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1999, Tertiary Education and Management
16 pages
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Higher education systems, like others, experience a proliferation of management approaches including tools designed to induce and manage change: strategic planning and reporting, planning and budgeting systems, peer review and self-evaluation, total quality management, reengineering, the art and practice of learning organisations, etc. While these approaches may differ in their specific focus and the type of professionals they address, they also have much in common and can complement each other. The present paper addresses the spectrum of change processes and proposes taxonomies to guide their use.
International Journal of Professional Management, Volume 5, Issue 4
The chief objective of this study is to critically review the underlying concepts of different change management approaches, change manager roles and provide a framework for understanding their impacts on organisational reformation in higher education. The article includes observations of the evolution of change management and the shifting role of change managers. The study also incorporates real life case from Bulgaria highlighting important aspects of the change management process, which provides valuable insights to identifying the principal protrusions of change on the operations of a Bulgarian higher education institution. Finally, the paper provides recommendations to practitioners as for how to mitigate failure rates during the process of implementing change.
Pakistan Journal of Social Research, 2021
Managing change is an overwhelming task at tertiary level education. With increasing pressure to enhance quality and student outcomes, it can be often difficult to deal with the changes that have a significant impact on the performance of any institution. This study aimed to determine the perceptions of teaching faculty regarding change management at the university level and to determine the difference in perceptions of faculty members based on sector i.e. public and private sector universities of Punjab. The present study was descriptive in nature. The study adopted the quantitative design and data collection phase consisted of a sample of 536 faculty members. 20% faculty of social sciences were selected by using a proportional stratified sampling technique. The researcher developed a questionnaire containing a five-point Likert Scale based on Fullan’s Educational Change Model (2016), reviewed literature, and related studies. The researcher used a validated and reliable questionnai...
Review of Management and Economical Engineering, vol. 6, nr.6, 2007
Change management from the perspective of the strategic management implementation in the Romanian higher learning institutions has started in the year 1990. Practice has shown though that the domain did not register yet the “paradigm systemic switch”, the only one able to neutralise the dysfunctions that became chronic with the passage of time over the system, to ensure the exit from the education related industrial/post-industrial thought matrix and to determine – in the end – the leap towards education as a main factor of generation, production and multiplying of knowledge. The essence of the paradigm switch is represented by the real understanding and the effective emplacement of the importance and the centrality of learning, and also of the typical ways of producing knowledge through learning among all the other phenomena and processes that define mainly the educational system.
Change management is the process of continually renewing an organization's direction, structure, and capabilities to serve the ever-changing needs of external and internal customers. It is clear that more theory and research are needed for a better understanding of the process of change in organizations. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a variety of theoretical approaches to the management of the change process within organizations and contribute to the field in this area by presenting an integrated model of change management in educational field. This paper has discussed a variety of theoretical approaches to the management of the change process within organizations. Based on the theoretical approaches to the management of the change process within organizations described, from educational perspective organisational leaders in schools should take steps for change management initiatives for each of organization's subsystems and should plan and implement this change ma...
Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions
Change management Definition Change capability in higher education.
Quality in Higher Education, 1999
This article investigates the notion that 'managing change involves changing management'. The discussion is not on the changes per se but rather on the radical rethinking of the university culture and the re-examination of ways of conducting the business of higher education. In order for systemic changes to take place, it is essential that everybody in the institution should be involved and be 'empowered' to identify their crucial and unique part in the scheme of things. The notion of 'empowerment' is, therefore, interrogated within the framework of transforming higher education for its participants including students, teachers and leaders.
Proceedings of the Australian Universities Quality …, 2004
Good ideas with no ideas on how to implement them are wasted ideas' (Michael Fullan)
Abstract Modern educational institutions are challenged by both internal forces (people and processes) and external forces (inside/outside competition, government laws), which create the impetus for change. These forces simultaneously induce and resist change. It is important for leaders to communicate a structural change process for evaluating, assessing, and managing the change process. Empirical research empowers change agents through theory and practice to apply knowledge using both qualitative and quantitative data as a roadmap for implementing change. The management of change requires the use of some systematic processes broken down into steps or phases (Lunenburg, 1995, p173).
spring 2016 vol. 29, n o 3 pédagogie collégiale 1 Research in Education FIVE WAYS TO MANAGE CHANGE In Quebec's colleges, the individuals at the centre of teaching, curricular, or administrative transformations are forced to question their practices in the face of any new contextual reality. These changes obviously entail, not only innovation and new ways of thinking, but also resistance and compromise on the part of the professionals in charge of their implementation. The college community represents a work-organization context in which educators enjoy conisderable professional autonomy; the process involved in the adoption of new practices obviously depends on which aspects of change they employ. According to Dahan (2011), two main conditions are necessary for change: teachers will embrace new practices if (i) they are able to maintain autonomy of judgment and (ii) feel there is a certain congruency between their professional identity and the practices in question. Given the current momentum to promote change, how can this fact be taken into account? This article discusses action research conducted in a ruralcollege setting, involving a group of teachers who were grappling with a new reality: distance education. 1 To help these individuals master new instructional strategies more suited to this situation and student needs, the researchers had them participate in a professional-cooperation group that provided individualized support. The goal of this study was, in addition to promoting the adoption of new teaching practices by participants, to describe the change-management process implemented and to determine which methods were most effective (LaBillois and St-Germain 2014). First, we summarize the research context, then explore in greater detail our findings (in the shape of five recommendations) on how to ensure the success of change management. Although this particular project was aimed at teachers, many components of the process could be apply to any changemanagement situation, whether it affects students, colleagues, professionals, the administration, or other parties. Study outcomes make it possible to make any process involving change management and the mastery of innovative practices more efficient, and should help stakeholders in higher education to enhance the quality of their instructional techniques.
Change is an ever-present and essential part of life, and the university a constantly evolving organization. While this can make it a dynamic and vibrant place to work, change can present challenges for individuals and groups, and needs to be expertly managed if we are to realize the benefits of making changes at any scale. The management challenge facing contemporary universities refers to the multiple roles assumed by universities and the extraordinary increase in the number of subject fields, heightening in turn the complexity of the university environment. The main objective of this paper is to examine the evolutionary changes and challenges facing with the National University of Management, discussion and recommendation will be presented in the study. Questionnaires along with interviews with deans, departments, faculties, staff and students were conducted in this study. The success of change for the university included improving physical infrastructure, upgrading technology, developing curriculum, building capacity of human resources, improving research activities and publication, improving work conditions, and redefining internal rules and policy. Current management of the university, however, still criticized by some faculty staff and students as well as public clients on the improvement of quality, the implementation of vision and strategy, insufficient communication, lack of commitment and empowerment, do not clear the roles and responsibilities to implementation of change and lack of control mechanism. To overcome the change challenges, some recommendation was proposed for successful implementation of the changes for the university.
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Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 2016
The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 2018
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Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 2009
European Journal of Business and Management, 2014