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2023, Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Accidents involving four-wheel vehicles are the second leading cause of death on the world's roadways, accounting for around 11% of all road fatalities in India. Human mistake, road hazards, and malfunctioning vehicles are just a few of the causes of traffic collisions. Accidents caused by humans may be reduced with the help of a system that sends out warnings to drivers in dangerous situations. The goal of this initiative is to reduce traffic accidents caused by both natural phenomena and driver mistake by providing early warnings and prompting drivers to take preventative action. The system employs sensors to keep tabs on the car in relation to the road, and then issues warnings to the driver so that he or she may avoid causing any harm to the vehicle or to any obstacles in the driver's path.
International Journal of Computer Applications
With today's busy life, it is imperative to conserve any spare time as we spend generous amount of our daily time driving. Using arduino sensors to send notifications to the nearby drivers in the occasion of any accidents or road blockage will defiantly achieve the purpose of this research. Results showed that such approach could be adapted successfully in the automobile industry.
Abstract- The entire paper describes different methods to improve driver safety by drunken drive alert, driver sleepiness alert and high beam alert. The number of vehicles on the roads is growing day by day and it’s now very important to integrate extra safety features into the vehicle. The paper mainly focuses on the intelligent systems and sensors that will become even more prevalent in the coming years. This will achieve through In-vehicle sensor systems that, will aware drivers from abnormal conditions. Developing driver assistance systems will help reduce accidents injuries, death and property harm. These systems help drivers make decisions and operate vehicles more effectively.
The purpose of the project is to provide technical approach for detecting and monitoring the fatigue level of the driver in order to provide early avoidance to accident .proposed system is to detect if driver has intoxicated thereby locking the ignition system of the vehicle. This system controls the direction of the vehicle when it exceeds the threshold distance thereby avoiding the accidents. It also sends information to the concern authority or owner if there is any accident by the use of GSM module. By observing we are able to conclude that there are three dominant causes of road accidentssleeping, Overtaking, Use of alcohols are related to driver. One of the major reason due to the drunken driving because it is not possible for every police man to check each and every car to detect whether the person is drunken or not. So there is a need for an effective system to check drunken drivers through alcohol detector. By interfacing Raspberry pi with ultrasonic sensors we can able to ...
IRJET, 2022
This document enables the real-time chase of a car and aims to reduce the risk of fatalities due to delays in the delivery of help by informing the involved parties about the vehicle's accident. A government assessment indicates that driving when fatigued and driving while intoxicated account for 22 and 33 percent of accidents in India, respectively. If help can be obtained as soon as possible, the number of lives lost can be reduced. The Arduino Uno, which serves as the controller, is interfaced with a GPS module, GSM module, and accelerometer to create a system that may alert the concerned parties about the accident. The GPS module transmits the location of the accident through the accelerometer, which recognizes it by a change in the pre-set value of the vehicle orientation.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2023
It is observed that, the major hindrance on road is due to heavy traffic flow during peak hours especially when people commute to work. The total number of vehicles or objects exceeds its capacity by causing a blockage for emergency vehicles such as fire fighter and rescue vehicles, furthermore wastage of fuels adds more to the environmental pollution which is not adoptable for a country’s economic growth. In order to develop an efficient, reliable, cleaner and safer mode of transportation, it is necessary to make the road transportation system automated as much as possible. To track the vehicle, we need to send the message to GSM device, so that it gets activated. It also gets activated by detecting the accident on the vibration sensor connected to the Arduino UNO controller. Once the GSM is activated it receives the last latitude and longitude position value and send message to the emergency server which is predefined in the program.
IRJET, 2020
Travelling is an important necessity for human life but has now turned to be a dangerous one because the road accidents are proportionally increasing with time. Nowadays, the number of accidents are increasing due to negligence of the driver. Negligence such as attending phone calls, lack of awareness, exhaustion due to prolong driving, etc. Road accidents are increasing rapidly nowadays. The most unfortunate thing is that we don't learn from our mistakes on road. Most of the road users are quite well aware of the general rules and safety measures while using roads but it is only the laxity on part of road users, which cause accidents and crashes. Moreover in the reported death cases, nearly two-thirds die due to intoxicated driving and late arrival of medical recovery. The main aim of this project is to construct a smart accident prevention system with minimizing the limitations of existing methods and also enhancing the security of vehicles and human beings and also reduces the number of accidents. Hence this system can be used for Real time tracking and Accident prevention.
Road traffic crashes are one of the world's largest public health and injury deterrence problems. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than a million people are killed in road accidents, each year, all over the world. A report published by the WHO in 2009 revealed that more people die on roads in India than anywhere else in the world. The statistics for India are chilling. At least 13 people die every hour in road accidents in the country; the latest report of the National Crime Records Bureau reveals. In 2007, 1.14 lakh people in India lost their lives in road mishaps. Poor road infrastructure, failure to comply with speed limits, growing drinking and driving habits is among the main factors contributing to deaths from road crashes, WHO said in its report on 'Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2010. Each year, there are thousands of highway deaths and tens of thousands of serious injuries due to "Run-Off-Road" accidents. Everything from simple driver inattentiveness, to fatigue, callousness, to drunk driving, is responsible. Simple sensors can be fitted inside vehicles embedded with various features like, automatic collision notification, vehicle security, speed control which can give impetus to an efficient road safety system. The features that are proposed in this work are: Automatic collision notification that gives notification to the victim's relative, Red light traffic control makes sure vehicle doesn't break signal, Speed control alters speed in different zones, Horn control prevents honking in horn prohibited zone, Alcohol detection detects drunk driving and Vehicle security is used to prevent theft.
The IoT is a rapidly increasing and promising technology which is becoming more and more present in our everyday lives. The IoT offers us countless and endless possibilities of automation for both government, public and private industries or sectors.Image processing is a technique in which existing image is altered or processed in a desired manner. It involves the alteration and analysis of pictorial information. We lose a many lives in road accidents often. The most familiar reasons are usually driver’s mistake and emergency services reach the accident spot late. It is utmost important and necessary to develop an efficient accident prevention and detection system on roads which will monitor the driver’s behaviour and alert him when he is distracted. This effective system can send the information about the accident including the accident location to emergency services. This will in turn prevent the loss of life as the emergency personnel can reach the accident spot on time.This paper aims to use the techniques of IoT and image processing in the field of transportation and health care by not just preventing the accident but also detecting the accident and alerting the emergency services.
IRJET, 2020
In the upgrading countries accident is the major cause of death. If we talk about dangerous roads in the world then all of them are mountain roads and curve roads. The intensity of the deaths are more in curved roads. In the mountain roads there will be narrow roads with tight curves. In such kinds of situations the driver of a vehicle cannot see vehicles coming from other side. Because of this problem thousands of people lose their lives each year. while we are talking about mountain roads here other side might be lead to a cliff. The solution for this problem is alerting driver about the vehicle coming from other side. One of the solution is proposed in this paper. We can alert driver by placing ultrasonic sensor in one side of the road before the curve and keeping LED light other side of the curve, so that if vehicle comes from one end of the curve sensor will sense the vehicle and LED light glows at the opposite side as Red. By looking at the Red LED light driver can become alert and can slow down the speed of the vehicle. And still if an accident occurs we can save the life of victim by giving medical assistance immediately. This can increase the survival chances of victim. but this can happen only when we know the exact location of accidental place. This paper presents an inexpensive but intelligent framework that can identify and report an accident to the family member. If in case accident occurs, button will get pressed and it will send message to the family members using GSM module and send location of the accidental place using GPS module.
Citation/Export MLA Jayalakshmi .R, Haripriya .K, “Driver Assist System (DAS) to Prevent Road Accidents”, March 15 Volume 3 Issue 3 , International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC), ISSN: 2321-8169, PP: 1613 - 1616, DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1503156 APA Jayalakshmi .R, Haripriya .K, March 15 Volume 3 Issue 3, “Driver Assist System (DAS) to Prevent Road Accidents”, International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC), ISSN: 2321-8169, PP: 1613 - 1616, DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1503156
International Journal of Research, 2018
Vehicle accidents are considered one of the most harmful situations. There are many different reasons behind car accidents, one of the most important ones are inattentiveness of the driver and excess speeding. Also, there seems to be a problem reaching the spot of the accident in time for lack of awareness. As a solution, the advent of Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Communication technologies can reduce the number of accidents. In this project, a smart system is described that alerts, and notifies the individuals accordingly when an accident occurs. This system always monitors the distance between obstacles that are in front, using a ultrasonic sensor along with keeping a track of drowsiness of the driver. It will alert the driver to control the vehicle when a critical situation occurs. Whenever an accident takes place for uncertain conditions, it gets detected and an SMS alert will be sent to the accountable individual along with the vehicle's details and the exact GPS location of the mishap.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2023
Numerous people lose their lives in traffic accidents every day. In India, 4,80,652 traffic accidents resulted in a total of 1,51,113 fatalities in 2019. In terms of road accident deaths, India currently retains the top rank. Excessive speed was the primary cause of fatalities in road accidents. To save the lives of several injured accident victims, this is a serious problem that needs to be remedied. In order to address the ongoing challenges surrounding automobile accidents, various automobile companies have implemented a range of safety systems, including safety airbags, seat belts, camera sensors, and more. Despite these efforts, the root causes of accidents and their resulting effects have proven difficult to mitigate entirely. To tackle this persistent issue effectively, there is an urgent need for a comprehensive system that can automatically detect accidents as they occur. This system would play a crucial role in promptly communicating vital information about the accident and its precise location to both nearby hospitals and concerned relatives without any delays. When a car has an accident, the accelerometer immediately provides data to the Arduino, which then sends the alarm message through the GSM MODULE, including the location that is identified by the GPS MODULE, to recently saved crisis contacts.
IRJET, 2022
Over 10000 lives are lost in fog related road crashes every year in India. Road accidents due to fog are becoming a cause of concern as, in past 4 years, fog related road fatalities in India have risen almost 100 percent. But an underseen fact is that the inceptive accident is just the tip of iceberg and the real hazard is posed by the multi vehicular pile up that follows. This project is designed to resolve this issue of multi vehicular pileup. Basically, this project adheres to the principal of constraining losses to the initial. The "Road Accidental Alert System", abbreviated as "RAAS" constitutes a number of sensors installed in pre-defined and uniform distances, that detect a vehicle which tends to be in rest position for more than 30 seconds on road, and consequently initiate glowing of SOS lights so that the driver of the upcoming vehicle on the same route will get an alert signal and he can control his speed as well as the steering of vehicle. This project is just a prototype or beginning of a grand idea, which if shapes to efficiency can transform the road accident data, by completely removing a category of cause of accident.
The idea to save the life of vehicle as well as life of Driver is proposed in this paper. This safety system monitors major accident causing parameters of vehicles: seatbelt, high speed, alcohol consumption, accident location etc. Proposed system will monitor all these parameters with the help of sensors and send the data on Android application which is installed in mobile of one of the family members of Driver where someone can check the status as well as track the location of vehicle. If some mishap occurred or if driver found with no seat belt, drunk, or driving vehicle with high velocity then Driver's current status will be sent by text message. If Driver found drunk then the ignition system won't work to avoid any fatal cases.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
After drunken driving, mobile phone usage is the leading cause of accidents around the world. Also, at sudden stoppages on cross roads or due to sudden obstructions on road, natural or otherwise the driver cannot anticipate back bumper and side collision. Also, low height railing or pavements in blind spots while parking may damage the vehicle. Costly mobile phone jammers while effective render emergency communication impossible. As alcohol detection and vehicle tracking system are successfully implemented we are proposing an essential vehicle safety kit which is absent in majority of the vehicles on Indian roads. Furthermore, this can be an addition to the developing cognitive driver assistance system. The proposed system provides vehicle with safety features like SMS alert facility, blind spot detection and tail gating detector. The vehicle is equipped with angle sensors and a GSM modem interfaced with NXP ARM 2148 processor. The driver has access to a user interface consisting of LCD and switching ports. The driver may aware two modes of angle sensing with sensors located on centre of the Vehicle. A braking system can be actuated in the parking mode if the distance measured from the sensors crosses the defined threshold. In case of an emergency the driver can send a text or call from the stored numbers in the memory using the keypad. To save time and to maintain the driver's focus on the road a default text can be sent to a default number by a single key pad entry. Call service from the system eliminates the need of using the phone and prevents driver's loss of focus. Further the freedom to choose the number and the corresponding message to be sent is available when the vehicle is at rest. The system thus prevents accidental damage to the vehicle and its driver while eliminating the use of phone by the driver.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2021
Nowadays we are able to track vehicles using many applications which help in securing personal vehicles, public vehicles, feet units and others. Furthermore there is a rapid increase in the occurrence of the Road accident. This project is about a system which is developed to automatically detect an accident and alert the nearest hospitals and medical services about it. This system can also locate the place of the accident so that the medical services can be directed immediately towards it. The goal of this paper is to build up a Vehicle accidental monitoring system using MEMS, GPS and GSM Technology. The system comprises of accelerometer, MCU, GPS & GSM Module support in sending message. The accelerometer is used to detect fall and Threshold Algorithm are used to detect accident. Short Message will contain GPS [Latitude, Longitude] which helps in locating the vehicles.
International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2013
Availability and accessibility to high-speed vehicles is very common. In this fast paced world, while teenagers own such vehicles to have fun & excitement, others use it to reach their destination faster. This sometimes results in dangerous driving and causes major accidents. To avoid this, a lot of research and developments made in this field and hence a lot of safety devices are implemented on modern vehicles. Some of these include the electronics stability program (ESP), secure tyre system(STS), anti-lock braking system(ABS), airbags and seat belts etc. But these are very expensive which comes with a cost. This hinders common access/usage to such safety systems. Vehicles manufactured with these sensors are hard to find in lower priced economical vehicles. Also there is lack of portability of such systems, to owner having more than one vehicle need to have such costly system separately installed in each vehicle. So in this paper, we target mobile devices (not only smartphone)as an alternative device for ADASs that makes use of available sensors and can alert the driver while negligence driving.The proof of concept can done by developing an application in a mobile device that makes use of available following sensors, collect the data and analyze it to conclude on any danger and alert the driver.
Abstract:- Driver in-readiness is an imperative reason for most mischance identified with the vehicles crashes. Driver exhaustion coming about because of genuine slumber is an imperative consider the expanding number of the mischances on today's streets. Tired driver cautioning framework can structure the premise of the framework to perhaps decrease the mischances identified with driver's laziness. The reason for such a framework is to perform discovery of driver weakness. By setting the cam inside the car, we can screen the substance of the driver and search for the eye-developments which show that the driver is no more in condition to driver is no more in condition to drive. In such a case, a notice sign ought to be issued. This framework depicts how to discover and track the eyes. At the time of eyes following we separate out left and right eyes some piece of casing, at the genuine begin of laziness location process we must spare the any human eyes format as a standard....
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2022
After drunken driving, mobile phone usage is the leading cause of accidents around the world. Also, at sudden stoppages on cross roads or due to sudden obstructions on road, natural or otherwise the driver cannot anticipate back bumper and side collision. Also, low height railing or pavements in blind spots while parking may damage the vehicle. Costly mobile phone jammers while effective render emergency communication impossible. As alcohol detection and vehicle tracking system are successfully implemented we are proposing an essential vehicle safety kit which is absent in majority of the vehicles on Indian roads. Furthermore, this can be an addition to the developing cognitive driver assistance system. The proposed system provides vehicle with safety features like SMS alert facility, blind spot detection and tail gating detector. The vehicle is equipped with angle sensors and a GSM modem interfaced with NXP ARM 2148 processor. The driver has access to a user interface consisting of LCD and switching ports. The driver may aware two modes of angle sensing with sensors located on centre of the Vehicle. A braking system can be actuated in the parking mode if the distance measured from the sensors crosses the defined threshold. In case of an emergency the driver can send a text or call from the stored numbers in the memory using the keypad. To save time and to maintain the driver's focus on the road a default text can be sent to a default number by a single key pad entry. Call service from the system eliminates the need of using the phone and prevents driver's loss of focus. Further the freedom to choose the number and the corresponding message to be sent is available when the vehicle is at rest. The system thus prevents accidental damage to the vehicle and its driver while eliminating the use of phone by the driver.
The number of automobiles in the world increases every year and we have more opportunity to drive. In order to protect drivers and not to damage other cars and pedestrians, research and development of Advanced Safety Vehicles (ASVs) is done to applying advanced technologies to new cars. In this paper, we propose the use of sensor technology for detecting the vehicles with their speed and range. This system not only alerts the driver but controls the vehicle from accident by applying automatic braking in the vehicle and also on the other vehicles with the help of Controller Area Network as wired and Bluetooth Technology as wireless Network.
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