Tracing interfaces in porous media

1992, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications


The geometry of the interface of clusters growing under both pressure gradients and capillary forces in porous media is mapped into a single value function by tracing the surface of the aggregate and recording the Y coordinate of the position of a walker moving along the perimeter of the clusters as a function of the arc length 1. We find a crossover behavior in the Hurst exponent of the self-afline function Y(I). For small scales, the Hurst exponent corresponds to invasion percolation with trapping (IPT) (0.73); for larger scales to diffusionlimited aggregation (DLA) (0.60). This is consistent with a previously found crossover length L, from IP to DLA (Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 (1991) 2958). p are respectively the velocity and the pressure. The incompressibility condition V-u = 0 then implies that the pressure satisfies Laplace's equation. The DLA model is therefore governed by viscous forces, and capillary and surfacetension effects are neglected. Laplace's equation is modelled by random walks in the defending (viscous) fluid, the pressure being constant in the invading fluid. The regime is called the open branching regime, due to the absence of encircled pockets of the defending fluid. 1