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Revista medica de Chile
10 pages
1 file
Allergic rhinitis and sinusitis are common diseases that affect quality of life of pediatric and adult patients. To adapt and validate the Sino-Nasal Outcome Test 20 indicators (SNOT-20) survey in Chilean subjects. In a psychometric validation study, an adapted version of the SNOT-20 adapted version was applied to 181 volunteers on two different occasions, three weeks apart. Feasibility (response time and perceived difficulty), reliability (internal consistency and test-retest) and validity (concurrent validity, correlating results with an independent instrument; predictive validity assessing its sensitivity to detect changes and discriminate validity, assessing receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves), were assessed. An exploratory factor analysis was performed to confirm the presence of previously described underlying constructs. Eighty percent of participants considered SNOT-20 easy to complete. This task was completed in less than 5 minutes. Cronbach's alpha was 0.946...
Revista Chilena De Enfermedades Respiratorias, 2016
Chilean consensus on management of severe asthma in children Severe asthma represents less than 5% of all asthma, but these patients are responsible for a disproportionate share of health care costs, morbidity and mortality associated with the disease. Severe problematic asthma corresponds to patients that fail to achieve asthma control despite being prescribed maximal therapies. This group is divided into severe difficult to control asthma and severe therapy resistant asthma. It is important to note this division as it leads to important differences in medical prognosis and therapy. Difficult to control asthma is the term used to describe children with significant ongoing symptoms that are due to underlying modifiable factors that, when addressed, lead to better control without increasing therapy intensity. On the other hand, therapy resistant asthma does not present modifiable factors, thus other treatments, including biological therapies, are justified.
Revista medica de Chile
Self efficacy refers to an individuals belief in his or her capability to produce given achievements and the individuals perception of his or her ability to perform an action. To evaluate the psychometric properties of the General Self-efficacy Scale in Chilean population. The study was carried out in 360 subjects, both sexes, 15-65 years of age, from Concepción, Chile, who answered Self-efficacy, Self-esteem and Health Status Perception instruments. Reliability was verified by Cronbachs alpha coefficient and validity by expert re-vision, univariate statistics, correlations among items, item-scale correlations, and correlations with Self-esteem and Perception of Health Status constructs. The structure of the scale is uni-dimensional, homogenous and positively related with the constructs examined. The General Self-efficacy Scale is a reliable and valid measure of the perception of self-efficacy in the Chilean population.
Revista chilena de enfermedades respiratorias, 2014
Preschool wheezing is one of the most common presenting symptoms in pediatric practice. The vast majority of these patients present wheeze triggered by viral respiratory infections and only a minority of them will have asthma in school age. The evaluation of these children begin with a detailed clinical history and physical examination and standard laboratory tests to rule out secondary causes of wheezing. The decision for controlling therapy will depend on the frequency and severity of the wheezing episodes, but should always be considered as a treatment trial, avoiding prolonged periods of time. It is recommended to start with low doses of inhaled corticosteroids, evaluating treatment effect with a close follow up. Inhaled bronchodilators remain the treatment of choice in acute exacerbations of wheezing, systemic corticosteroids should be reserved for severe exacerbations in hospitalized patients.
Revista Colombiana de Neumología
Introducción: El COVID-19 ha generado retos por la alta demanda de servicios, haciendo necesario buscar alternativas de soporte ventilatorio que permitan responder a las necesidades de la población.Es importante disponer de herramientas que permitan detectar precozmente el fracaso de estrategias ventilatorias no invasivas e identificar tempranamente la necesidad de intubación. Objetivo: identificar las variables asociadas a fracaso en el tratamiento con cánula de alto flujo (CNAF) en pacientes con COVID-19. Materiales y Métodos: estudio observacional analítico, corte transversal con 68 pacientes de la unidad de cuidados intensivos con COVID-19, que recibieron tratamiento con CNAF. Las variables de estudio se evaluaron en tres momentos, a las 24, 48 y 72 horas, llevando a cabo un análisis bivariado y multivariado entre los que fracasaron y los que tuvieron éxito. Resultados: en el análisis bivariado las variables que presentaron una relación estadísticamente significativa a las 2...
Revista chilena de pediatría, 2008
International Journal of Morphology, 2011
Revista chilena de pediatría, 1988
The clinical and biochemical characteristics of 44 PKU children, diagnosed at an average age of 3 years 11 months is presented. 90% of these children consulted because of delayed psychomotor development or mental retardation: 100% of them showed hypopigmented skin, but only 32% had bright colored eyes, 86% had a peculiar must odor. The neurological signs and symptoms were predominantly hyperactivity, irritability, hypotonia and hyperreflexia. Fenic chloride and 2-4 dinitrophenylhydrazine tests were positive in all patients. Paper chromatography of amino acids demonstrated levels of phenylalanine over 20 mg%. The importance of making an early diagnosis and treatment in order to prevent mental retardation is emphasized. The need to develop newborn screening for PKU in our country is raised.
This study aims to psychometrically validate the Chilean version of the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test ASSIST. Specifically, this study is interested in evaluating the reliability, consistency and concurrent and discriminant validity of this instrument. The sample was composed for a total of 400 people from four different settings: treatment centers (residential and ambulatories), primary health care, police stations and companies.
Determinación del índice facial total y cono facial en individuos chilenos
TORRES, C.; GATICA, C. & OLAVE, E. Determinación del índice facial total y cono facial en individuos chilenos. Int. J. Morphol., 34(3):963-967, 2016. RESUMEN: El estudio fue realizado en 68 estudiantes, adultos, Chilenos, de ambos sexos, con edades entre 17 y 32 años, oriundos de la Regiónde la Araucanía, Chile. En cada uno se registraron el diámetro vertical (Nasion-Gnation, Na-Gn) y diámetros transversales (bigoníaco y bicigomático, Go-Go y Cig-Cig, respectivamente) y se calculó el índice facial total (IFT). Para la obtención del cono facial se compararon los anchos Go-Go y Cig-Cig. Se analizó la relación entre: IFT v/s cono facial; IFT v/s sexo; cono facial v/s sexo. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó las pruebas de chi-cuadrado, Pearson y coeficiente de correlación de Spearman, conside-rándose significativo p<0,05. La altura de la cara (Na-Gn) fue de 117,5 mm en hombres y de 110,3 mm en mujeres; el ancho superior de la cara (Cig-Cig) fue de 126,9 mm en los hombres y de 124,4 mm en las mujeres. La altura facial es diferente para hombres y mujeres, siendo mayor en hombres. El IFT fue calculado a partir de las medidas registradas y se obtuvo lo siguiente: en hombres hubo 4 casos (5,9 %) euriprosopos, 4 (5,9 %) mesoprosopos y 17 (25 %) leptoprosopos; en mujeres hubo 12 casos (17,6 %) euriprosopos, 12 (17,6 %) mesoprosopos y 19 (27,9 %) leptoprosopos. Concluimos que en individuos adultos chilenos la altura facial es diferente para hombres y mujeres, siendo mayor en hombres. El tipo leptoprosopo y la cara de forma triangular son más frecuentes en hombres. Los datos obtenidos son un aporte al conocimiento antropológico de un grupo de individuos del Sur de Chile.
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Revista médica de Chile, 2010
Revista de otorrinolaringología y cirugía de cabeza y cuello, 2008
Revista Medica De Chile, 2006
Revista panamericana de salud publica = Pan American journal of public health, 2012
Revista Medica De Chile, 2009
Salud Pública de México, 2007
Forma y Función 37(1), 2024