Interpolation schemes in weighted Bergman spaces

2014, arXiv (Cornell University)


We extend our development of interpolation schemes in [3] to more general weighted Bergman spaces.

Key takeaways

  • That is, if we define the interpolation operator Φ by letting Φ(f ) be the sequence of cosets (f | G k + N k ), then an interpolating sequence is one where Φ(A p ϕ ) contains X I .
  • The sequence Z = Z k is called an interpolating sequence for A p,α ϕ if every such interpolation problem has a solution.
  • Then for any interpolation scheme I for which Z is an interpolating sequence, there is a map from X I to the quotient space A p,α ϕ /I Z taking a sequence of cosets (w k ) to the coset of functions that interpolate it.
  • Assume Z = k Z k is an interpolating sequence for A p,α ϕ with interpolation constant K. For each k let β k be defined by β k (z) = r k z and let J be the interpolation scheme with domains D k = β k (G k ) and clusters W k = β k (Z k ).
  • (a) Z is an interpolating sequence for A p ϕ relative to any admissible interpolation scheme.