Assessing competences for digital creativity



This paper deals with assessment issues pertaining to digital creativity in educational contexts. Following a short introduction about the concept of digital creativity, the first part of the paper discusses tensions and challenges in its assessment-rooted on the complexity of the interplay between creativity and digital technologies. The focus is then turned on teaching competences for digital creativity from an assessment perspective. Presented are areas and components of the DoCENT framework for digital creative teaching competences, related to the assessment of the teaching and the learning process-namely the areas "creative assessment" (i.e. the use of digital strategies to assess students' creativity), and "learners' digital creativity" (i.e. the competences required to enhance students' digital creativity). A way to operationalize the DoCENT framework for self-assessing purposes through rubrics tool under the five-level conscious competence learning model is then proposed. Concluding remarks reflect on implications of the work presented for further research and study, outlining the need to explore the effects of assessing teaching competences for digital creativity on the promotion of students' creative mind-set.