2019, Effective communication and literary appreciation skills


Speaking is a productive skill, which shows an individual’s ability to speak with a string of noises, perceived as a continuous flow of meaningful sound to anyone who understands a particular language. Language is the principal means used by human beings to communicate with one another. It is a system of communication in speech and writing that is used by people in a particular speech community. Language, which is primarily spoken, can be transferred to other media, such as writing. If the spoken means of communication is unavailable, as may be the case among the deaf, visual means such as sign language can be used. The human basic skills include listening and speaking (primary), reading and writing (secondary). A user of a language is said to be competent if s/he is able to use the four basic skills effectively. The focus of this unit is mainly on one of the primary skills, that is, speaking, and partly, listening. The essence is to make users of English as second language more competent in listening to the native speakers and speaking the language as effectively as possible. The learning of the sounds of English affords the ESL (English as Second Language) learners the opportunity to become aware of how to pronounce words as correctly as possible, or to pronounce words to near perfection. Hence for the ESL users of English to pronounce words as correctly as the native speaker would, or at least to conform to the level of international intelligibility, they must be familiar with the available speech sounds and how each of them is articulated (Osisanwo, 2009) by the human articulators or organs of speech.