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This is the second edition of school library guidelines published by the IFLA Section of School Libraries. These guidelines have been developed to assist school library professionals and educational decision-makers in their efforts to ensure that all students and teachers have access to effective school library programs and services, delivered by qualified school library personnel. These guidelines constitute the second edition of the IFLA ‘School Library Guidelines’. The first edition of the school library guidelines was developed in 2002 by the School Libraries Section, then called the School Libraries and Resource Centers Section. These guidelines have been developed to assist school library professionals and educational decision-makers in their efforts to ensure that all students and teachers have access to effective school library programs and services, delivered by qualified school library personnel.
isara solutions, 2013
Much has been written on the importance of user education in libraries, but most writers have concentrated on the more advanced and better organized academic, public and special libraries, thus neglecting school libraries which are the first library contact students have before graduating into adult life. Developed countries have since realized the need graduating for early education of school library users by ensuring that the school library is not only an integral part of their educational system, but also a tool to train future library users. In developing countries the reverse is the case. In Nigeria, for e.g., the development of the school library is appalling, such that most schools do not have libraries, where there do exist; they are grossly inadequate in terms of facilities and resources. Without adequate training and guidance, a student can go through six years in secondary school and not know how to use the library.
This work addresses the development of the school library within the school environment, the relevance of this research approach lies in its ability to provide a solid foundation for the development of scientific and academic studies. bibliographical research plays a fundamental role in the theoretical foundation of a study. This study aimed to understand the role of the school library in the teaching and learning process as a support for education professionals and students, to identify the role of the school library; know the importance of the school library as a support to the educational process, address educational actions that can be developed with education professionals and students. This is a study of the bibliographic review type, this article aims to emphasize the importance of the library in the child's school life, thus with the help of the authors allowing to praise the idea that the library has a fundamental role in their educational formation. It is concluded that the school library plays a fundamental role in supporting education professionals, offering resources and services that enrich the teaching-learning process within the school environment.
The school library is arguably the backbone of the teaching and learning process in South Africa. The National Curriculum Statement Grade R-12 (28 December 2012) clearly states that schools must "produce learners that can identify, solve problems and make decisions using critical and creative thinking and also learners who can communicate effectively…." and an efficient and effective school library is crucial in this regard. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the role of school libraries in teaching and learning. In pursuing this aim, a case study approach was adopted and the focus was on the Dinuphozo Primary School in the Umhlali Circuit of the ILembe District, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The resource-based learning model based on constructivism theory underpinned the study. Resource-based learning is a model where learners, teachers and teacher-librarians use a range of print, non-print and human resources efficiently and effectively. Purposive sampling was used to select the study participants. The participants, who were all members of the School Library Committee, comprised the Acting Principal, the Deputy Principal, Heads of Department, a teacher from each of the phases (foundation, intermediate and senior phases) and the school's teacher-librarian-a total of nine participants. The study adopted a qualitative approach using telephonic interviews, observation and document analysis as data collection methods. The findings revealed that teachers and the school teacher-librarian require basic library services training. It was found that teachers do not utilise the library and its information resources sources for daily teaching and learning. It was also found that the library collection does not satisfy either the teachers' or learners' needs; hence, they seek information elsewhere. Recommendations included the need for the School Management Team, the School Governing Body and the teachers to be involved in discussions on how to improve the school library and its financing. vi Contents Declaration.
Journal Article, 2019
This work examines school library resources, usage and security in the 21st century in public secondary schools in Nsukka Urban, Enugu State. School library resources are vast and they promote teaching, learning, school curriculum and foster reading habits among students. Four research questions were developed for the study and descriptive survey research methods was adopted for the study. The population is 1280 which consists of school management, teacher librarians, library prefects and SS2student. Simple random sampling technique was used to select five out of ten public secondary schools in Nsukka Urban and the sample size is 256. Questionnaire and observation checklist was used to collect data which was analyzed using Statistical Package of Social Sciences version 20. Real limits of numbers were used to interpret the bench marks of the results. Frequencies and percentages were used for availability of library resources while mean scores and percentages were used for extent of utilization of school library, security methods adopted and strategies of improving security methods in school libraries. The major findings show that core textbooks, dictionaries, computers, etc are available in the school libraries. It recommended that school authorities should involve NGO’s for the provision of resources lacking in libraries. Key Words: School Libraries, Library Security Problems, Library Resources, ICT facilities, School Library Usage.
School Libraries Worldwide, 2018
School Libraries Worldwide, 8, 21-26., 2002
It is amazing to reflect that in little over a decade, we have seen the general introduction and adoption of CD-ROM and other digital multimedia, the Internet, online databases and information systems. Web-accessible library and museum collections. Web-based resources and access tools, online discussion forums, chat channels, and personally tailored Web portals-all available at the fingertips of the school students who are being educated in this rich information and communications technology (ICT) environment. Whether a school is well resourced with technology or not, the point remains that one of the most significant technological revolutions for education is underway since the progression from oral to print and book-based teaching. The integration of ICT in schools now seems to demand new curricula and pedagogy, an examination of the visual and information literacy challenges posed, and a realignment of learning goals and assessment practices. Educators are challenged to rethink their basic tenets, to deploy the new technologies in creative and productive ways, and to restructure schooling to respond constructively and progressively to the technological and social changes that ICT creates (Kellner, 2002).
New England School Library Association, 2017
This article is an advocacy tool for school librarians states Ten Beliefs that shape a definition for the Essential School Library. The article covers the following dimensions of this model: Why are school libraries essential? Who are the learners we are educating for the 21st century? Why is 21st century education problematic? What is the status of school libraries? Being THE ESSENTIAL SCHOOL LIBRARY Being curious in the digital age Being literate in the digital age Being collaborative in the digital age Being fair and equitable in the digital age THE ESSENTIAL SCHOOL LIBRARY and the School of the Future
The paper discussed elaborately the organization and provision of a school library by defining a library in the present day activities carry out in schools. It went further to highlight the personnel that are needed to organize the library resources, as well as the space to be provided for the administration of the library. The space covered the size of the building, location of library within the school premises, and its architectural design to meet the present day learning environment. The resources to be organized include books, shelves, carrels that will be housed in decent spacious building, and how these resources can be organized were also discussed. A detailed explanation was given on the use of Universal Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme in cataloguing school library resources. Using this scheme in classifying and arranging library resources will enable easy access to the books and other information needs of pupils. Items arranged should be labeled and protected with shelf guides. The paper concluded that teacher-librarians should be involved in training through workshops, seminars. Also, that librarian should endeavour to come up with proposal toward helping teacher-librarians in order to promote readership in schools.
This study was conducted to the grade 10 students of Saint Vincent’s Academy which consisted of 53 respondents. The respondents were 27 female and 26 male in accordance to their gender which was 53 in total. The respondents was supposedly be 63 but due to the reason of some student being absent in the given date of conducting the survey only 53 respondents were able to cooperate in the research. The study was able to determine the fact that the Saint Vincent’s Academy has an Academic library which uses a Dewey Decimal System of where in it is a proprietary library classification system first published in the United States by Melvil Dewey in 1876. Originally described in a four-page pamphlet, it has been expanded to multiple volumes and revised through 23 major editions (Dewey, Melvil 1876). The result of the research shows that high school students from grade 10 at Saint Vincent’s Academy agreed to “sometimes” go to the library “during their vacant time” specifically 47% of them. A majority of 57% of students stated that “sometimes” they go to the library to do research. Also 36% of the students stated to “sometimes” go to the library when they’re looking for answers in their assignments. Meanwhile 60% of the grade 10 students agreed to “always” visit the library to “relax their minds”. And lastly 40% of the students have the common reason of “recreation” to “sometimes” visit the library The research also showed that the most preferred type of book of the grade 10 high school students is Historical books with the leading 91% of readers. And the most disliked book among the academic book is the Mathematical book with only 9%. And only 47% of the grade 10 high school students stated that when they visit the library they read their preferred books. With these data the researchers came to a conclusion that although the grade 10 high school students have a seemingly high general average the number of their times of visit proves that the library still lacks some facilities and services. The minority of percentages in the interest of reading a book serves evidence in saying that the school’s library has lapses in providing students a place for learning. The research was conducted only to provide knowledge and understanding of both teacher and student and has no further personal issue about the matter.
Aim of this study was to investigate the availability and utilizations of existing resources of the libraries of those universities and GCETs where ADE and B.Ed. (Hons) elementary programs were launched during the year 2010 – 2011. Total 70% GCETs and 80% universities were included in the study. Teachers and students were selected as sample on the basis of their availability. The data for this survey was collected through a checklist and questionnaires for both teachers and students. The results revealed that libraries are underutilized despite teachers " and students " expressed willingness to use libraries. Lack of human and material resources was the main reason for underutilization. Student mostly visit library for reading books, preparation of assignment and consume spare time. Library staff needed professional training, procedures for purchase of library resources need simplification for timely procurement, virtual linkage with national and international libraries needs to be addressed, and enhanced funding and proper utilization of funding is required for improved efficiency. The libraries in GCETs were comparatively more dilapidated than libraries in Universities. It is concluded that improved library services and provisions can enhance the relevance and utilization of libraries.
The paper reports results of a study on "Access and Use of School Library Information Resources by Secondary Schools Students in Morogoro Municipality Tanzania". The main objective of this study was to assess access and use of library information resources by students of secondary schools in Morogoro Municipal. The study comprised of the following specific objectives; to investigate access and use of school library information resources by the secondary school students; to determine the level of satisfaction of students towards school library information resources and to find out challenges facing students in the use of school library and how to address such challenges. The study was carried out in five purposefully selected advanced level schools in Morogoro Municipality. Simple random sampling was used to select 30 respondents from each selected school to make a sample size of 150 respondents. The study employed a case study research design and used combination of methods to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. Data was collected by using documentary review, questionnaires, interviews and personal observations. Quantitative data was analysed by using SPSS, while content analysis was adopted for qualitative data. Key findings revealed that the most frequently used library information sources by secondary students are only books and novels. Moreover, other library information resources, such as atlas and maps, dictionaries, novels, audio visuals and poetry were not accessible by students hence those sources were not satisfactory to meet their information needs. The findings further revealed that secondary school students face many constraints in using school library including lack of current and up to date reading materials, restricted reading hours, lack of sitting facilities, and lack of informational professional/ librarian for processing materials. The study conclude that for effective use of Schools Libraries by the secondary school students, there is need for current and adequate school library information resources, provision of accommodation facilities, provision of professional school librarians to manage libraries and conducive reading environment. These could be done in collaboration with all stakeholders in secondary education in the country. However, the study recommended that adequate provision of fund is necessary for the provision of current and up to date information resources and also for the employment of qualified and trained teacherlibrarian.
Knowledge Quest, 2019
This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Teaching & Learning at ODU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications by an authorized administrator of ODU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Repository Citation DiScala, Jeffrey; Weeks, Ann Carlson; and Kodama, Christie, "The School District Library Supervisor and the National School Library Standards" (2019). Teaching & Learning Faculty Publications. 80.
This study investigates the availability and utilization of school library resources by Secondary School (High School) Students. Eight Selected Secondary Schools in Rivers State, Nigeria were chosen based on their performance in external examinations and geographic locations. In carrying out the research, questionnaires were administered to both teachers and students of the schools. Findings revealed that school library services were either lacking or not in place in most Secondary Schools. Consequently, it was discovered that none of the secondary school met the prescribed standard for established school libraries at the secondary levels. Also in cases where spaces were provided for library, the materials in the libraries were not only scanty but poorly organized for effective library and information service delivery. It is suggested that library and school authorities should make adequate provision for school library services in Secondary Schools for improvement in the standard. Equally important is the fact that the recommended National Educational Policy on the need for secondary school libraries be made mandatory for all Secondary Schools. This has become necessary as a result of the importance of school library especially development of e-library in the life of the modern child and its immense role towards realizing the educational and millennium goals.
This paper looks at the skills and competency base of the school librarian. The paper contends that these attributes are necessary if the school library is to be in a position to encourage the development of discovery and personal growth for both pupils and staff. The paper concentrates on the role of the school librarian working with teaching staff to make these conditions most fruitful. As well as traditional librarianship skills, the paper identifies a range of skills and competencies associated with management, marketing, and evaluation. The paper identifies a number of ways in which the librarian may work effectively with teaching colleagues. The paper concludes that, without this foundation, effective ongoing learning in the school library will be limited in extent and progression. As a result, the role of the library will be unperceived and undervalued. It is, therefore, important that time and energy are given to these essential aspects of the development of the school library. (Contains 14 references.)
IASL Annual Conference Proceedings
Internationally, there are well-known school library models including the U.S. model, with its strong groups of professionals, the British model, dependent on school library services in the community, and the Australian model, which can be described as either a successor to or a middle way between these two models. However, no independent school library model has been established in Asia. In Japan, the Library and Information Professions and Educations Renewal (LIPER) project was established in 2003 to study reforms to and the reorganization of library and information science education, with the members of the Japan Society of Library and Information Science. The School Library Initiatives for Asia & Pacific (SLAP) Forum, an international meeting for school library practitioners, was held in Tokyo in January 2013, and even before then an initiative was conducted as part of the studies spun off from the LIPER’s third stage. This paper reports on these topics.
Article, 2020
The study investigated the utilization of school libraries by Students in selected schools in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Data were collected from 147 respondents using questionnaire, interview and covert observation. Qualitative data were subjected to content analysis while quantitative data were analysed by using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 18.0 computer software programme. Findings revealed that students from both private and government schools rarely used the school libraries. However, the majority (25%) of private school students use libraries everyday while only 1 percent of the students from government owned schools use library every day. Moreover, the study revealed that books and newspapers are the main school library information resources available in the school libraries. Furthermore, the study findings revealed that self-reading, doing assignments, reading notes and borrowing books are the main activities conducted by students in school libraries. The study concludes that students' utilization of school libraries is low in government schools as compared to private schools. The study concludes further that books and newspapers are the main information resources found in the selected schools libraries while the main students' activities conducted by students in school libraries are self-reading, doing assignment, reading notes and borrowing books. The study recommend that head teachers in both private and government schools should lobby top management from the Ministry of Education Science and Technology to consistently allocate adequate funds for building school libraries and library collections, training school librarians and conducting information literacy training programmes for both students and teachers.
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