Reliefisation and Parenthesis in Current Czech Publicistic Texts



The thesis' topics are a reliefisation (literally rising from) and a parenthesis in contemporary written published Czech. Both of these lingusitic phenomena represent the instruments of the text hierarchisation, that means a magnitude of importance, so that an author may present selected informations in the way of emphasization, notification, or, conversely, as less significant completion, addition of the main message. By collected readings analysis, the thesis' purpose is to plot the incidences of reliefisation and parentesis in current published texts; the syntactic aspect comprises the clasification of individual varieties of presented phenomena, and the identification of the motives of their utilization. The theoretical section yields the synthesis of findings about that phenomena, and, in the case of parenthesis, it also brings intrinsic criteria for the definitions of terms - necessary approach due to interpersonal differencies in linguists' conceptions of the topi...