, hybrid model, Public model, private model
This paper presents a review of the main characteristics of cloud computing, their models, categories, background and how they works. In addition to the technological review that is done, is also carried out. Research has indicated that cloud computing has become the mainstream in computing technology and an effective tool for businesses, etc. Traditionally, companies build corporate data centers, install applications and are responsible for maintaining their IT infrastructures. However, cloud computing removes the need for organizations to own corporate data centers and install enterprise applications.
Cloud computing is an on demand service in which distributed resources, information, software and other devices are provided according to the client's requirement at specific time 1 . Cloud computing involves deploying groups of remote servers and software networks that allow centralized data storage and online access to computer services or resources. In this paper, we explore the different services in different computing platforms and applications. Cloud computing is a service, which offers customers to work over the internet 2 . Kyi Pyar | Me Me Khaing "Cloud Computing Basics: Features and Services" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019, URL:
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2015
Cloud computing is an emerging way of computing that is continue to advances over the last few years. The term cloud computing is related to the field computer networks. The term computer network is the collection of nodes, in which the different computers are attached to each other or to the main server to share the resources among them. Moreover the network is also confirmed to make communication between the different nodes. The Cloud Computing indubitably offers a handful advantages to both the Users and the Cloud service providers. Ascribed to the welfare, number of the cloud users is increasing rapidly day by day. Although, the cloud computing provides the Green computing that fetches many users for the cloud services. Moreover, the cloud computing is related to different technology is related to different technology that helps user to use the cloud easily and efficiently. This study discus the various technologies related to cloud, how the cloud services are come into existence, and the types of clouds according to the requirement of the users.
Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet. Cloud computing is a paradigm shift following the shift from mainframe to client–server in the early 1980s. Cloud computing can be defined as accessing third party software and services on web and paying as per usage. It facilitates scalability and virtualized resources over Internet as a service providing cost effective and scalable solution to customers. Cloud computing has evolved as a disruptive technology and picked up speed with the presence of many vendors in cloud computing space. The evolution of cloud computing from numerous technological approaches and business models such as SaaS, cluster computing, high performance computing, etc., signifies that the cloud IDM can be considered as a superset of all the corresponding issues from these paradigms and many more. In this paper we will discuss Life cycle management, Cloud architecture, Pattern in Cloud IDM, Volatility of...
— Cloud computing is known as an IT environment that includes all elements of the IT and network stack, enabling the development, delivery, and consumption of Cloud Services. In this work in progress paper, we present a brief introduction to the concept of cloud (types and services). Then we outline a state of the art of different existing solutions of cloud. A comparison tables are also proposed. Keywords- cloud computing; services; scalability; provisioning. I.
The project involves study of cloud computing basics and terminologies. The aim is to show how services are deployed to the internet users as well as organization via a medium or concept called as cloud. Cloud computing increases optimized use of resources such as servers, software and infrastructure. Cloud is simply a concept of putting services on a common central point so that it can be distributed across several users at any place. Having several advantages cloud computing is a trending discipline which must be adopted by users so as to increase optimized use of services in form of software, hardware and infrastructure which benefits to the user or organization in form of cost effectiveness, reusability, choice making and change management.
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