Designing a Corpus-Informed Efl Textbook

2016, Problems of Modern Textbook


The article concerns itself with enhancing the quality of materials, namely textbooks, which are used for the teaching of foreign languages and English in particular. Teaching English as a foreign language requires authentic language material to be reflected in modern textbooks. Electronic English language corpora can serve as reliable sources of naturally occurring language samples that can be efficiently implemented in textbooks and other language materials. Corpus-informed teaching and learning as part of computer-assisted language learning can be applied both directly and indirectly. Corpora as repositories of naturally occurring language contain samples of written and spoken communication, reflecting all genres and registers. Exposure to corpusbased materials, though challenging at the beginning, can significantly boost learners' motivation and self-reflection. Designing a corpus-informed EFL textbook for Ukrainian L1 learners crucially depends on the existence of Ukrainian English learner corpus. Via providing the interface between L1 and L2 learner corpora help identify the errors typical of particular L1 learners and thus suggest appropriate material selection for learning L1. Material selection is normally based on frequency and salience, as well as specific pedagogical tasks. The stages of designing a textbook based on corpus data and some plausible exercises and activities have been suggested in the article. Corpus-informed language teaching materials can serve as means of interactive learning and be applied at all levels of English language teaching. Thus, there is a need to publicize corpora as globally acclaimed language learning resources to home educators, materials developers, teachers and learners.