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2023, UIN Walisongo Semarang
8 pages
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The objectives of this research include identifying the diversity of freshwater fish species. This research uses the literature method or literature review. Literature review is a comprehensive overview of the research that the number of freshwater fish species in Indonesia is approximately 1300 species. Literature studies can be obtained from various sources including journals, books, documentation, the internet and libraries. The literature study method is a series of activities related to library data collection methods, reading, and recording, and processing writing materials. The literature research method is related to the topic or variable of writing. There have been many studies conducted in Indonesia, but there is still little information related to freshwater fish diversity. This method focuses on the results of writing related to the topic or variable of writing. Based on research on the identification and diversity of fish species conducted in eight freshwater river locations, 33 fish species from 14 families were obtained. Generally, tropical Asian freshwater fish are dominated by the cyprinidae family. There are 33 species of fish from 14 families in freshwater rivers in Sunda exposure waters. 2 species of fish are threatened with extinction. The cyprinidae family is the most species found. Analysis of fish potential shows that there are 12 species of fish that have consumption potential, 11 species of fish that are endangered.
Deforestation will affect changes in the condition of the waters of the protected and secondary forest watersheds that can affect in it biota. Fish have limited ability to choose areas that are safe for their lives, especially the environment that is very supportive for the availability of food sources. The fish population in the Dong Sandar River and Rempangi as well as the diversity of fish species in both rivers is unknown. The problem of this research is how the diversity of fish species in the Dong Sandar River and Rempangi River, Sungai Laur District, Ketapang. Research on the diversity of freshwater fish species in the Dong River between the protection of protected forests and the Rempangi River in the secondary forest of Sungai Laur Subdistrict, Ketapang District, West Kalimantan consisting of 20 stations each of which there are 10 observation stations conducted on May 1-21, 2018. The selection of observation stations is selected (purposive sampling) which is based on consideration of the conditions and conditions of the aquatic environment. The results of the research were 884 individuals from 50 species of 18 families with the use of scattered, pukat, seluak, bubu, temilar, sauk , and ambe exploration tools. The most types of fish obtained on the Dong Sandar River and Rempangi River consist of the Cyprinidae family (20 species), Bagridae family (7 species), Siluridae family (4 species). The diversity of fish species in the Dong Sandar River and Rempangi River in Ketapang Regency is relatively moderate (H '<3) with a diversity index (H') of 2.94, if H '<1 means low diversity, if 1 <H' <3 means moderate diversity and if H '> 3 means high species diversity. The dominant index (C) on the Dong Sandar River is 0.09 while in the Rempangi River 0.11, the range of dominant index values is 0-1 if the value C = 0 means that there are no types of fish dominating and if C = 1 means there are other types of fish dominating. The highest evenness index (E) is found in the Rempangi River of 0.77 and in the Dong Sandar River 0.76, it can be seen the range of evenness of species index 0-1 if the value E = 0 means low type evenness, and if the value E = 1 means evenness is relatively evenly. The species richness index (R) of the Dong Sandar River has abundant types of fish with a value of 7.26 while in the Rempangi River only 4.40. Evenness on both rivers is 57.53%.
Jurnal bioconcetta, 2017
Jurnal Hutan Lestari: Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan, 2022
West Kalimantan is one area that has many freshwater areas, which include rivers, lakes and swamps, this condition causes many endemic species to be found in Kalimantan. The purpose of this study was to record and find the diversity of freshwater fish species in Nanga Salin Hamlet, Putussibau Selatan District, Kapuas Hulu Regency. This research was conducted from 27 September 2020-07 November 2020. The determination of the research station was carried out by purposive sampling based on: (1) river areas where according to public information there were a lot of fish and (2) the characteristics of the waters where the research was conducted. Based on this, the location of this research was determined as many as three observation locations, namely: Keriau River, Talai River and Lisum River. From 9 observation stations, 54 species of freshwater fish were identified (12 families). There are 42 species of fish found in the Keriau River (10 families). There are 23 species in the Talai River (4 families), while in the Lisum River there are 15 species (4 families). The river in the research location has enormous potential as a freshwater fish habitat. This is indicated by the large number of fish species identified from this area.
This research aims to study the variety of fishing boats based on several technical aspects. This research was carried out from September of 2013 through January of 2014. This study collected the sampling data (boats at docking condition) in approximately 10 % of existing population along south coast from Takalar regency. The data were analyzed using cluster and PCA (Principal Componen Analysis) to assess the categorization of the boats based on the main dimension size and the mark of the main dimension ratio. The results showed that there are five groups of categorization which have different characteristics on its group. The group I was the boat which has high width and length (L/B), the group II was the boat which has high height and length ratio (L/D), the group III was the boat which has low height and length percentage (L/D), the group IV the boat which had high length, width, height, and the high water loaded (L, BOA, D, and d), and the group V was the boat which had high wi...
JFMR-Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research, 2021
Pulau Kalimantan merupakan pulau terbesar kedua di Indonesia yang mempunyai lima provinsi dengan 56 kabupaten/ kota. Produksi perikanan khususnya ikan air tawar mencapai 249.393 ton. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis komoditas unggulan dan kontibusi ikan air tawar dari Pulau Kalimantan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah library research dengan menggunakan data sekunder dari BPS tahun 2021. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah Location Quotient dan kontribusi. Jenis komoditas utama ikan air tawar yang diproduksi adalah gurame, patin, lele, nila dan ikan mas. Komoditas ikan lele merupakan ikan yang menghasilkan nilai LQ lebih besar pada 37 lokasi dan mendominasi dari komoditas sejenis. Wilayah yang berpotensi untuk dilakukan pengembangan ikan lele adalah Kalimantan Utara dan Kalimantan Barat. Namun, secara keseluruhan komoditas air tawar yang memberikan kontribusi nilai produksi tertinggi adalah Kalimantan Tengah senilai Rp.2.091 milyar atau 5,71% dari nilai produksi...
This study aims to determine the diversity of freshwater fish species in the Bakul River, Karya Sakti Village, Muara Kelingi District, Musi Rawas Regency. Determination of the station using the technique of purposive sampling and data retrieval was carried out 4 times. The fish that was caught was then taken to the Biology Laboratory of STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau for identification. The types of freshwater fish found consisted of 4 orders, 8 families, and 11 species namely Trichogaster trichopterus, Anabas testudineus, Ophiocephalus sriatus, Clarias batrachus, Osteochilus vittatus, Rasbora argyrofaenia, Hampala macrolepidota, Kryptoserus mycronema, Macrones microcanthus, Mastacembelus maculatus, and Channa lucius. Diversity index (H´) of fish in Sungai Bakul Karya Sakti Village, Muara Kelingi Subdistrict, Musi Rawas District, is in the low category, uniformity index (E) is in high category and dominance index (C) is in the low category.
Jurnal Pengabdi, 2020
Eccado adalah produk olahan yang dibuat dari daging atau udang yang dicincang dengan penambahan tepung dan bumbu-bumbu. Pada umumnya Eccado diolah dari daging ayam, untuk menggantikan eccado ayam maka dicari sumber alternatif baru salah satunya digunakan ikan Gabus karena memiliki daging yang banyak, tebal dan putih. Potensi eccado ikan Gabus ini sangat tinggi baik aspek ekonomi juga kandungan gizinya karena mengandung omega 3 dan omega 6. Ikan Gabus bisa dimanfaatkan dengan cara langsung mengolahnya menjadi beberapa jenis makanan atau mengawetkannya melalui proses penggaraman dan pengeringan. Masih belum banyaknya diversifikasi bentuk pengolahan ikan hasil usaha budidaya khususnya ikan Gabus menjadi makanan olahan lain juga disebabkan karena masih minimnya informasi tentang teknologi pengolahan hasil perikanan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra adalah : 1) Selama ini mitra belum mengetahui variasi tentang Teknologi Hasil Perikanan karena terbatasnya pengetahuan dan informasi yang di...
Geologically southern part of New Guinea Island is the oldest part of the mainland and have most speciose of freshwater fish. Asmat is one area in Southern New Guinea where has some large river systems such as Siret and Vriendschap Rivers. There is not much information on freshwater fish diversity of the area. This study aim to know freshwater fish species of both river systems, in order to manage the area as conservation area by local government. Active fish collection method was applied to sample fish of Siret and Vriendschap River Systems. One seine net, 3.6 m length, 1.23 m in height, and with a mesh size of less than 0.5 cm, and traditional scoop net were used to collect fish. The Siret and Vriendschap freshwater fish fauna consist of 22 species in 18 genera and 15 families. Cochlefelis danielsi (Ariidae), Mogurnda cingulata (Eleotridae), Zenarchopterus novaeguineae (Hemiram-phidae), Melanotaenia ogilbyi (Melanotaenidae), Synaptura villosa (Soleidae) are endemic to Souther...
Jurnal Laut Khatulistiwa, 2019
Kabupaten Mempawah merupakan salah satu daerah pesisir Kalimantan Barat yang memiliki ekosistem mangrove buatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di perairan mangrove Desa Pasir Kabupaten Mempawah dengan tujuan untuk dapat mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis ikan dan kualitas perairan mangrove Desa Pasir. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2017. Aspek yang diamati meliputi parameter perairan dan keanekaragaman jenis ikan. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan metode purposive sampling dan lokasi sampling dibagi menjadi 5 stasiun. Alat tangkap yang digunakan untuk sampling adalah gillnet dengan ukuran mata jaring 2,2,5 dan 3 inchi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas air pada perairan mangrove Desa Pasir umumnya memenuhi kriteria standar kualitas air dari KLH No.51 tahun 2004. Terdapat 28 genus ikan ditemukan di lokasi penelitian dimana 18 genus teridentifikasi dan 10 sisanya belum teridentifikasi. Genus yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah Coilia. Keanekaragaman jenis ikan di pe...
PROSIDING SENANTIAS: Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2021
memiliki potensi saluran irigasi Jurang Sate yang mengalir sepanjang tahun. Masyarakat desa sepakek memanfaatkan saluran irigasi untuk budidaya ikan air tawar seperti ikan nila, mujair, dan belut. Hasil budidaya ikan air tawar masih belum dikembangkan menjadi produk olahan untuk meningkatkan nilai jual oleh masyarakat. Tim PPDM (Program Pengembangan Desa Wisata) Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika mengembangkan produk khas Desa Sepakek berupa ikan asap air tawar yang diolah dengan menggunakan teknologi tepat guna pengasapan ikan air tawar (PETA). Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan yaitu dengan metode community development yaitu pendekatan dalam kegiatan pengembangan masyarakat dimana masyarakat diarahkan untuk mencapai kondisi sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya yang lebih baik serta metode Participatory Technology Development yaitu pengembangan teknologi tepat guna yang berbasiskan pada ilmu pengetahuan dan kearifan budaya lokal, dalam hal ini dikembangkan teknologi tepat guna alat pengasapan ikan air tawar. Melalui berbagai pelatihan yang dilakukan kepada masyarakat Desa Sepakek, diperoleh hasil bahwa adanya peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat, adanya peningkatan keterampilan mitra dalam pengolahan ikan air tawar menjadi makanan khas wisata Jurang Sate, adanya peningkatan keterampilan dalam penggunaan TTG Pengasapan ikan air tawar, serta pengemasan makanan yang bersih, enak dan sehat. Selain itu, dengan beroperasinya kuliner Deret dan adanya produk khas Wisata Jurang Sate terjadi peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat Desa Sepakek.
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