Pupils' Numeracy Skills and Mathematics Performance

2023, IJMRAP


2022-2023. It sought to determine the numeracy skills of the pupils based on their pre-test and midyear assessment test, determine the mathematics performance of the pupils during the First and Second Quarter, and determine the significant relationship between the numeracy skills and the Mathematics performance of the pupils during the First and Second Quarter. The primary research instrument employed for this study was the ASER TOOL-Annual Status of Education Report materials in determining the numeracy skills of the pupils. The numeracy skills of the pupils were computed. Statistical treatments such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test were employed to determine the significant difference between the numeracy skills and the mathematics performance of the Grade 1 pupils in Mathematics during the First and Second Quarters. The results showed the numeracy skills in the pupils was at advanced level. The pupils' performance in Mathematics was at outstanding level. There exists a significant difference between the numeracy skills and Mathematics performance among the pupils. It is recommended that teachers and parents shall continue in providing the guidance and assistance to the pupils.