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2011, Humaniora
More than any other element of design, color has the ability to makes us aware of what we see, for nothing has meaning without color. Color naming tries to describe color of objects surrounding us. The physiology of the eye and how light imparts color to objects, as well as the psychological and cultural factors involved in perception. These factors in turn affect whether an artist chooses to use local, optical, or arbitrary color. The color defines our world. Just like the previous paper, this research uses quantitative and qualitative methods to describe the color names and color names of the new proposed based on the audience choice. Data collected will be used as a proposal of naming colors in Indonesian language that uses the unique natural and cultural riches of Indonesia itself.
Jurnal Pengajian Melayu, 2020
Colours play an important role in the Malay culture from an aesthetics point of view. The names of colours were given by the Malays themselves based on close observation of their immediate surroundings. Predominantly used colours were found repeated in the descriptions of traditional cultural products. As such, this study aimed to codify the shades which have been used in product descriptions of the past. 233 names of colours were collected and 49 prominent colours were then identified from the various literature analysed. The names obtained were subsequently analysed and matched to the database Istilah Warna Berilustrasi published by Malaysia's Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP). 29 colours were also successfully visualised and defined using the Hexadecimal (HEX) colour codes for describing colour composition. The findings strived to revitalise the traditional Malay colour palette as a source for colour referencing in contemporary design.
Color terms vary from one culture to another. However, there is a universal tendency among cultures. It relates to what we called as basic colors. Although it is called a basic, these colors also differ amidst cultures. This paper presents our research on basic colors in Javanese culture. The research focuses to study how Javanese rulers set up and control the basic royal colors, and how Javanese people react to it by using terms to refer to. Color data in this research are collected by using ColorGrab software from the architecture and regalia of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. To access data from the people, we used a questionnaire based on collected color data from the first data collection stage. In this research, we use mixed-method to correlate quantitative and qualitative data. The result shows that there are four basic colors in the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. Despite the differences in terminology, the survey result shows that people from the surrounding area of Yogyakarta indica...
Existing research in colour naming has been mostly focused on a small number of basic colour categories rather than towards the development of more subtle colour identifications. This often leads to an oversaturation in the use of 'basic' colour schemes and can limit the differentiation of new ideas or the visualization of complex data. In this chapter, we present the findings of an Internet-based colour naming experiment, which has been designed to collect unconstrained colour names in several languages with their corresponding metric values. The data gathered are being used for the development of a colour-naming model that facilitates colour communication within and between different cultures.
Jurnal Humaniora, 2015
This brief article deals with the use of Indonesian words referring to colors for creating metaphorical expressions. All data presented are collected from various sources, such as Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian Standard Dictionary), and added with data obtained from Oxford Advanced Leaner’s Dictionary, Indonesian proverb book, encyclopedia, terminology collection book, poetry anthology, song lyrics, and data of the author’s own creation as an Indonesian native speaker. Set aside from their literal meanings, the metaphorically used color words are collected and classified into two categories, i.e. achromatic and chromatic colors. Then, their universalities are determined by comparing them with English color metaphors. Finally the existence of specific Indonesian color metaphors are identified by correlating them with extra linguistic factors, such as environment, history, religion, politic and other socio cultural activities. A careful analysis on the data shows that there ...
It is generally accepted that there are cross-linguistic universal tendencies in the naming of colours. This is due in large part to the findings of Berlin and Kay. Recently, however, these universalist findings have been challenged, on both methodological and substantive grounds. Nisbett’s research on cultural cognition offers another interesting theory and provides a theoretical framework for our cross-cultural study. Through observation of how people from diverse cultures view images, Nisbett has defined two different cognitive styles: holistic and analytic. He combines cultural and cognitive perspectives that enrich the understanding of cultural influence in web usability research, thus creating a new approach in this field. Research in the field of online communication has previously focused on the consistency of the cognitive styles of people within the same cultural context. In this paper we report results of an experiment in which participants (N=67), representing 15 differe...
JOALL (Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature)
This research explores basic and secondary colors in Indonesia. This research attempts to explicate the meaning of colors by using the semantic theory of Natural Semantic Metalanguage Theory. This research applied qualitative method. The paradigm of qualitative research revolves around the observation from the surrounding. The data were collected from various sources such as Indonesian Dictionary, Indonesian Corpus, and the data created by the researcher as the native speaker. The researcher explicates primary or basic colors as well as the secondary. Further, these Indonesian colors were being explicated by applying the features of Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM). The colors in Indonesian were gathered and classified. The researcher then analyzed the colors based on the explication of NSM theory and the approach of Basic Color Term initiated by Berlin and Kay. This research discovers that the basic or primary colors in Indonesian are Black, White, Red, Yellow, Green and Blue. T...
Department of Agro-industrial Technology Universitas Gadjah Mada , 2021
The elements and principles create composition in artwork. Composition is an orderly arrangement of visual structures (elements and principles) to create a mood, add meaning and direct the viewers' attention to the purpose of the artwork. Compositions are said to be 'designed' according to the specific intent of the artist. In any work of art, there is a thought process for composition. The artist who works with the rules will create a more interesting piece of art with strong visual brightness. Design which is the structure of art, elements of art and principles of design bringing together all the different parts that gives artwork visual unity. The elements of art and principles of design are always used together, and therefore work together to create a composition with good design. The aim of this research paper is to explore the elements and principles of art in relation to design and to give a proper explanation of visual unity and how it can create an attention.
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference LIGHT SVĚTLO 2015, 2015
Color plays an important role in life, which affects our perception, shifting meanings of symbols, emphasizes or suppresses communication of pictograms, logos, brands, acts of emotional perception, affects mood. Color is very important for designers; graphics, artists, and it can significantly affect the acceptance of the artwork, merchantability or relationship to the artwork. It is important to know how the color affects the humans. For pictograms there is a tendency to place priority on shape to color. But sometimes the similar pictograms have different meanings when the color is added. This is the same for design, for example great chandelier can cause a calming effect or support activity only with a change of color. Correct use of color helps with orientation in symbols, e.g. pictogram for hot and cold water or designation of toilets is understandable with color. Conversely, wrong use color can confuse. The purpose of this project is, a) relationship of colors and words; which color people associate with certain words; b) influence of culture on word and color association. In this article were tested the habits of Czech, Japanese and Russian nation. Among the concepts evaluated were found to group words, which are characterized by strong emotional attachment to the expressions given by the change in both cultures, similarities respectively.
Colour design research studies are concerned with identifying colour preferences and emotion elicited by colours, and a deep understanding of the aspects shaping these emotions will lead to better exploitation of colour design. This study highlights the aspects that contribute to human emotional response to colour. Hue, brightness and chroma are colour attributes used in different colour model identifying colours. Brightness and chroma in most studies affect the hue on colour emotion association. Colour context, texture and size are also discussed in terms of contribution to colour motion response. Other factors such as time span and culture impact the colour emotion link and aspects related to humans including personality, age, gender and preference to colour and/or emotion are discussed. The findings of this research will benefit marketers and designers to understand the effective usage of colour in design making in its aesthetical and functional aspects.
International audienceThis presentation will explore how the expression color design range includes and allows us to understand the structural characteristics (how a range is created), the cultural characteristics (how to identify the thinking behind the range) and the rhetorical (the given intention of the range). The range is also presented here as the model that will allow us to create the image, that is to say either to create an object or to create an advertisement or painting
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Analysis of cultural color was an approach to a better understanding color from cultural stand point, unlike the others color studies which looked at the psychological aspect of color. Johannes Itten's theory of color served as a thinking base in this study. The theory was reflected in the cultures of Indonesia and represented by island of Sumatera
AIC LISBOA - Colour and Human Confort, 2018
Each person perceives and feels the primary colours in different ways, but we cannot ignore that each colour has inherent emotional characteristics, and the same can be said about shapes. Attend us to the observation of primary colours characteristics, we developed two studies that are part of the project "Primary colours as emotional signs for visual design", present as case study, at University of Sorocaba, Brazil. The first one was based on a bibliographical survey about yellow and, using design thinking methodology, had the development of compositions with shapes that corresponded to what was perceived as emotional characteristics of the colour. In the second study, students Creative Process classes also developed compositions with shapes that corresponded to their own emotional perceptions of primary colours. In both researches the perceived emotional characteristics of colours were key to development of compositions and the results corroborated Bauhaus's theory of Kandinsky, as presented below.
ITB Journal of Visual Art and Design, 2007
Batik is a traditional textile art of Indonesia, in which through its appearance we may excerpt the customs, traditional values, way of life, spiritual meanings, and cultural characteristics of Indonesian people. Previous researches on batik have-for the most part-uncovered and elaborated batik as a solely artifact of art, distancing its relation with those who use it. As results, most of batik research tends to frame batik as an object of preservation and do not elaborate more on the context of batik as an object of perception (of users) or batik as an object of consumption. To address this issue, the paper explores perceptual identification of batik users using semantic differential method, evaluating actual users' perception on the element of colors applied on clothes of West Javanese batik as object of study. The obtained data will be crossreferenced to identify gender and subject-experience variables. The implication of the findings for the creative process and marketability of batik will be discussed, in hoping to gain applicable knowledge for the preservation as well as new development of West Javanese batik design.
AFRREV IJAH: An International Journal of Arts and Humanities, 1970
Colour studies have generated much confusion in art and design education, particularly among students of the discipline in Nigeria. This is due to the complexity of the subject matter itself, wide-range of available materials and a variety of concepts developed in its multi-disciplinarity that is not kept distinct. Therefore, this paper utilizes a qualitative approach that employs the critical, historical, and analytic examination to provide clarification on the constructive and expressive aspects of colour studies. The paper introduces the reader to the pivotal role of colour and its multi-disciplinary interest. Also, it adequately clarifies paradigms and theories in the physical, psychophysical and psychological domains with particular emphasis on areas of practical value to art and design. Moreover, it considers the numeric adaptation of the colour wheel to a set of numbers for harmonic relationship. And it ends with the need for artists and designers to comprehensively grasp the...
Proyectacolor is a platform with theoretical and practical colour resources intended for academics, professionals and students willing to learn about the powerful visual resource that color is. It was developed in 2008, with the aim to facilitate the colour education of Chilean graphic designers and students. It is based in a triadic composition: three different learning environments. Currently, Proyectacolor is a consolidated reference compendium of practical and theoretical colour resources in the Spanish language.
Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2014
Education of Design is creativity based process. From Kansei Engineering to Emotional Design, there are several different approaches in involving feelings and emotions in designing process. Analysing all tools and techniques used by designers, colour has one of the biggest psychological impacts on the final users. Colour has the power not only to change the existing architectural language, but also to be a language on its own. Within architectural semiology, colour has a very important role. The paper presents the preliminary results of the research on cultural background and its influence on the psychological impact of the colour in design (architectural, interior, etc.). The research started in the beginning of 2012 and it has been conducted in Serbia, Botswana, Kenya (fully finalized), India, Slovenia, Brazil (ongoing), Singapore, South Africa and Malaysia (in the preparation stage), Japan, China, Russia, South Korea and Mexico (organization started). The Research objective is to describe, analyse and present importance of the emotional creativity in education, the current status of the role cultural background plays in colour choices in design, as well as to analyse psychological (personal) and social (group) impact and influence of colour. Moreover, the experiments planned are intended not only to outline contemporary cultural influence on colour preferences but also to revisit, revive and expand on the existing research in this field (e.g. [1] Kaya/Epps research at University of Georgia, USA, etc.) by adding the notion of multi-cultural background.
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