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2017, Research and Development Management
Social networking has increasingly become a part of everyone's daily lives. In 2007, 1 in 12 online minutes were spent on social networking. By 2011 this time had increased to 1 in 5 min. Facebook, the dominant social network, was developed in 2004 as a communication tool, but now over 90% of its revenue is generated from advertising. In 2013, Facebook had approximately $7.8 billion in total revenue, accounting for 68% of the online social networking market share. This chapter has focused on the needs of ad buying customers who use Facebook's user trait filtering tools to target advertisements to specific collections of Facebook users. Advertisements are the greatest revenue generator at Facebook and are critical to the company's future success. One intention of this chapter is to determine what user data Facebook will need to provide to advertising customers in the future. In addition, recommendations will be made on which features and products should be offered by Facebook as user connectivity solutions in order to obtain the needed target filter data for advertising.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2017
A growing number of researchers have examined the effects of personalized advertising in traditional media, however, little has been known about personalized advertising on Facebook. The primary objectives of this research are threefold: (1) Develop a comprehensive model that captures the effects of perceived personalized ads on Facebook on customer attitudinal and behavioral reactions (ad credibility, ad avoidance, ad skepticism, ad attitude, and behavioral intention) to the ad; (2) Test hypothesized relationships using two data sets collected through an online survey; and (3) Develop appropriate customer segments based on personal views of personalized ads on Facebook. The paper reveals that eleven out of thirteen hypotheses are supported and that three market segments are identified including Ad Lovers, Ad Accommodators, and Ad Haters. The paper concludes with conclusion and discussions highlighting managerial and research implications.
International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing, 2013
Recently, social network marketing has gained tremendously in popularity. There are increasing numbers of web-based companies that focus their marketing strategies on social network platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. Even if social network marketing is perceived as a huge success, little or nothing is known about how well such social network-based marketing campaigns perform. To contribute to this field of research, we present in this paper the results of an ad-driven social network-based marketing campaign centred on the social network Facebook. In particular, we demonstrate in the extent to which ads placed on the user's social stream and generated by the Facebook tools and applications can increase the number of visits, profit or ROI of a web-based platform called VirWoX. In addition to these findings, we present an analysis of a number of simple real-time measures to detect the most 'valuable' users on Facebook. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that provides such detailed results of a social stream marketing campaign using Facebook. This paper is relevant for engineers, researchers or teachers who are interested in the field of social media marketing.
Book of Proceedings: Economic and Social Development, 21st International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, 2017
When they are online, Facebook users themselves voluntarily enter and update information about themselves, their family members and friends. Facebook as “an open and always available Book of Faces” can be observed as an updated database of consumers’ and companies’ behaviour. Companies can use Facebook database (“Book of Faces”) in order to do research into consumer behaviour, customer relationship marketing (CRM), marketing communications and applications. Companies may carry out their personalised communications with their fans in real time, as well as initiate communications between their fans and the creation of the user generated content (UGC) about the company (by uploading positive comments, photos and so on). On the basis of Facebook applications, companies inform their fans and other interested users on Facebook about their products and events, encourage the engagement of fans (e.g. by organizing sweepstakes) for the purpose of creating the UGC and viral communications.
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation , 2020
Facebook was introduced as a social network for college students, but today in this digital age it is used nearly by everyone with an internet connection is using by all other age groups. It has to turn out to be the globe's largest social network. Facebook has billions of daily online users. The tools of Facebook are in the form of Facebook Pages, Facebook Advertisement and Publicity and Facebook Groups. This can be can be used to promote products, services and organization, events and many more. Each of these tools can be used for different purpose according to the requirement or all can be used at the same time for better results. Facebook marketing means creating and actively using Facebook for market and marketing related activities and for the purpose of interacting and maintaining contact with and attract customers. This research article is about how Facebook can be used as a tool for marketing business on the world's largest social network.
European Journal of Business and Management Research
The aim of the study is to map the segmentation expectations of the marketers and then draw a unified conclusion regarding the segmentation and targeting options in the advertising system of the most popular online platforms in Hungary. When and in what way did the advertising platform meet or fail to meet segmentation expectations. The question was when and how the advertising platform meets or fails to meet segmentation expectations. According to the secondary data, the most used social media platforms and advertising systems were determined. Then, in the Google search engine filtered research was started for all targeting options, which are listed in Table No. 1. with different keywords and search terms in English and Hungarian. The filtering included an annual time interval from the publication date of each platform. Last, the websites were reviewed in the hit list from which a conclusion could be drawn about the relationship between the platform and the targeting option availab...
Dr.Harisingh Gour University , 2022
Advertising on Facebook has no flat rate, but it depends on engagement rate, which measures how much the ads are liked by its target audiences. More engagement will be granted with low advertising cost. The advertisers need to know how to create ads which have more engagement rate potential and lead to minimal cost and high conversion. This research investigated performance measurement of media types used on Facebook advertising platforms such as photos and videos. Social media platforms like Facebook have quickly become trendier as well more develop by private users and business organizations. Facebook marketing is one of the "hot topics" and the interests for researchers regarding this field stimulate to choose this topic. This topic covers the role of Facebook campaigns with target marketing. Marketing and advertising from Facebook has nowadays a stronger attachment and empowerment. In comparison to radio, TV or newspapers, social media is more direct and the user thinks the advertisement is only addressed to himself. Therefore he feels much more valuable. Marketers have to take care not to produce negative brand advertisement, that the user doesn't feel comfortable anymore.
Journal of Advertising Research, 2011
To generate brand awareness for its Old Spice fragrance line, Procter & Gamble invited Facebook users to "Turn Up Your Man Smell" by becoming "fans" of its products. Within a week, the brand's fan page had more than 120,000 new fans (Morrisey, 2009). Not content merely to draw fans to its Facebook page, the Red Robin restaurant chain enlisted Facebook users as "brand ambassadors," asking them to send pre-written recommendations to online friends. Some 1,500 customers-each with an average of 150 friends-agreed to post recommendations, which the company estimates resulted in approximately 225,000 positive advertising impressions (York, 2009). Faced with declining sales in the wake of safety recalls, Toyota used a combination of YouTube videos and Facebook pages to promote its Sienna minivan. Creating a fictional couple who "believe they are cool despite all evidence to the contrary" (Elliott, 2010), the automobile manufacturer broadcast a series of videos through the YouTube site, then solicited Facebook fans, combining both forms of social media. Within a few weeks, each of the YouTube videos had been sought out and viewed an estimated 12,000 to 15,000 times, with approximately 2,000 Facebook users signing on as fans of the Sienna. In these and similar cases, social-networking site (SNS) users not only embraced advertising-related content but actively promoted it. Yet, according to one industry-sponsored study, only 22 percent of consumers had a positive attitude toward social media advertising-and 8 percent of consumers studied had abandoned an SNS because of what they perceived as excessive advertising (AdReaction, 2010). For example, although much of the decline in MySpace usage has been due to users' abandonment of the site in favor of the "next big thing" (i.e., Facebook), many users have suggested that the propensity of unwanted and unsolicited advertising messages contributed significantly to MySpace's woes (Vara, 2006). These concerns suggest a delicate balancing act for social-networking advertising (SNA). On one hand, advertising provides revenue that enables sites to survive (or, in some instances, to thrive).
Our paper explores to what extend Facebook advertising generates purchasing intentions, and influence consumers' buying habits. We analyse consumers' opinions regarding issues of privacy and social pressure from online communities, and their effect on consumers' shopping habits. By conducting a survey, and comparing our findings with findings in the literature, we aim to compare users viewpoints of internet advertising from the late 90's with the viewpoints of young people that are constantly exposed to social media. We argue that there are minor changes in the users viewpoints during that period, and show that users rely more on the internet as a source of information, yet social pressure and eWoM are still the major mechanisms that contribute to a brand's success. The main conclusion of our study is that brands should invest in the social communication aspects of Facebook as an advertising mechanism.
This paper talks about using techniques like network mapping and contextual text mining to understand brand pages on Facebook. Paper showcases how these techniques can be useful to marketers to understand their fans, filter topics that concern or attract, devise better communication strategies, understand perception of products and decipher linkages between, understand impact of competition on your page and in some cases be able to mine innovation ideas. Try has been made for paper to be simple, easy to read for a variety of readers.
The growth of social networking sites (SNS) presents businesses and marketers with risks and challenges. Customers become sophisticated, empowered and increasingly involved in shaping of the marketing offer. Marketers are becoming aware of the threat of losing control over their message but also begin to realise the potential of SNS as marketing tools; understanding the nature of the SNS users and the way they interact online is a vital step in developing business strategies targeting and engaging the networked consumer. The paper presents an explorative survey on the demographics, background, adoption motives and behaviour of SNS users as bases for the identification of segments in this market. The survey, held among SNS users in The Netherlands, identifies four distinctive user profiles of social networking users. The paper presents the results of the survey, discusses the management implications of the findings and identifies areas of future research.
International Journal of Online Marketing, 2013
For the past century, companies have had the luxury of deciding what they will produce and sell, what their brand message will be and how they will deliver it to their audience. Planning how best to allocate marketing dollars is arguably the most annoying challenge marketers face. The social web and more specifically, Web 2.0 have changed the original marketing strategy and have done so by giving rise to a new way of marketing where people belong to different social groups and markets have become conversations or recommendations. Social networking sites such as Facebook have reported exponential growth rates and have attracted millions of registered users, and they are interesting from a marketing point of view because they store large amounts of sensitive personal user data. In this paper, the authors introduce a targeted Marketing strategy that exploits group membership information that is available on social networking sites. More precisely, the authors show that information abou...
In the contemporary world the advancement of technology in the 21st century remains to be consistent. With new innovations evolving on a daily basis, the gap between the virtual and physical world decreases as people, including, teenagers, children, businessmen, lawyers and so forth continue to depend on their valuable smartphones or other computing devices, to keep updated with the latest trend or maintain their social lives with those close to them. One specific technology that has progressed in the modern world today is Facebook, a social networking site which has crystallized the idea of people and technology being dependent on each other.
According to TechinAsia report in 2015, more than 72 million Indonesians are listed as active internet users. About 18% and 11% conduct research on the web via desktop and mobile device respectively before buying online. As much as 80% from those who did research on the internet make a real purchase. This indicates that people who does online research tend to buy online afterward. Facebook has 14% share of those internet users and unsurprisingly online shop owners use it to advertise their products online. Unlike conventional platforms, advertising on Facebook has no flat rate, but it depends on engagement rate, which measures how much the ads are liked by its target audiences. More engagement will be granted with low advertising cost. The advertisers need to know how to create ads which have more engagement rate potential and lead to minimal cost and high conversion. This research investigated performance measurement of media types used on Facebook advertising platforms such as photos and videos. The study used three control variables: gender, age group, and product type as the interest group. The findings of this study showed that Indonesians have higher engagement rate for ads in which videos are used instead of images. Abstract According to TechinAsia report in 2015, more than 72 million Indonesians are listed as active internet users. About 18% and 11% conduct research on the web via desktop and mobile device respectively before buying online. As much as 80% from those who did research on the internet make a real purchase. This indicates that people who does online research tend to buy online afterward. Facebook has 14% share of those internet users and unsurprisingly online shop owners use it to advertise their products online. Unlike conventional platforms, advertising on Facebook has no flat rate, but it depends on engagement rate, which measures how much the ads are liked by its target audiences. More engagement will be granted with low advertising cost. The advertisers need to know how to create ads which have more engagement rate potential and lead to minimal cost and high conversion. This research investigated performance measurement of media types used on Facebook advertising platforms such as photos and videos. The study used three control variables: gender, age group, and product type as the interest group. The findings of this study showed that Indonesians have higher engagement rate for ads in which videos are used instead of images.
International Journal of Advanced Scientific Innovation - IJASI, 2023
Academic literature on Facebook in the fields of management, economics and psychology is reviewed in this article, where we focus on users of this social network to understand why they signed up, how they form networks and how they engage, and how companies can exploit and benefit from Facebook. Although many interesting topics have been covered, the study clearly reveals that much of the work done so far has been limited to certain situations, it analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the studies, and suggests avenues of research for the future.
Big Data & Society, 2021
Political campaigns increasingly rely on Facebook for reaching their constituents, particularly through ad targeting. Facebook's business model is premised on a promise to connect advertisers with the "right" users: those likely to click, download, engage, purchase. The company pursues this promise (in part) by algorithmically inferring users' interests from their data and providing advertisers with a means of targeting users by their inferred interests. In this study, we explore for whom this interest classification system works in order to build on conversations in critical data studies about the ways such systems produce knowledge about the world rooted in power structures. We critically analyze the classification system from a variety of empirical vantage points-via user data; Facebook documentation, training, and patents; and Facebook's tools for advertisers-and through theoretical concepts from a variety of domains. In this, we focus on the ways the class...
Social media is penetrating every dimension of our lives by the day. Despite what some of the more luddite amongst us may wish, social media is, inevitably, here to stay. With it’s invasion of our lives, small and medium enterprises view the internet as a tool to level the playing field with large corporations. Out of the various social media platforms, Facebook has managed to reach even the most remote areas. Facebook has almost 19.5 crore users in India alone(Statistica, May 2016). It would be a marketing blunder if any organisation would overlook the potential of such a large audience and not take into consideration the opportunity of forging relationships with their prospective customers through such a venue. The advances in digital technologies make purchasing media space on such platforms much easier than buying media space on traditional outlets. According to Garner (2015),“Programmatic buying is the process of buying digital media ad space in an automated manner through digital platforms such as ad exchanges, real time bidding (or RTB), and demand-side platforms (or DSPs)”(para. 1). The aim of the present paper is to explore the concept and characteristics of social media marketing, especially advertising on Facebook, and to deliberately examine the effectiveness and efficiency of advertising on social media versus the traditional ways of delivering advertisements.
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