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2023, IJMRAP
2022-2023. It sought to determine the numeracy skills of the pupils based on their pre-test and midyear assessment test, determine the mathematics performance of the pupils during the First and Second Quarter, and determine the significant relationship between the numeracy skills and the Mathematics performance of the pupils during the First and Second Quarter. The primary research instrument employed for this study was the ASER TOOL-Annual Status of Education Report materials in determining the numeracy skills of the pupils. The numeracy skills of the pupils were computed. Statistical treatments such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test were employed to determine the significant difference between the numeracy skills and the mathematics performance of the Grade 1 pupils in Mathematics during the First and Second Quarters. The results showed the numeracy skills in the pupils was at advanced level. The pupils' performance in Mathematics was at outstanding level. There exists a significant difference between the numeracy skills and Mathematics performance among the pupils. It is recommended that teachers and parents shall continue in providing the guidance and assistance to the pupils.
This action research aimed to determine the significant relationship between the respondents’ results in the Numeracy Level Test and their general point average in Mathematics treated by Pearson Product – Moment Correlation. It was conducted among grades 7–9 of LCNHS-Mayao Parada Extension in order to propose remediation program in Mathematics that will enhance and promote better performance of learners in the level of numeracy. Data from the respondents’ demographic profile were treated carefully through weighted average mean, percentage scores. The school’s level of numeracy based from the NLT, the computed grouped mean was 12.51 or 25% that fall under emergent level. The school’s level of proficiency in Mathematics was 81.99 interpreted as Approaching Proficiency. There is a strong relationship between the respondents’ results in the NLT and their grade point average in Mathematics. As results, the researcher proposed a remediation program that will improve the level of numeracy and proficiency that will enhance and promote better performance of respondents.
World Journal of Education, 2020
In this research, it is aimed to put forward the variables that predict the numeracy skills in PIAAC of Turkey, to reveal the relationship between the numeracy skills with educational level, education level of parents, number of books in the household, and annual income. It is also aimed to evaluate the quality of educational outcomes of the Turkish National Education System (TNES). The research is designed in a descriptive-analytical method. The sampling of the study is 5199 households. Mean, t-test, correlation, and CHAID analysis were used in the analysis. In the study, the performance of the numeracy skills of adults in Turkey was found to be very low and, it was emphasized the quality problems of TNES have remained. Moreover, the most powerful predictor of numeracy skills is educational level. There is also a significant relationship between numeracy scores with education level, education level of parents, income, number of books, and computer use. It is expected to provide a n...
The aim of this study was to undertake a comparative analysis of numeracy performance of Grade 3 learners in urban and rural primary schools. A secondary analysis of the Systemic Evaluation (SE) survey data that was conducted by the Department of Education in South Africa in 2001 at the Foundation Phase (Grade 3) level of the schooling system was done. It focused on numeracy achievement data and explored the relationship between achievement and gender, age, location, home language and a number of identified equity indicators. The equity factors were explored further with a view to predict learner performance in numeracy. The findings of the descriptive analysis showed that the overall performance in numeracy of Grade 3 learners in rural schools compared to their counterparts in urban schools was not satisfactory. From the exploratory analysis a few of the equity variables (e.g. language, funding, LTSM) were found to have an effect on learner performance in numeracy by location of the school. Only two variables, namely home language (HL) and the number of books in the learner's home, selected as home background equity factors could be used to predict numeracy performance in the final logistic regression model. The variables in the final model that accounted for pedagogical equity factors were availability of computers for teaching, inadequate physical facilities, availability of numeracy reference materials, calculators and others like equipment in the classroom, for example an OHP available for teaching.
Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2025
This study aimed to investigate the numeracy skills and attitudes towards mathematics of grade 7 students and their relationship to academic performance in mathematics. The study employed a correlational research design involving 210 Grade 7 students selected through a multistage random sampling technique. Data were collected using a numeracy skills test, an attitude towards mathematics questionnaire, and students' mathematics performance in SY 2023-2024. The results showed that most students had nearly proficient numeracy skills, a very favorable attitude towards mathematics, and a satisfactory mathematics performance. A significant positive correlation was found between numeracy skills and mathematics performance, but no significant relation was found between attitude toward mathematics and mathematics performance. Further analysis revealed that numeracy skills and attitude toward mathematics significantly predict performance. Based on these findings, an intervention program was developed to enhance the numeracy skills and improve the attitude towards mathematics of grade 7 students, ultimately improving their performance in the subject. The intervention program includes targeted instruction, hands-on activities, and strategies to foster a positive mindset toward mathematics.
Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2025
The study will be on numeracy difficulties in elementary learners of the Panganak Elementary School, effective contributing factors, and effective interventions. This study is therefore meant to provide evidence-based policies that will enhance teacher capacity and eventually improve numeracy outcomes for vulnerable students, to promote educational equity and future opportunities for the learners. This mixed-methods study collected data from teachers, parents, and learners through surveys, standardized numeracy assessments, in-depth interviews, and focus groups. The findings indicate that difficulties with numeracy are widespread among learners, and the skills of algebra, geometry, and word problems as particularly problematic. Those factors most predictive of numeracy difficulties include socioeconomic status, parental literacy level, and availability of resources. The study will emphasize adaptive teaching strategies, parental involvement, and school administrative support as the keyways through which numeracy performance can be improved. It includes evidence-based interventions, teacher professional development, and additional resources for parents and schools to improve numeracy instruction and student achievement, particularly among the diverse struggling learners. One of the most important summaries presented in this manuscript demonstrated that the prevalence of difficulties in numeracy among elementary learners is high, with important factors including socioeconomic status, parental literacy level, and resource availability. The findings bear substantial implications toward the formulation of evidence-based policies for improving teachers' capacity in ensuring educational equity and future opportunities for vulnerable learners.
IJMRAP, 2023
The ability to develop, apply, and interpret Mathematics to solve issues in a range of real-world contexts is known as skills in Mathematics. This study was undertaken to identify the level of the students' Mathematical skills; reasoning, communication, and ability to solve Mathematical problems and competencies, and performance. The study was conducted at the Schools in Alubijid West District with one hundred seventy-five (175) grade 7 students as actual respondents. The study employed descriptive survey research method which includes quantitative approach in collecting numerical data through questionnaire. Additionally, it utilized the mean, standard deviation, and frequency and percentage distribution. The link between the variables was also determined using the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. The result shows that Students' Mathematical Skills on reasoning was found on High Level while Mathematical Ability to Solve Problem and Competencies were found on Moderate Level. It was concluded that Mathematical Skills is significantly correlated to Mathematics Performance. Thus, it must be given consideration and attention. The researcher recommends that the students should develop Mathematical Skills and teachers should be trained for additional teaching strategies.
Government programs in fostering a culture of reading and making students literate individuals are welcomed by the implementers of the education program. The purpose of this study was o analyse the implementation of the numeracy literacy in mathematics le rn , to analyse the supporting and inhibiting factors of numeracy literacy rogram in grade IV mathematics learning in elementary schools. This research use descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection uses observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. This study also uses research instruments to guide data collection. This research was conducted in several Muhammadiyah elementary schools, they are SD Muhammadiyah 1 and SD Muhammadiyah 5 Kota Malang. The subjects in this study were the principal as policy makers, class IV teachers, students and parents. The results showed that in learning numeracy literacy was good enough in contextual and problem-based concept planting, but rarely used projection based learning....
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) , 2024
Based on The Regulation of The Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology No.17 of 2021, cognitive learning outcomes consist of literacy and numeracy as measured through a minimum competency assessment (MCA) with grade 5, 8, and 11. The subjects in this study are 42 students of grade VIII (second grade) from state Junior High School 4 Cirebon and State Junior High School 2 Cirebon, Indonesia. The instruments were tests of numeracy literacy skills, documentation, and interviews. Purposive sampling was used to determine the subject of analysis of test results and interviews. The data were analyzed descriptively through the following stages: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions drawing. The results showed that the research subjects are still not familiar with numeracy literacy questions which have the characteristics of always being preceded by texts, not understanding what is known and asked in the questions so they tend to blindly guess the answers and needed to be reminded of the prerequisite material. Based on the results of this study, teachers can develop learning media, project-based learning, scaffolding, and teaching materials that accommodate numeracy skills or differentiated learning.
Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal , 2022
This study aimed to determine the relationship between the general and specific mathematical abilities of grade 6 pupils of Candelaria District during the school year 2016-2017 with some of their personal variables. This is with an end view sharing school heads and teachers pertinent information which have relevance to an understanding of the individual needs of pupils. Thus, the content of mathematics instruction can be identified on hand and the appropriate teaching strategies and techniques can be applied on the sample of 195 grade 6 pupils were the subjects of the investigation. The descriptive research was used as the method of investigation. The main data gathering tool was the Mathematics Achievement Test prepared by the researcher. The data collected was the subjects' overall score in the Mathematics Achievement Test. The subjects' identified personal attributes namely, general academic performance in grade 5, interest in mathematics and their parents/guardians educational attainment were also collected. Findings revealed that the general mathematical abilities of grade 6 pupils were generally low as manifested by their positively skewed distribution. The general mathematical abilities were dependent on their general academic performance, interest in mathematics and to the educational attainment of their parents/ guardians.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews
Numeracy is an essential skill needed in everyday life. The study aimed to assess the numeracy of Jose Magsaysay Elementary School learners using the Makati Localized Assessment Tool for Stage 1 (Grades 1-3). Specifically, the study determined the numeracy gaps encountered by the learners, the numeracy levels of the learners, and how the school can address the needs of the learners in numeracy. Utilizing a quantitative research design, the results of an eight-week intervention utilizing the Makati Localized Numeracy Assessment Tool indicated no statistically significant differences between pre-and post-tests for students in Grade 2 and Grade 3, although a relatively significant difference was seen for students in Grade 1. Furthermore, paired correlations showed no significant association between pre-and post-test results across all grade levels, suggesting the intervention for students' numeracy abilities did not succeed in closing numeracy gaps Findings also indicate that the m...
Jurnal Prima Edukasia, 2022
Literacy activities in Indonesia are intensively developed to form literate citizens. Literacy is defined as a basic ability to develop individual potential in achieving goals. One of the literacies developed is numeracy literacy, which was coined in 2017. Numerical literacy is a branch of mathematical literacy. This ability guides individuals to recognize the role of numeracy competencies in everyday life. The knowledge of numeracy literacy is an urgent need for students. The student at least has received numeracy literacy development. This study aims to describe numeracy literacy in the field and compare numeracy literacy targets with reality in the area. The research method is descriptive quantitative. The data collection technique used a test with a research instrument of numeracy literacy skills and used non-test data, namely observation, and open interview guidelines. The research findings show that the students' numeracy literacy skills are still in the poor category. Num...
International Journal of Instruction
Indonesia has changed the national assessment of school students from the national exam (NE) to the minimum competency assessment (MCA) in 2021. In the minimum competency assessment, one of the student's abilities measured is numeracy skills. So that the valid, practical, and effective assessment instruments that evaluate students' numeracy skills are needed. This study described the feasibility of developing a numeracy test instrument for minimum competency assessments and described students' numeracy abilities. This research was development research. This research involved junior high school students with different mathematical abilities. The data were analyzed descriptively by collecting observations, tests and document analysis. This study showed that the development of test instruments could be used as a reference to measure students' numeracy skills. The test instrument was categorized as very feasible, valid and practical. The test results indicated that there was a potential effect on students' numeracy skills. In solving numeracy test questions, the potential effect of the test instrument on numeracy skills was 75.69%, with the emerging mathematical understanding ability of 80.22%, the ability to apply mathematics in problem-solving by 74.94%, and mathematical reasoning ability of 71.93 %.
Estimation and mental computation abilities can be viewed as a key to transforming the teaching and learning of Mathematics in Malaysia and towards a more dynamic Mathematics education especially because both abilities are needed in order to develop good numeracy thinking. The purpose of this paper is to determine students’ level of numeracy and the problematic questions faced by students in the Numeracy Test. The sample consisted of 414 students in Form 1, Form 2 and Form 4 from six secondary schools located in a district in Malaysia. This is a descriptive correlation study using stratified random sampling. The findings show that the students were weak in numeracy. Is this normal? The finding of students’ common weaknesses and strengths may serve a good reference for the curriculum refinement and may relate to 21st century skills in learning Mathematics. Keywords: estimation; mental computation; numeracy; thinking.
International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research
The aim of this study was to describe the numeracy abilities of junior high school students in Bengkulu City in solving math problems based on minimum competency assessment questions. The results of this study for the long term can be used to prepare students’ abilities to face the minimum competency assessment test. The research method used is survey research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The population in this study were all Class VIII students from the State and Private junior high schools of Bengkulu City, namely 40 schools. Sample selection was done in two stages: stratified random sampling and simple random sampling. The research sample consisted of 8 junior high schools in Bengkulu City that met the sample criteria. Data was collected using the minimum competency assessment level 4 math test instrument with 8 items based on the minimum competency assessment grid. Data analysis was carried out with descriptive statistics to describe students' abilities, and pred...
The study examined the baseline survey on the numeracy knowledge of primary pupils in plateau central zone, Nigeria. Three research questions and two hypotheses guided the study with the use of exploratory research design. The population consisted of numeracy teachers and primary five pupils in public primary schools within the state central zone. The sampled schools and classes were purposively selected from five towns heading the local government area within the central zone of the state. The sample size were five (5) numeracy teachers teaching primary five pupils in the selected schools and 100 pupils under the respective numeracy teachers were selected randomly. The instruments for data collection were; Teachers Numeracy Teaching Methods Observation checklist (TNTMOC), Pupils Numeracy Knowledge Test (PNKT), Pupils Interest/attitude to Numeracy knowledge Checklist (PINKC). The instruments were validated using content validity by experts. The instruments had reliability indices of 0.70, 0.76 and 0.78 respectively. However, a standardized unified pupil's numeracy performance test by the State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB) was used to determine pupil's numeracy knowledge. Data were analysed using mean and standard deviation, while one tailed t-test statistics was used for hypotheses testing at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that the teachers' teaching strategies and pupils' interest/attitude causes the decline in numeracy knowledge among public primary school pupils. The hypothesis revealed a significant difference in the pupil's numeracy knowledge against expected passed level set in the study. Therefore, it was recommended that teachers need to be trained in the use of effective teaching strategies and learning materials to enhance and engage pupils' interest/attitude constantlyin numeracy skills.
Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies
This study aims to describe students' numeracy literacy skills by gender, and analyze inferentially the differences in numeracy literacy between male and female students. The sample of this study involved 48 students of MTs Negeri 1 Kolaka consisting of 21 male students and 27 female students. Research data were collected using numeracy literacy test instruments, data analysis includes: (1) descriptive analysis that aims to describe students' numeracy literacy ability which includes mean score, standard deviation and variance; and (2) inferential analysis aimed at determining differences in numeracy literacy skills between male students and female students using independent sample t tests on the condition that the normality and homogeneity of the data are met. The results of the study include: (1) descriptively, including: students' numeracy literacy ability is in the low category, and the numeracy literacy ability of female students is higher than that of male students;...
South African Journal of Childhood Education, 2016
Early numeracy skills are highly relevant for children’s mathematics learning at school, especially in the initial years when much mathematics learning relies on early numeracy competence. The aim of this study was to investigate the level of early numeracy skills in a sample of South African children in the first months of formal schooling. In this cross- sectional study, there were 443 first graders (206 girls and 237 boys) from Gauteng Province schools. The mean age of the children was 81.61 months (6 years 10 months) (SD 5.40 months). Their early numeracy skills were measured with the ThinkMath Scale. The main finding of this study was that there were statistically significant differences in early numeracy skills between the children when they started first grade. The differences were related to the home language of the first graders in the English medium schools, as well as the type of school (public vs. private). This article concludes that the numeracy competence of the child...
To Be or Not to Be a Great Educator
A growing body of evidence including international level studies (e.g. PISA, TIMSS) demonstrate that numeracy skills (also known internationally by other terms such as mathematical literacy) is crucial for a person’s educational achievements and for informed and participatory citizenship. Early and successful interventions to improve students’ numeracy skills lie in developing and using valid and reliable diagnostic tests for numeracy skill assessment. This study explored how developing a numeracy test based on three-dimensional framework could be used for numeracy diagnostic purposes in grade 7. To achieve this, initially a three-dimensional numeracy framework based on 1) content knowledge of mathematics, 2) information literacy skills, 3) complexity levels of SOLO taxonomy, was prepared. Then the framework was used to construct a 32-item numeracy test assessing the ability to use relationships, functions and numerical information in different contexts including science. Next, the ...
Prima: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
Mathematical problem solving ability has a close relationship in developing literacy and numeracy in elementary schools. The purpose of this study was to describe mathematical problem solving abilities to develop literacy and describe mathematical problem solving abilities to develop numeracy in elementary schools. This research was carried out in class V SD Negeri Sibela Timur Surakarta City to students with a total of 3 students. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. Data collection was carried out with tests and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the ability of students to solve mathematical problems is different. Of the 3 students, 1 student has the ability to solve math problems in the good category, 1 student in the medium category, and 1 student in the low category. Mathematical problem solving ability is in line with the results of giving literacy and numeracy questions. Students in the good category get high literac...
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