A discussion related to the uniqueness of the velocity of Light

2023, SSRN Electronic Journal

Light velocity, when measured by Humans, would always result in a constant value and the maximum possible velocity, a claim that was presented by Einstein’s Special Relativity Theory as an axiom, without any proof. The above demonstrates the uniqueness of the velocity of Light. But it should be also emphasized that the velocity of Light also presents a severe peculiarity, which is presented as follows: When a moving Human spectator measures the velocity value of any tangible substance, for example, the velocity of a moving Mass body, the velocity, and the direction of motion of this spectator, relative to the velocity and the direction of motion of this Mass body, does affect the measured velocity value of this Mass body, by this Human spectator. But, when a moving Human spectator, measures the velocity value of a Light beam, the velocity, and the direction of motion of this spectator, relative to the direction of motion of this Light beam, does not affect at all, the measured velocity value of this Light beam, by this Human spectator, which always results in a constant Light velocity value, which is also the maximum velocity value that Humans can measure. This should be regarded as a severe peculiarity, in any velocity value measurements of Light beams, by Humans, which must be also explained. This paper provides a tentative explanation to the uniqueness related to the velocity of Light and to the severe peculiarity related to the velocity of Light that are presented above. This explanation is based on a prediction that Space and Time, as Humans perceive these notions, do not really exit. The author of this paper presented this prediction in an additional paper titled: “A discussion related to the existence of the entities of Space and Time” (12) which is referenced in this paper. The details related to this prediction are also presented in this paper. That referenced paper (12) also suggests an experiment, which if implemented, and its result will be successful, might provide validity, or disprove, the predictions presented in that referenced paper, and, as a result, also might provide validity, or disprove, what is presented in this paper