Comparative and Analysis Study of Biometric Systems



In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the field of biometrics as a powerful identification technology. Various biometric technologies are based on behavioral and physiological analysis; therefore they must be reliable, robust, simple and cheap. In this paper, we have investigated an analytical comparison of different biometric systems namely: fingerprint, iris, face, voice, keystroke dynamics, signature, retina, etc. and we have classified these methods based on several criteria such as: universality, uniqueness, permanency, intrusiveness, effort, cost, and reliability, as well as the most used biometric systems requested in the market and those that are of greater interest in the current research work, and for each criteria we gave synthetic discussions. Furthermore, we provided a brief overview of biometric methods, then we have described the modes used in a biometric system such as enrollment, verification and identification and we have presented the possible appl...