The Necessity to Review Oral Pathology Curriculum: A need of time

2021, 1995 P J M H S Vol. 15, NO.8

Aim: To assess the necessity to review the Oral pathology curriculum, based on the expert opinion of faculty members of oral pathology of Karachi. Methods: In this cross-sectional study the data was collected by non-probability sampling technique from different colleges of Karachi. Distribution of the online questionnaire regarding curriculum of oral pathology was made through Google online forms. Questionnaire was only filled by oral pathology specialists/ experts/faculty of dental colleges of different cities after taking their verbal consent. Inclusion criteria was Oral pathology faculty members from all Pakistan Medical Council affiliated colleges having undergraduate BDS program. Results: Males were 22(66.7%). Among the respondents, 40.62% were Assistant Professor, followed by Demonstrator 31.25% and Associate professor 28.12%. Among participants, approximately 13(39.4%) agreed that the PMC syllabus is non-specific. Topic selection is difficult for 12(36.4%) participants. About 21(63.6%) thought that an extensive Oral Pathology syllabus is needed. Reviews for the inclusion of general pathology topics scored 14(42.4%) disagreement. About 11(33.3%) reported having missing Oral Pathology topics in the curriculum. Majority 18(54.5%) agreed to revise the curriculum. Conclusion: It has been concluded that faculty members of oral pathology recommend a high necessity to review the Oral pathology curriculum in Pakistan. By gathering modifications within the existing program of curriculum, it can be made more intriguing and systematized for students.