Otto Rank and the Consciousness of Living

2023, Oakstar Art & Publishing


In this paper I elaborate on Otto Rank’s existential-psychodynamic approach, by considering his thought in a wider context of meaning, including from the point of view of David Bohm’s holistic philosophy, and Martin Buber’s relational self-construct. I trace, via recent work by Rank scholar Robert Kramer, the existential implications of Rank’s psychology. Beyond that, I shed light on Rank as a holistic thinker; one who during his transitional (1924-1926) and post-Freudian eras (1926-1939), in his understanding of human becoming, ventures beyond subject – object division, reductionism, mechanism, and classical notions of a causal present determined by the past, towards a partly indeterminate, co-creative present, and a therapy set in the here-and-now.