Innovations in Online Education in Post-COVID-19

2021, International Scientific Conference ERAZ. Knowledge Based Sustainable Development

The COVID 19 pandemic found the management of universities and many university teachers well prepared, but others only partially acquainted with the use of electronic tools in teaching. Many universities in Slovakia have been working for a long time (ten to fifteen years) with technical support for education and supplement the full-time form of teaching with thematic e-learning packages, for instance in the moodle system. They can work with them in full-time and distance education. However, the COV-ID-19 pandemic redirected teaching from full-time teaching exclusively to a mediated technically supported approach to online education. The paper aims to define and analyse online education in terms of digital skills and competences requirements. Particular attention is paid to the key digital skills and competences of higher education teachers working in a new educational reality framed by the effects of digital transformation, which requires higher education educators to create and apply innovations in online education at universities.