Hildreth Meiere, Rediscovering an Art Deco Powerhouse

Hildreth Meiere was a significant artist whose works deserve more recognition that they have received. This is especially evidenced in the Rockefeller Center Roundels, but also in many of her major commissions such as her work for St. Bart’s, the Kansas City Statehouse, One Wall Street, and many others. There are many factors that have contributed to her being overlooked, including, her sex, her being more strongly connected to architecture than art circles. Her religiousity and the more retrograde art works that she created on religious themes. Finally her medium of choice—public wall art is difficult to exhibit, and also considered less “high art” than gallery oriented painting and sculpture. Hopefully, the re-discovery that began with the recent Walls Speak exhibit will increase awareness of this important twentieth century artist and her iconic Art Deco masterpieces in our midst.