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2018, International Journal of Engineering & Technology
Almost all the human living in Earth forgets to take care of their health. To say specifically, the elder ones and the younger ones need con-tinuous examination to note down the variation in their health issues (either improvement or a decrement). This can be achieved through the digitalization of the data. In the present day scenario information security and privacy in healthcare systems is an issue that is growing at alarming rate. The espousal of digital records of the patient, the enlarged order, provider integration and the growing need to exchange in-formation between patients, providers and payers each targets at the necessity for a developed information system. Inspite of so many measures taken to prevent the theft of patient's healthcare records offenders find some loophole or the other to get the records. This article strives to list certain health issues faced by a majority of people, threats to HIS, the method adopted to store huge amount of data and measures to prev...
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2016
Cloud computing is emerging as a promising prototype for computing and is drawing the attention from both academia and industry. The cloud-computing model is transferring the computing infrastructure to third-party service providers that manage the hardware and software resources with important cost reductions. It is emerging as a new computing example in the medical field apart from other business domains. Wide number of health firms has started shifting electronic health information to the cloud environment. Initiating cloud services in health sector will not only simplify the exchange of electronic medical records between the hospitals and clinics, but also enables the cloud to act as a medical record storage center. Besides, moving to cloud environment eases the healthcare organizations from the monotonous tasks of infrastructure management and also reduces development and maintenance costs. The medical data stored in cloud makes the treatment systematic by retrieving patient's medical history from the database before going for the treatment and get to know about the health issues of the patient.
Cloud computing is appearing as a good prototype for computing and is drawing the attention from both academia and industry. The cloud-computing model is transferring the computing infrastructure to third-party service providers that handle the hardware and software resources with important cost reductions. It is emerging as a new computing example in the medical field apart from other business domains. Many health firms have started moving to electronic health information to the cloud environment. Initiating cloud services in the health sector will not only eases the exchange of electronic medical records between the hospitals and clinics but also enables the cloud to act as a medical record storage center. Besides, moving to cloud environment eases the healthcare organizations from the repetitive tasks of infrastructure management and reduces development and maintenance costs. The medical data stored in the cloud makes the treatment systematic by recovering patient's medical h...
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Privacy by Design in Distributed Systems, 2018
Health care institutions gather and store sensitive information from patients with the goal of providing the best care. e medical history of a patient is essential to guarantee that the right diagnosis is achieved and help the clinical sta act in the shortest time possible. is information is highly sensitive and must be kept private for the responsible sta only. At the same time, the medical records should be accessible by any health care institution to ensure that a patient can be a ended anywhere. To guarantee data availability, health care institutions rely on data repositories accessible through the internet. is exposes a threat since patient data can be accessed by unauthorized personnel. It is also extremely di cult to manage access to data using standard access control mechanisms due to the vast amount of users, groups and patients and the constant adjustment in privileges that must be done to maintain con dentiality. is paper proposes a solution to the di culty that is managing user access control to a complex universe of user data and guarantee con dentiality while using cloud computing services to store medical records. CCS CONCEPTS •Security and privacy → So ware security engineering;
The Security Issues of Cloud Computing As it Relates to Medical Records, 2018
Over the years, health records have proved to be vital in the healthcare management system and achievement of the key roles in health facilities. Medical records have been undergoing transformations and advancements over time to conform to the fast-growing technology. This has seen the sudden change that enhanced migration from the paperwork data storage system to the use of computers in various departments. Being a large field that consists of various subfields that appear to be independent, there have been numerous attempts to link these departments to make the healthcare system a unit..
Symmetry, 2021
Cloud based healthcare computing have changed the face of healthcare in many ways. The main advantages of cloud computing in healthcare are scalability of the required service and the provision to upscale or downsize the data storge, collaborating Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. The current paper examined various research studies to explore the utilization of intelligent techniques in health systems and mainly focused into the security and privacy issues in the current technologies. Despite the various benefits related to cloud-computing applications for healthcare, there are different types of management, technology handling, security measures, and legal issues to be considered and addressed. The key focus of this paper is to address the increased demand for cloud computing and its definition, technologies widely used in healthcare, their problems and possibilities, and the way protection mechanisms are organized and prepared when the company chooses to implement...
In Cloud Computing we can integrate the lot of technology. But security is the serious concern while moving to the cloud. We need to provide the security for the cloud data. One of the sensitive information is Medical Records. Handling the medical records in cloud is a very complex one. There is the security threat in cloud computing. So overcome the security threat while maintaining the medical records we need to improve the security level of the PHR system in cloud computing. In this paper we made a Survey on Improving the Security of Public Health Record System in Cloud Computing.
Journal of Medicine and Life
Cloud computing is among the most beneficial solutions to digital problems. Security is one of the focal issues in cloud computing technology, and this study aims at investigating security issues of cloud computing and their probable solutions. A systematic review was performed using Scopus, Pubmed, Science Direct, and Web of Science databases. Once the title and abstract were evaluated, the quality of studies was assessed in order to choose the most relevant according to exclusion and inclusion criteria. Then, the full texts of studies selected were read thoroughly to extract the necessary results. According to the review, data security, availability, and integrity, as well as information confidentiality and network security, were the major challenges in cloud security. Further, data encryption, authentication, and classification, besides application programming interfaces (API), were security solutions to cloud infrastructure. Data encryption could be applied to store and retrieve...
The multiple number of Hospital records are integrated into the Cloud server. Mongo lab is used as Data storage cloud server.Personal information & Medical Data are separately Encrypted & stored in different servers. Medical data is anonymised, Re-encrypted and stored in the main cloud server. Data is transferred / retrieved from cloud server after verifying the OTP. Big Data is used here.Data Anonymization enables dual i.e double security for the sensitive medical details of the user.By hiding the sensitive informations of every end users.
IAEME, 2019
Cloud computing offers many services among one is Storage as a service. Using this service user can outsource his data and whenever required he can download or he can share with others. Using cloud computing PHR owner can share his documents, but due to security challenges in cloud computing the health records of owner must be encrypted before outsourcing. In order to provide security for owner health records ABE (attribute based encryption) is best suitable for other encryption techniques. Using ABE the PHR owner can define access control over his encrypted cloud data. But using ABE dynamic polices over encrypted cloud data is big challenge. In this paper for achieving grant and revoke privileges over encrypted data Timestamp server is introduced.
The recent advancement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has undoubtedly improved services in all sectors in the world. Specifically, Information Technology (IT) has led to a very vital innovation in health sector called electronic health (e-Health). In order to optimize full and excellent benefits of this innovation, its implementation in a cloud-based environment is important. However, with noticeable and numerous benefits inherent from e-Health in a cloud computing, its full utilization is still being hampered by challenges of security and privacy. In this paper, we focused on extensive review of current and existing literatures of various approaches and mechanisms being used to handle security and privacy related matters in e-Health. Strengths and weaknesses of some of these approaches were enunciated. The literature review was carried out after selecting over One Hundred and Ten (1 1 0) original articles and figured out several models adopted in their solutions. After comparing models used, we arrived at the reviewed articles. Reviewed articles were narrowed down to the current number because of similarity observed in the models adopted by some researchers. Also, we give an acceptable and standard definition of e-Health. Effort was made to classify cloud-based models. Security and privacy requirements as recommended by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) were also discussed and provided. Remarks and recommendations were made regarding the review process and future directions on security and privacy of e-Health in cloud computing was also provided. Finally, authors propose a secured and dependable architecture for electronic health that could guarantee efficiency, reliability and regulated access framework to health information. The architecture, though is currently under implementation, will guarantee absolute security and privacy between healthcare providers and the patients
Personal Health Records (PHRs) is based on cloud virtual machine in web oriented application in which the lifelong health data of patients, who should be able to show them conveniently and securely to selected disables in an institution. The MyPHRMachines, a cloud-based PHR system taking a radically new architectural solution to health record portability. In MyPHR Machines, health-related data and the application software to view and analyze it are separately deployed in the PHR system. After uploading their medical data to MyPHRMachines, patients can access them again from remote virtual machines that contain the right software to visualize and analyze them without any need for conversion. Patients can share their remote virtual machine session with selected caregivers, my aim at providing patients (and their trusted caregivers) remote desktop or tablet computer access to all their PHR data, and support this access by the software that matches the data format. Since do not tackle semantic data integration in the paper, one can more specifically label this as health record mobility and portability. The person will need only a Web browser to access the pre-loaded fragments of their lifelong PHR.
Journal of Computer Science
As technology keeps on evolving, different organisations make use of the recent trends in technology and the health sector is no exception. As the cost of healthcare services is increasing, healthcare professionals are becoming scarce. Healthcare organisations have also adopted the latest technology of cloud computing. The introduction of cloud computing has proved to be a feasible idea on the information technology community. Rather than keeping the patient's information in a file in a health facility he/she was treated in, the information is stored in a cloud so that it can be shared amongst all health organisations and health professionals. Information is stored in a central place where it can be easily accessed, thus saving time and avoiding repetition of always writing the information each time a patient is attended to in a different facility. However, there are issues with sharing such information on the cloud since it is sensitive information. Ensuring this sensitive information security, availability and scalability are a major factor in the cloud computing environment. In this study, we proposed a mathematical model for measuring the availability of data and machines (nodes). We also present the current state-of-the-art research in this field by focusing on several shortcomings of current healthcare solutions and standards and we further proposed a system that will encrypt data before it is being sent to the cloud. The system is intended to be linked to the cloud in such a way that, before the client submits the data to the cloud and, the data will go through that system for encryption. The paper presents the steps to achieve the proposed system and also a sample encrypted and decrypted file.
—Patient health record (PHR) is a rising patient centric model which is frequently outsourced to store at third party. This addresses the issue in privacy such as hiding the sensitive health data of a patient which can be assessed by unauthorized users. In this paper, a new secured e-health framework has proposed. In this framework, patient centric personal data and access control scheme with enhanced encryption method has been considered. Security and privacy of personal health information have been identified by digital signature and patient pseudo identity as well as. This paper address the enhanced security model for more authentication and authorization functionality and expects to discover the new technique that can be utilized to build the efficiency in e-health care system based on security, privacy and user satisfaction. The survey has been conducted to test the proposed e-health framework. The data has been analyzed using SPSS tool. Keywords—Patient health record (PHR), e-health framework, authentication and authorization
2014 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, 2014
The process of provisioning healthcare involves massive healthcare data which exists in different forms on disparate data sources and in different formats. Consequently, health information systems encounter interoperability problems at many levels. Integrating these disparate systems requires the support at all levels of a very expensive infrastructures. Cloud computing dramatically reduces the expense and complexity of managing IT systems. Business customers do not need to invest in their own costly IT infrastructure, but can delegate and deploy their services effectively to Cloud vendors and service providers. It is inevitable that electronic health records (EHRs) and healthcare-related services will be deployed on cloud platforms to reduce the cost and complexity of handling and integrating medical records while improving efficiency and accuracy. The paper presents a review of EHR including definitions, EHR file formats, structures leading to the discussion of interoperability and security issues. The paper also presents challenges that have to be addressed for realizing Cloudbased healthcare systems: data protection and big health data management. Finally, the paper presents an active data model for housing and protecting EHRs in a Cloud environment.
2014 Second International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data, 2014
Various health care devices owned by either hospitals or individuals are producing huge amount of health care data. The big health data may contain valuable knowledge and new business opportunities. Obviously, cloud is a good candidate to collect, store and analyse such big health care data. However, health care data is very sensitive for its owners, and thus should be well protected on cloud. This paper presents our solution to protecting and analyzing health care data stored on cloud. First, we develop novel technologies to protect data privacy and enable secure data sharing on cloud. Secondly, we show the methods and tools to conduct big health care data analysis. Finally, both the security technology and the data analysis methods are evaluated to show the usefulness and efficiency of our solution.
Over the years, data theft has been rampant in financial institutions, however at present medical data is in the spotlight. Healthcare industry is considered as a potential target for hackers and cyber criminals for accessing patients' data. Electronic Health Record (EHR) provide flexibility, timely access and interoperability of patient information which is key in decision making by physicians and medical officers. With the advancement of technology, cloud has been spotted as a solution for healthcare practitioners to implement interconnected EHR as it reduces cost and hassle of infrastructure maintenance. Cloud platform allows data to be replicated in different geographical locations and retrieved and shared among various organizations in a timely manner. Healthcare sector is facing a dilemma on how patients' information can be protected while it is being managed by cloud vendors. Several cloud-based EHR apply cryptographic techniques to encrypt data at rest/data in motion and access control to eliminate unauthorized access. As a result, existing access control mechanisms in cloud mainly focuses on giving data access to physicians and other medical officers but overlooks privacy requirements of patients. This research discusses various access control models, their merits, limitations, and roles to promote privacy in cloud based solutions.
Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2016
There is a significant volume of healthcare data generated daily. The data are important and vital for decision making and delivering the best care for patients. Cloud computing is a cost effective method that facilitates real-time data collection, data storage and exchange between healthcare organizations. Cloud infrastructure is characterized with a high throughput and a high volume storage; two important factors for efficient data analysis of large patients' population. Security and privacy are of the major concerns for using cloud-based healthcare services. Healthcare organization should have electronic medical records in order to use the cloud infrastructure. In order to cope with the rapid advancements in information technology and the utilization of cloud based services, efforts should be dedicated to move healthcare data form the traditional paper based to the electronic format. Then, regional legislation and policies should be enacted to regulate and control the usage of healthcare data.
Cloud computing is known for its elastic and on - demand services. Cloud users can enjoy all the resources being provided by the cloud for a certain charge. Cloud users will be charged on the basis of pay - as - you - go model. Data storage is the mostly needed service nowadays. The cloud users submit their data to the cloud and remain relaxed as there will not be any problem in data main tenance. However, privacy is the major concern here. National Healthcare Info System (NHIS) has got terabytes of health care data and has to be managed effectively. Thus, the merit of cloud computing is enjoyed and the shortcomings are needed to be overcom e. All the health care data is submitted to the cloud and users or patients can access it only when the One Time Password (OTP) is provided. This OTP is a 6 or 8 digit randomly generated number by RSA. Thus, privacy is ensured and also the identity of the client is provided by the modification of IP address, which is the task of intermediary layer. This proposed system comprises of three layers namely client, intermediary and privacy preservation layer.
TheScientificWorldJournal, 2014
Cloud computing is actually one of the most popular themes of information systems research. Considering the nature of the processed information especially health care organizations need to assess and treat specific risks according to cloud computing in their information security management system. Therefore, in this paper we propose a framework that includes the most important security processes regarding cloud computing in the health care sector. Starting with a framework of general information security management processes derived from standards of the ISO 27000 family the most important information security processes for health care organizations using cloud computing will be identified considering the main risks regarding cloud computing and the type of information processed. The identified processes will help a health care organization using cloud computing to focus on the most important ISMS processes and establish and operate them at an appropriate level of maturity consideri...
Journal of Computer and System Sciences
Personal Health Record (PHR) has been developed as a promising solution that allows patient-doctors interactions in a very effective way. Cloud technology has been seen as the prominent candidate to store the sensitive medical record in PHR, but to date, the security protection provided is yet inadequate without impacting the practicality of the system. In this paper, we provide an affirmative answer to this problem by proposing a general framework for secure sharing of PHRs. Our system enables patients to securely store and share their PHR in the cloud server (for example, to their carers), and furthermore the treating doctors can refer the patients' medical record to specialists for research purposes, whenever they are required, while ensuring that the patients' information remain private. Our system also supports cross domain operations (e.g., with different countries regulations).
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