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No ensino de Geografia, os objetos de conhecimento são os saberes escolares referentes ao espaço geográfico.
Coesão em Equipes de Engenharia de Software: Um Mapeamento Sistemático, 2012
Background: Research results on teamwork show cohesion as an important antecedent of effectiveness. Cohesive teams have been associated with a greater number of high-quality solutions to complex problems and better results in terms of technical quality, cost and performance in general . However, cohesion is a complex and multifaceted construct that has received different treatment in relation to its theoretical conceptualization and operationalization, making the comparison and integration of search results difficult. This is also the context in research on the cohesion of software teams, where there is, so far, no study with the objective of grouping and analyzing the research results in the area. Objective: This study aims to catalog, analyze and synthesize empirical studies on cohesion in software teams. Specifically, we are interested in understanding how the concept has been defined and also the theoretical basis for these definitions, operationalizations used and the cohesion effects observed in the performance of software teams. Method: We used the literature systematic review methods and procedures to search and select scientific published papers and to extract and synthesize data from selected works.Thus, we aimed to produce a comprehensive, systematic and auditable mapping of the research on cohesion in software engineering. Results: In this study, we analyzed 4346 papers and selected 31, published between 1992 and 2010, for data extraction and analysis. The results indicate inconsistency in the cohesion conceptualization, besides the differences in the theories used in this conceptualization and divergence in the cohesion operationalization in empirical research. The main cohesion effects observed in software teams are related to performance, knowledge transference, success, experience, interpersonal relationships and the code/software quality. Conclusions: The number of publications that study the cohesion construct has grown in the last decade, however the number of studies that focus on team cohesion is still relatively low. Thus, it is important to perform more studies focused on team cohesion in software engineering, as well as replications of existing studies. It is worth noting the importance of using qualitative methods besides data triangulation, since they are the most suitable ones for studying this kind of construct, where the focus is on team dynamics. Keywords: Team Cohesion, Systematic Mapping, Software Engineering.
«Las Meninas de Velásquez. O jogo de personagens, a obra, o artista, o espetador, no circuito da simulação», 2019
Las Meninas, is a painting that goes beyond the limits of the temporality of its production. The plastic dimension of the picture construction as narrative process offers an approach that inflates the viewing process by the spectator to an anachronic dimension, that both, artist and spectator, exists in the same temporality, this experience function hermeneutically like a game. The construction of mental images derived from the levels of consciousness that are established from the idea of reflected image, the self-representation, the reflected image and the mirror image, drives the spectator to be involved in the enactment, on a mental projection he sees himself reflected, as in the myth of Narcissus, he experience the role of each characters like a role play game. The ultimate reenactment focuses on Velasquez himself, the role of the creator, the circle finally reaches its end, embedded on the dimension of image/painting, the spectator assumes his role, as a product of the artist imagination
Práticas culturais em campanhas políticas online – uma análise da campanha presidencial brasileira de 2010 via twitter (Cultural practices in online political campaigns – an analysis of brazil's 2010 presidential campaign via twitter) Flávia Nunes Fonseca 1 & Laércia Abreu Vasconcelos Universidade de Brasília (Brasil) Resumo A evolução da tecnologia, principalmente os avanços trazidos pela internet, tem grande relevância na ava-liação das interações entre os indivíduos em sociedade e suas práticas culturais. Este trabalho enfoca mídia e política. Objetivou-se analisar relações comportamentais identificadas na campanha presidencial brasileira de 2010 via Twitter – uma rede social na internet. Para isso, foram coletadas as mensagens que os candidatos Dilma Rousseff, José Serra e Marina Silva postaram em seus perfis entre 1 de junho e 31 de outubro. Os resultados indicam que as mensagens participaram de diferentes operações de controle de estímulos e que os candidatos apresentaram estratégias de comunicação diversas com seus seguidores. Discute-se o estabeleci-mento de práticas culturais com o uso de recursos da internet nas campanhas eleitorais. AbstRAct The evolution of technology, especially the advances brought by the Internet, should be considered to evaluate the interactions between individuals in society and its cultural practices. The present work focuses on media and politics. The objective was to analyze behavioral relationships identified in Brazil's 2010 presidential campaign via Twitter. For this purpose, messages posted by the candidates Dilma Rousseff, José Serra and Marina Silva on their profiles between June 1 and October 31 were collected. The results indicate that the messages could be categorized into several types of stimulus control operations and that the candidates used different strategies to communicate with their followers. The establishment of cultural practices with the use of internet resources in political campaigns is discussed.
REZENDE, L. C. Biology of reproduction in armadillo: morphology of the female reproductive tract of the species of Euphractus sexcinctus and comparative morphological analysis of placental in species of the Chaetophractus villosus, Chaetophractus vellerosus, and Euphractus sexcinctus. [Biologia da reprodução em tatus: análise morfológica do aparelho reprodutor feminino da espécie Euphractus sexcinctus e análise morfológica placentária comparativa entre as espécies Chaetophractus villosus, Chaetophractus vellerosus e Euphractus sexcinctus]. 2011. 141 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências) -Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2011.
RIF: Revista Internacional de Folkcomunicação, 2013
Texto sobre a trajetória de Naná Vasconcelos. A obra que serve de ponto de partida para as observações é o álbum CONTANDO ESTÓRIAS (Storytelling), 1994, de Naná Vasconcelos. Selo Velas (11-V058). Seção "RIF Discografia" da publicação. p. 160-172.
Active learning is a process by which students engage in higher-order thinking tasks such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Flipped learning, cooperative learning, and problem-based learning are some approaches that promote active learning. In active learning, students have a more interactive relationship with the subject matter of a course and are encouraged to generate knowledge. In an active learning environment, teachers usually assist and guide students' activities. The University of Minho (UMinho) inaugurated a year ago an active learning room at the Gualtar campus, in Braga: the André Cruz de Carvalho Classroom (SACC). This study, developed in the context of the master's degree in Education Sciences, specialization area in Educational Technology, arises from the desire to analyze the impact that the SACC active learning classroom has on both students and teachers, from the point of view of physical space taking into account the characteristics of an Active Learning Classroom (ALC). The study seeks to answer the following research question: How does the design of the physical space of the SACC enhance the use of more student-centered-learning teaching? To answer this question, we defined the following specific objectives: (i) To identify what in the SACC is configured as a ALC; (ii) To analyze how students and teachers appropriate the physical space of the SACC; (iii) To gauge the impact of the physical space of SACC on the use of more student-learning-centered teaching. As a methodological option we chose a qualitative and interpretative approach with a case study design, having as participants the teachers from Gualtar and Azurém campus who used the classroom the most in the 2021/22 school year, as well as the data provided by the satisfaction survey on the experience of using the room answered by the students. Data were collected with teachers through direct observation structured by observation grid and focus groups, and student questionnaires, to obtain answers to our research question. Data analysis allowed us to conclude that the SACC is configured as an ACTIVE LEARNING SPACE, as typified in the literature. Due to its configuration and crowdedness, attending the SACC allows the teacher to have a close relationship with students, leading to its appropriation as a physical learning space. All the teachers consulted value the configuration of the SACC, with round tables, vertical boards for writing and chairs with wheels, and the existing technology, enhancing the use of more focused teaching in students' active learning. To implement pedagogical models that apply the innovative technology existing in the SACC, it is fundamental that the in-service training implemented at UMinho is assumed by teachers as essential in their professional development and that it is gradually built throughout their careers.
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InCID: Revista de Ciência da Informação e Documentação, 2017
Revista Apotheke, 2022
LAURINDA SAMTOS LOBO, a mecenas de Sana Teresa, 2019