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2016, Problems of Modern Textbook
The article concerns itself with enhancing the quality of materials, namely textbooks, which are used for the teaching of foreign languages and English in particular. Teaching English as a foreign language requires authentic language material to be reflected in modern textbooks. Electronic English language corpora can serve as reliable sources of naturally occurring language samples that can be efficiently implemented in textbooks and other language materials. Corpus-informed teaching and learning as part of computer-assisted language learning can be applied both directly and indirectly. Corpora as repositories of naturally occurring language contain samples of written and spoken communication, reflecting all genres and registers. Exposure to corpusbased materials, though challenging at the beginning, can significantly boost learners' motivation and self-reflection. Designing a corpus-informed EFL textbook for Ukrainian L1 learners crucially depends on the existence of Ukrainian English learner corpus. Via providing the interface between L1 and L2 learner corpora help identify the errors typical of particular L1 learners and thus suggest appropriate material selection for learning L1. Material selection is normally based on frequency and salience, as well as specific pedagogical tasks. The stages of designing a textbook based on corpus data and some plausible exercises and activities have been suggested in the article. Corpus-informed language teaching materials can serve as means of interactive learning and be applied at all levels of English language teaching. Thus, there is a need to publicize corpora as globally acclaimed language learning resources to home educators, materials developers, teachers and learners.
This <strong>Open Educational Resource (OER)</strong> aims to empower English teachers from across the globe to design their own, authentic, corpus-based lessons by showcasing a range of ideas for creating <strong>corpus-informed teaching materials</strong> using online resources. The interactive <strong>web-book version</strong> is available on: <strong></strong>. <strong>Pre-service trainee teachers</strong> from Osnabrück University (Germany) contributed the chapters as part of three English Pedagogy Masters of Education seminars taught by Elen Le Foll. The introductory chapter "About the project" outlines the rationale and development of the project and discusses how various challenges were overcome. The remaining <strong>Lesson Ideas</strong> chapters were contributed by students as part of their seminar coursework. These are organised according to the school type ...
In this paper, I have made a proposal for using modern English language corpora of both spoken and written texts for ELT activities meant for the Bengali learners. In a short descriptive way, I have tried to highlight some of the characteristic features and advantages of Corpus-Based English Language Teaching (C-BELT), which has been successfully adopted and implemented in many countries where English is being taught as a second language. After I have justified the need for learning English for the Bengali learners in the present global context (Section 2), I have shown how English language corpora become relevant in ELT (Section 3), how these can be utilised as a primary resource in classroom teaching (Section 4), and how these may be accessed as a secondary resource in designing ELT textbooks, study materials, and other resources. This paper is primarily meant for those scholars who are either engaged in ELT activities or are involved in designing ELT resources for the Bengali learners.
Using corpora in language classrooms has proven to be an effective tool in teaching vocabulary, grammar and language use to learners of English as a second/foreign language. However, many EFL teachers find integrating corpus-based activities in their classrooms a challenging teaching practice. Moreover, some teachers avoid using corpora because they think that designing corpus-based activities is a challenging task. In this paper, the researchers will guide the readers on how corpora can help students understand how certain language forms are used by native speakers of English. They will give a brief review on studies discussing the benefits and the challenges of using corpora in language learning. The role of the teacher is also highlighted in this paper. The researchers will then go through some corpus-based materials and activities suitable for different language levels. Activities will aim at developing students’ vocabulary, grammar, knowledge of idiomatic expressions and pragma...
International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2017
In this digital era, the role of computer technology as a resource for instruction of foreign language learners is increasing as educators recognise the ability of computer technology to produce both independent and collaborative learning environments. Computer technologies, for example the Internet, multimedia, and hypermedia have been introduced in English Language Learning and Teaching (ELLT) to foster language learning process, all of which fall under the category of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Corpus linguistics is a systematic analysis of the actual (real) production of language (either spoken or written), in which texts are assembled using computer technology (concordancer) to form a large collection of authentic texts, called a corpus (plural-corpora) that comes in various sizes. Despite immense research on corpus linguistics in these recent decades, the potentials and limitations of Data-Driven Learning (DDL), the application of corpus linguistics in English Language teaching (ELLT) have not been widely discussed. Hence, this paper aims to review the potentials and limitations of DDL as a means of opening up opportunities for further studies. This insightful information is highlighted as a means of promoting DDL and producing independent learners in the 21 st century classroom.
Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal, 2014
The relation between corpus based applications and language teaching in EFL context is far more obvious today, due to the potential of computerized corpus to offer new insights for the language teaching opportunities, which calls for efficient and technology literate language teachers. Although corpus and corpus tools attract a great deal of attention in research community, the use of corpora in EFL classrooms remains limited for various reasons. Part of the reason behind this picture may be due to unpopularity of corpus and corpus tools among the language teachers. Thus, the aim of this case study is to discuss ways of familiarizing language teachers with the potential benefits of the corpus tools and of increasing their perceptions towards it, since this will be an essential step towards the integration of these tools into the classroom environment. To this end, a case study with six (6) language teachers in an EFL context was carried out. Purposive sampling was used in the selection of the samples. Data on the perceptions expressed by the language teachers were collected through open ended interviews. The results suggest that almost all six teachers favored the language exploration process through a range of concordance searches on structural and lexical aspects of language but added that the potential of corpus to offer wide range of grammatical structures and lexical patterns at one time may be difficult to grasp for themselves as well as for their students in the classroom.
Language corpora have been shown to be of substantial help in improving learner writing, both for advanced students majoring in the language as well as for students with lower levels of proficiency needing language for specific purposes. This paper outlines two very different ways an online corpus has been successfully used as a reference resource by our learners. The first is in a distance learning context: the teacher highlights issues in the student’s academic writing and suggests corpus uses rather than simply giving the correction, the objective being to raise awareness of and sensitivity to the language problems identified. The second derives from a classroom situation where the learner himself chooses the items to check in a professional simulation writing task; the teacher guides the process, again with the intention of fostering the learner’s autonomy.
L.N. Gumilev atyndaġy Euraziâ u̇lttyk̦ universitetìnìn̦ habaršysy. Filologiâ seriâsy, 2023
The implementation of corpus linguistics (CL) to language teaching began in the late 1980s and early 1990s. A corpus-based approach to language teaching is becoming an important component in language learning classrooms. This article aims to discuss the role and effectiveness of corpora as a great methodological tool, to reveal the potential of corpus instruments, and to describe the ways of integrating corpora in teaching grammar and vocabulary as authentic material. Several examples are given about how corpus material can be used for different learning activities in the classroom and possible problems that a teacher may face are considered. This article defines the importance of learning a foreign language with the use of authentic materials and familiarizes readers with several methods of application corpora in the language learning environment. Finally, the survey questionnaire was conducted among teachers of various institutions in order to identify their awareness about corpus education. Results suggest that this questionnaire may be used to presume the future prospects for the application of the Corpus-based Method in Language Learning and Teaching.
International Journal of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics, 2020
Over the past few decades, corpora have not only revolutionized linguistic research but have also had an impact on second language learning and teaching. In the field of applied linguistics, more and more researchers and practitioners treasure what corpus linguistics has to offer to language pedagogy. Still, corpora and corpus tools have yet to be widely implemented in pedagogical contexts. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of pedagogical corpus applications and to review recent publications in the area of corpus linguistics and language teaching. It covers indirect corpus applications, such as in syllabus or materials design, as well as direct applications of corpora in the second language classroom. The article aims to illustrate how both general and specialized language corpora can be used in these applications and discusses directions for future research in applied corpus linguistics.
The use of learner corpora in language teaching is widely discussed nowadays. The paper presents a research into how the analysis of learner corpora can influence syllabus design. The investigation is conducted on the basis of the Ostroh Academy Corpus of Learner English (OACLE) – a corpus of essays of different types written in English by the students of the College of Romance and Germanic Languages of the Ostroh Academy National University, Ukraine. Due to the on-site character of the corpus the administration of the college can use corpus data to control problematic areas in the learning process, evaluate the syllabus and initiate changes into the planning of certain courses, influence the choice of textbooks. The paper represents the case study of the use of corpora to decide on the level of English punctuation skills of the students and the influence of the Ukrainian punctuation rules on the way the students write essays. With the help of the OACLE the most typical punctuation mistakes of the Ukrainians learning English were detected. Coma appeared to be the most problematic sign, especially in cases of defining/non-defining clauses. The amount and the type of mistakes entailed a further analysis of curriculum design of the courses of English Grammar, Academic writing and the textbooks of Practical English. The conclusions were made that the enlisted courses paid not enough attention to the topic of punctuation. The research group proposed to the faculty of the College to check with the curricula and developed a set of exercises and additional materials that can be used by teachers and students in complex with the textbooks.
The aim of this study is investigating Turkish EFL learners' reflections on corpus-based language teaching; what kind of benefits or drawbacks they have experienced during a corpus-based implementation, and what possible suggestions they can make about this particular experience of theirs. The data was collected through minute papers and semi-structured interviews; and content analysis was conducted for data analysis. The results indicated that the participants found the corpus-based instruction very effective especially thanks to the fact that they could interact with real life data directly. They emphasized that interacting with genuine native speaker language made them more motivated and interested in the classroom. In terms of drawbacks, they stated that sometimes the concordances were difficult to understand. Nevertheless, the learners had a positive perception of corpus-based language teaching instruction.
The use of corpora in the classroom represents an innovative way to enable English language learners to undertake independent study of lexical and grammatical patterns; however, only a limited amount of investigation into the use of corpora with students exists. This paper will first briefly introduce pertinent literature, which will give a basic overview of corpus linguistics. The paper will report on the use of the British National Corpus (BNC) and other corpus tools with students in a semester long course in a Japanese university with advanced EFL learners. These students undertook a series of tasks and projects, which allowed them to achieve the overall course goal of being able to conduct independent research into lexical and grammatical patterns. In order to assess student progress and to gather student opinions about the course and the use of corpora, data was collected in two ways: pre and post CEFR style student selfassessments, and a course reflection and evaluation survey. The results indicated that the students had progressed throughout the semester and that they had a largely positive opinion of the course. In concluding the paper, suggestions for teachers wishing to use corpora and corpus tools with their students will be offered.
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 2019
A corpus is a large collection of written or spoken texts that can be developed manually or electronically and be representative of the authentic language data. The corpus has numerous applications in the field of applied linguistics such as development of dictionaries, construction of grammar books, enhancement of language learning and teaching, study of dialects, machine translation, etc. The present paper is meant to review some recent literature regarding the applications of corpus in the area of language learning and teaching, whether a first, second or foreign language. The review focuses on some empirical findings from experiments conducted on learners of various levels of language proficiency in different societies. Based on the empirical findings probed from previous studies, it was indicated that corpus-based method of learning and teaching a language is effective and learners get direct access to data, hence, enhancing their language learning in various linguistic skills and develop more autonomy.
Corpora have become an omnipresent icon in linguistics and been able to facilitate researchers to access a huge amount of authentic language data more quickly and comprehensively than ever. This trend has not been well integrated into EFL classrooms. By failing to include these tools in their material development, language teachers have by some means underrated the potential of corpora. One of the building blocks of language proficiency is vocabulary. Vocabulary acquisition requires the knowledge of word form and meaning (Thornbury , 2002: 15). The knowledge of word use and grammar is also crucial for learners (Harmer, 1991). Those elements are provided by corpora and should be taken into consideration by teachers. Another benefit offered by most corpora is up-to-date word frequency data which can help language teachers and material developers to identify which words are the most frequently occurring ones. Corpora are very helpful in assisting teachers and material developers with the analysis of word collocations and contexts. For those reasons, corpus data can become a valuable source for ESL teachers to develop good vocabulary building materials. This study explores the use of corpora in developing materials for ESP vocabulary class at Duta Wacana Christian University, Yogyakarta. The materials are formulated in tasks focusing on the lexical knowledge reflected from the corpus data. Therefore, the findings of this paper are expected to set forth a model of how English teachers can integrate corpus data into vocabulary learning materials and demonstrate how it can best help students build their vocabulary.
International Journal of Instruction
The study explores the implementation of corpora in teaching of the four courses of Croatian as a foreign language. Croatian, as a less-resourced and less commonly taught language, shares the same issues as other less resourced languages: studies about using corpus-are still missing. Student satisfaction and class engagement as well as teachers' course delivery methods (indirect and data-driven approach) were analysed in four groups of participants: two groups of beginner level of the foreign language learning (A1) and two groups of intermediate level (B1, B2) The experiment was conceived in three phases. In phase one, four teachers of Croatian as a Foreign Language (CFL) held an experimental lesson in their course groups. In phase two, the students were asked to complete a survey to examine degree of satisfaction with corpus-based approach in teaching CFL. In phase three, in-depth interviews were conducted with all teachers to examine their perceptions about the role of corpora in teaching, as well as their expectations regarding corpus-assisted language teaching. Based on the analysis, it was concluded that degree of students' satisfaction with experimental classes prepared using corpus was mostly positive. Experiment revealed that approach to language teaching depends largely on perception of teachers about integration and use of corpora in teaching. Corpora can be used directly in class of absolute beginners.
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) has been gaining increasing ground over the last two decades. In the context of an obvious tendency towards the internationalization of study programmes across Europe, we witness a spread in the implementation of academic study with English as a working language. Therefore, an increased interest in the improvement of content-based language acquisition is justified. In this paper we advocate the usefulness of corpus-based approaches to teaching and learning. Specialized electronic corpora and adjacent tools are deemed to have the potential of offering fast access to reliable texts conceived by native speakers in the respective fields of study. The benefits range between simple searches for specialized terminology to acquiring information in terms of content knowledge, but they are also related to the use and usage of language items. The main advantages of corpora stem from the possibility to obtain contextualized information from authentic and reliable texts, where contextualization offers a structured retrieval of a language item in all the available contexts provided by the corpus. A package of a multilingual open-ended corpus and electronic tools to enable handy on-line access to the corpus content is believed to be considerably helpful in balancing between content and language acquisition in international higher education. The usefulness of the corpus extends much beyond the area of CLIL so as to ultimately enhance intercultural communication in the priority scientific areas across study programmes in Europe. Corpus-based CLIL is also envisaged to have a formative effect both on non-native English speaking students and trainers. For the former, it stimulates the autonomy of learning outside classroom settings, thereby having a highly motivational effect and fostering cognitive activities. For the latter category, i.e. the educators, reliable and authentic corpora can enhance their linguistic abilities in direct relation with the content knowledge they possess. By means of corpora and electronic tools, translation can also be practiced by non-native lecturers since they resort to it in order to create materials and content lectures in English. The writing of teaching material based on corpora and corpus-based language learning have been suggested before, but we argue that specialized corpora along with some specific tools support CLIL at academic level.
The Handbook of Technology and Second Language Teaching and Learning, 2017
This chapter describes how corpus-based pedagogies are used for teaching and learning language for specific purposes (LSP). Corpus linguistics (CL) refers to the study of large quantities of authentic language using computer-assisted methods, which form the basis for computer-assisted language learning (CALL) that uses corpora for reference, exploration, and interactive learning. The use of corpora as reference resources to create LSP materials is described. Direct student uses of corpora are illustrated by three approaches to data-driven learning (DDL) where students engage in hands-on explorations of texts. A combination of indirect and direct corpus applications is shown in an illustration of interactive CALL technologies, including an example of an inclusive corpus-based tool for genre-based writing pedagogy. The chapter concludes with potential prospects for future developments in LSP.
The use of corpora has an increased interest in language teaching in the past two decades. Many corpora have been utilized for several purposes in language classrooms directly or indirectly. In spite of the increasing awareness towards the use of corpora and the corpus tools, language teacher education programs still do not include corpus consultancy in their programs. This study aims to present a sample corpus integration in a language teacher education program at a large university in Turkey. The participants of the study were 21 senior pre-service English teachers enrolled in a fourth grade course called Materials Adaptation and Evaluation. The task of coursebook evaluation was one of the requirements of the course. After being trained on the use of corpora for lexical awareness and corpus-informed coursebook evaluation, the participants evaluated local English coursebooks used in secondary schools in Turkey according to the frequency level of target words, vocabulary selection, presentation and practice. Findings are discussed and analyzed to provide an example of corpus integration in language teacher education programs. Thus, this experience of student teachers might be of interest for teacher trainers and trainees to empower their research skills and to increase hands-on experiences on corpus use.
APA Citation: Aşık, A. (2017). A sample corpus integration in language teacher education through coursebook evaluation. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 13(2), 728-740. Submission Abstract The use of corpora has an increased interest in language teaching in the past two decades. Many corpora have been utilized for several purposes in language classrooms directly or indirectly. In spite of the increasing awareness towards the use of corpora and the corpus tools, language teacher education programs still do not include corpus consultancy in their programs. This study aims to present a sample corpus integration in a language teacher education program at a large university in Turkey. The participants of the study were 21 senior pre-service English teachers enrolled in a fourth grade course called Materials Adaptation and Evaluation. The task of coursebook evaluation was one of the requirements of the course. After being trained on the use of corpora for lexical awareness and ...
Recent years have shown a growing interest in using corpora in language instruction, enhancing data-driven learning (DDL) pedagogy by promoting the use of tools and techniques of corpus linguistics in language classrooms. Many studies have tested the impact of corpus tools in EFL writing or vocabulary instruction; however, little attention has been paid to the integration of corpus tools into EFL speaking instruction. This paper describes a small-scale study of corpus use in enhancing English speaking performance of EFL learners with a focus on their perceptions towards web-based concordancing. Drawn in accordance with convenience sampling procedures, the participants of the study were 31 university level EFL learners who experienced DDL activities in the speaking classroom. Data collected through a post-instruction perception questionnaire were analysed using descriptive statistics. Results indicated that students benefited from concordance based learning activities, and also hold ...
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