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2022, Journal of management and business education
The Masters in Business Administration (MBA) programme is a global educational qualification with different forms of values for individuals and organisations and varying degrees of attractions from persons and companies in developed and developing countries. Therefore, many factors motivate individuals and organizations to choose MBA programmes. This research utilised a survey research method, with a research instrument developed from relevant extant literature, to isolate the major factors determining students' choice behaviour towards MBA programmes in the Nigerian university system. The research reports that the major factors determining students' choice behavior towards MBA programs include quality-related, information-related, and convenience-related factors. The limitations associated with the research relate to its cross-sectional nature, in addition to the usual limitations associated with the survey research method used in this research. In addition, the combination of MBA students from both private and government-owned universities is likely to pose some limitations. Also, focusing on students from only one country (Nigeria) presents external validity limitations. The research has practical implications for 2022 Vol.5 Num. 1 xx-xxx PALABRAS CLAVE comportamiento del consumidor, MBA, educación empresarial y gerencial, estudiantes, Nigeria.
Journal of Management and Business Education , 2022
The Masters in Business Administration (MBA) programme is a global educational qualification with different forms of values for individuals and organisations and varying degrees of attractions from persons and companies in developed and developing countries. Therefore, many factors motivate individuals and organizations to choose MBA programmes. This research utilised a survey research method, with a research instrument developed from relevant extant literature, to isolate the major factors determining students’ choice behaviour towards MBA programmes in the Nigerian university system. The research reports that the major factors determining students’ choice behavior towards MBA programs include quality-related, information-related, and convenience-related factors. The limitations associated with the research relate to its cross-sectional nature, in addition to the usual limitations associated with the survey research method used in this research. In addition, the combination of MBA students from both private and government-owned universities is likely to pose some limitations. Also, focusing on students from only one country (Nigeria) presents external validity limitations. The research has practical implications for administrators and regulators of business programs in the Nigerian university system, in addition to organizational decision-makers interested in sponsoring their relevant staff for MBA programmes in the Nigerian university system. The research has social implications about the different cohorts of students interested in MBA programmes in the Nigerian university system.
The purpose of this study was to investigate factors influencing the enrollment of students into the Executive Masters of Business Administration (EMBA) Programme at Africa University in Mutare, Zimbabwe. Questionnaires were distributed to students, lecturers and administrators of the EMBA programme. The analysis showed one the factors hindering increased enrollment is cost. The fees are unaffordable given the fact that the majority of students pay from their personal savings. Moreover, there is emerging competition from other programmes offered by Africa University while other universities in Zimbabwe are offering similar programmes at a lower cost. The participant also indicated that quality of service needs to be improved and formal advertising and marketing efforts made as many participants indicated that they got to know about the programmes through informal means such as from friends.
The purpose of this study was to investigate factors influencing the enrollment of students into the Executive Masters of Business Administration (EMBA) Programme at Africa University in Mutare, Zimbabwe. Questionnaires were distributed to students, lecturers and administrators of the EMBA programme. The analysis showed one the factors hindering increased enrollment is cost. The fees are unaffordable given the fact that the majority of students pay from their personal savings. Moreover, there is emerging competition from other programmes offered by Africa University while other universities in Zimbabwe are offering similar programmes at a lower cost. The participant also indicated that quality of service needs to be improved and formal advertising and marketing efforts made as many participants indicated that they got to know about the programmes through informal means such as from friends.
This paper adds to existing literature regarding MBA selection processes and helps identify and better understand the needs that motivate consumers to pursue an MBA degree. Through a series of qualitative, one-on-one interviews with 17 brand-new MBA students or prospective students, this research found that while many people have "always wanted" to earn the advanced degree, most have toyed with the idea of a graduate business degree for many years. The most frequent reasons that people cite regarding their decision to seriously consider an MBA at a large southern university centers around four desires. These are, not surprisingly, the desire to earn more money, the desire to change careers, the desire to advance their careers by obtaining a required credential, and the desire for knowledge that can be obtained by earning the degree. Further, this research identified the single most important factor that prospects considered when determining which university to attend for the MBA degree: the university's ability to help make them more marketable or advance their career. Other answers included cost, university's reputation, convenience, program duration, the university's location, and the caliber of peers in the classroom.
Horn of African Journal of Business and Economics (HAJBE), 2021
Although postgraduate Education in Master of Business Administration (MBA) has a life of about two decade in Ethiopia, HEIs are aggressively expanding the program in recent times. This in turn may cause oversupply of ill qualified MBA graduates. The main objective of this study is to identify the limitation of the existing MBA programs in terms of Curriculums, Inputs and the overall teaching and learning process. To achieve this objective, five higher Education Institutions (HEIs) running the program were purposely selected and data was collected from graduating class MBA students, academic staffs, department heads and postgraduate coordinators. Further, the currently working MBA curriculums of each universities were reviewed in detail. The finding indicates that, the MBA programs in the HEIs under study have so many limitations in terms of curriculum design, facilities, inputs and overall teaching & learning process. Hence, in order to meet an ongoing demand for quality business academia and professionals, it is advisable for universities exert their efforts in updating their curriculum, recruit high profile professionals, and fulfill required infrastructures before opening the program.
International Journal of Business and Management, 2016
The attempt is made in this study to identify students’ motives and reasons behind enrolling in a MBA program offered by universities operating in Kuwait. It also explores criterion used to select the program. To achieve these objectives, data were collected through a well-designed and structured questionnaire and pre-testing was carried out to examine the efficiency of the instrument. The study showed that the main reasons behind selecting the MBA program by students are to satisfy their personal concerns and improve their knowledge and skills. Moreover, the students used program alumni and campus visit as main sources of information followed by friends’ suggestions and university websites. When evaluating the MBA programs, the students cited overseas accreditation as the most used criteria followed by faculty reputation, institution reputation and admission requirements.
Ei Ei Khin, 2021
This study aims to find out to what extent the Master of business administration students of private universities in Myanmar feels satisfaction regarding service quality. Also, we want to find out if the impact of positive feelings about the university affects the students’ level of satisfaction. To be able to answer these questions, quantitative research was conducted. Additionally, we used a 5-points Likert scale to measure the students’ opinions. This research aims to assess the overall satisfaction of MBA students studying in private universities of perceived service quality and perceived service value applying descriptive and analytical methods. The constructs measure students’ satisfaction: Reliability, Assurance, Tangibility, Empathy, and Responsiveness, while the constructs measure the latter: Experience and Knowledge, and Price. The study found that the students were satisfied with the university, despite a negative service quality-point. Furthermore, service quality only affected customer satisfaction to a small degree. Also, we found a positive relationship between the impact of positive news and the level of satisfaction amongst the students. The private universities may look at this paper’s findings and use them to realize their strengths and weaknesses. Future research may be conducted to determine if other factors have a greater impact on student satisfaction than service quality does. Further studies are needed to establish a causal relationship between customer satisfaction and other demographic variables. This study is unique because it investigates the service quality gap in a higher education context. Also, the study brings new knowledge of the impact of positive news on student/customer satisfaction. Hopefully, the impact of this study will increase the public’s insight into private Universities in Myanmar. A study similar to this one is useful to any organization globally to establish the level of satisfaction from time to time. Keywords - Customer satisfaction, service quality, positive news, student satisfaction, higher education.
The present study aims to find out the expectations of students towards various entities of management institutes viz. library, infrastructure, academics, administration, etc. To identify and classify these expectations, the Kano Model was used. The responses of the students were analyzed by using the Kano Methodology developed by Dr. Kano and the requirements were classified into the Kano attributes i.e. Must be (M), One dimensional (0) and Attractive requirements (A). This Kano methodology included framing a questionnaire, evaluation of Kano parameters through the evaluation criteria like using the Kano Model evaluation table, extent of satisfaction, and extent of dissatisfaction. The research is of diagnostic type conducted in 2011·12 and a structured codified close ended schedule was used to collectthe required primary data from students pursuing MBA (two years full time program) from the management institutes affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra and approved by the AICTE, New Delhi. Graduates from different disciplines like Arts, Commerce, Science, and Professional courses participated in the study. Convenient sampling method was used for data collection. Most parameters were found to be categorized under the one dimensional requirements. Also, it is found that there were uniform preferences forthe one dimensional requirements and attractive requirements of the students from different disciplines.
This study is an attempt to find out the expectations of students from the Management Institutes by adopting the Kano Model. The expectations of the students can be with respect to various identities like library, computer lab, infrastructure etc. To identify and classify these expectations or requirements into the Kano attributes that is Must be (M), One Dimensional (O) and Attractive requirements (A). The responses of the students were analyzed using the Kano Methodology which was developed by Dr. Kano. This Kano methodology includes framing questionnaire, evaluation of Kano parameters through the evaluation criteria like Kano evaluation table, Extent of satisfaction, Extent of dissatisfaction. The data from 84 male and 88 female students were collected and through analysis the different requirements are classified under the various Kano categories. Most parameters are found to be categorized under One dimensional requirements. Also it is found that there are no uniform preferences for the One Dimensional requirements from the students of both genders whereas there are uniform preferences for the Attractive requirements from the students of both genders.
Sokoto Educational Review
This paper examines the perceived factors affecting the secondary school students’ choice of Business Education in University and Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) in Nigeria. The factors investigated are the profession, nomenclatures of the programme, parents, peer groups, mentors/role model, student’s interest, job prospects and admission intricacy. The study had eight objectives and eight null hypotheses. The design used in the study was descriptive. The researchers distributed two hundred (200) copies of questionnaire to candidates registering for University and Tertiary Matriculation Examination in 2011/2012. Two rating scale structured questionnaire titled UTME Candidates and Business Education (UTMECBE) was the instrument used to gather data from the field for analysis. One hundred and eighty-nine (189) copies of questionnaire were properly filled and subjected to statistical analysis using Statistical Package for Social Science version 16. Chi-square was used to test...
Different higher learning institutions in Malaysia are offering various courses for the students. But selection of the institute is varied considering the different influencing factors. In this study, the different factors influencing the MBA students in selection of their higher learning institutions in Malaysia will be discussed and analyzed by various statistical techniques. It has been observed from the outcome of the literature review that, university teaching quality is the most important factor that influences a student in selection of his higher learning institution. Different questions will be asked to determine the most influencing term under university teaching quality. On perception, a proper policy may go a long way to increase the quality of teaching with the improvement of other related facilities which will help the university in attracting new students.
Makerere Journal of Higher Education, 2009
The current study set out to assess the effect of cost on the quality of Master of Business Administration [MBA] programmes in Ugandan Universities using a hypothesised model. The research was carried out in six universities of Makerere,
Southern African Business Review, 2009
The unstable and turbulent environment in which higher education institutions all over the world currently have to operate poses many management and marketing challenges to such institutions. As nonsurvive and grow would be enhanced by up-to-date knowledge and information regarding the higher education environment, and to enrol at. The main goal of this study was to investigate the relevant importance of the choice factors that prospective students considered, as well as the sources of information used in the Economic and Management Sciences students at a higher education institution in South Africa. A non-probability convenience sample of 1 500 students from six higher education institutions participated teaching and employment prospects ranked the highest as choice days are the most valuable sources of information for prospective students. Advertisements on television or in the printed media are not considered to be particularly valuable sources of information.
The image of an academic program is an important factor explaining the number of recommendations made by its current students to future students. The investigation reported in this paper analyzes cross-sectional data on MBA students of one academic program. It attempts to gain insights about program quality from the analysis of student's recommendations regarding their MBA education. The participants' decision to recommend the program to potential clients is dependent, among the other things, on customer care and academic grades given by the participants. A new estimator is derived to take unobserved individual variations between respondents into account in binary logit models.
The International Journal of Management Education, 2012
The quest for management training is gaining prominence as organizations restructure to assimilate a workforce with advanced skills in management. This paper presents a comparative examination of the motivators of pursuing a management course in Kenya and India. Five factors are proposed as critical influencers of student choices. A survey design guided by a structured questionnaire was employed in data collection. A comparative analysis reveals that the motivators to pursue an MBA course differ significantly amongst Kenyan and Indian university students. Influence of acquaintances and employability are critical motivators that emerge from the combined data set. A logistic analysis confirms that two predictors, institutional infrastructure and employability are statistically significant. Recommendations are made to institutions of higher learning on the key drivers of their customer expectations.
Aim: To find out expectations of students of management having bachelor degree in management i.e. B.B.A. from the Management Institutes Catering MBA course. The expectations of the students with respect to various identities like academics, library, computer lab, infrastructure, administration etc. To identify and classify these expectations or requirements into Kano categories like Must be (M), One dimensional (O) and Attractive requirements (A) by using Kano Model. Methodology: The responses of the students were analyzed using the Kano Methodology which was developed by Dr. Kano. This Kano methodology includes framing questionnaire, evaluation of Kano parameters through the evaluation criteria like Kano evaluation table, Extent of satisfaction, Extent of dissatisfaction. The research is of diagnostic type and structured codified close ended schedule was used to collect required primary data from students pursuing MBA two years full time program from the Management Institutes which are affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur,Maharashtra state of India and approved by AICTE, New Delhi, India. Results: The data from 59 students who are having BBA background were analyzed and the different requirements are classified under the various Kano categories. 24 out of 38 parameters are found to be categorized under One dimensional requirements. Conclusion: Institutes are suggested to influence student level of satisfaction positively by providing parameters viz. interview preparation measures, journals availability, statistical packages for research, books availability in library, campus interviews, qualified staff, group discussions and live project.
The present study is an empirical analysis designed to measure the MBAstudents perception and satisfaction level towards the MBA programme they study. study undertaken with sample of 100 students. While selecting this institute, placement, activities done by the institute, computer lab facility, suggestion from friends and family, career goal of the student, positive word of mouth, experience of the faculty, guidance from the counselor,specialization offered and course provided by the institute, brand name of the institute and environment location are mostly considered by the more and more students who are opting master degree are very conscious regarding the selection of the institutions.After selecting such institute, it becomes important for them to have complete satisfaction at positive perception towards the course they have studied. Hence this study was carried out objective of the study is to about the student " s perception and satisfaction level towards MBA program, to examine the knowledge and skills of students in business field and to analyze level of student " s awareness towards MBA program. The study revealed that the students are highly satisfied with the factors like low fee, infrastructural facilities, teaching qualities etc.., where as they are dissatisfied with the number of skill development workshops organized for the student. Certainly the study has contributed to all stakeholders in training policies of strategies that may benefit the students " community for their better future.
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