Constructive Perspectives on Inductive Logic



Constructive (intuitionist, anti-realist) semantics has thus far been lacking an adequate concept of truth in in nity concerning factual (i.e., empirical, nonmathematical) sentences. One consequence of this problem is the dif culty of incorporating inductive reasoning in constructive semantics. It is not possible to formulate a notion for probable truth in in nity if there is no adequate notion of what truth in in nity is. One needs a notion of a constructive possible world based on sensory experience. Moreover, a constructive probability measure must be de ned over these constructively possible empirical worlds. This study de nes a particular kind of approach to the concept of truth in in nity for Rudolf Carnap's inductive logic. The new approach is based on truth in the consecutive nite domains of individuals. This concept will be given a constructive interpretation. What can be veri ably said about an empirical statement with respect to this concept of truth, will be explained, for which purpose a constructive notion of epistemic probability will be introduced. The aim of this study is also to improve Carnap's inductive logic. The study addresses the problem of justifying the use of an "inductivist" method in Carnap's λ-continuum. A correction rule for adjusting the inductive method itself in the course of obtaining evidence will be introduced. Together with the constructive interpretation of probability, the correction rule yields positive prior probabilities for universal generalizations in in nite domains.