A Clinical Study of Ocular Trauma

2015, Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare


This study is designed to enumerate various causes of ocular trauma, clinical spectrum of presentation and to evaluate the visual outcome after appropriate management. MATERIALS AND METHODS A prospective study was conducted on total of 136 patients from the places in and around Kakinada, East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh, India. A detailed work up of all patients including slit lamp biomicroscopy, direct, indirect ophthalmoscopy and ultra sonography B scan was done. RESULTS Observations from the study were analyzed, discussed and compared with the existing studies in the literature. Mean age group of patients belong to young adults between 20-30 years (57.9%), males (81%) affected more than females. Illiterates, Agricultural labourers, Industrial workers affected more. Road Traffic Accidents (25.73%), industrial injuries (22.05%) and agricultural hazards (19.11%) being the major cause of unilateral eye injury. Closed globe injuries (80.88%) more common than Open globe injuries (19.12). CONCLUTIONS Ophthalmic injuries due to innumerable causes results in various types of ocular trauma, leading to untold misery, visual impairment and economic burden to the family, society and country as a whole. Health education regarding use of preventive measures, seeking early treatment and appropriate rehabilitation are very much recommended to reduce the burden of morbidity due to ocular trauma.