New Technologies on Mine Process Tailing Disposal

2016, Journal of geological resource and engineering


Tailings are formed as a result of mine processing. When these tailings are left in an environment in an inappropriate manner, they create a danger against the environment and human health. Therefore, the safe disposal of mine tailings above the ground is environmentally quite important. Today, tailing dams are generally used in the disposal of these mine tailings. However, this method has many environmental disadvantages such as AMD (acid mine drainage), heavy metal mobilization etc. For this reason, the use of alternative methods such as surface paste tailing disposal or geotextile methods are gradually increasing in the world. In this study, the advantages and disadvantages of the surface paste tailing disposal method and tailing disposal method using geotextile material compared to the traditional tailing dam method were evaluated in detail, and, the costs of these three methods for a typical Pb-Zn mine establishment were compared. The analysis indicated that the unit costs of the tailing dam, the surface disposal method, and the geotextile method were calculated as 2.