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2019, Effective communication and literary appreciation skills
Speaking is a productive skill, which shows an individual’s ability to speak with a string of noises, perceived as a continuous flow of meaningful sound to anyone who understands a particular language. Language is the principal means used by human beings to communicate with one another. It is a system of communication in speech and writing that is used by people in a particular speech community. Language, which is primarily spoken, can be transferred to other media, such as writing. If the spoken means of communication is unavailable, as may be the case among the deaf, visual means such as sign language can be used. The human basic skills include listening and speaking (primary), reading and writing (secondary). A user of a language is said to be competent if s/he is able to use the four basic skills effectively. The focus of this unit is mainly on one of the primary skills, that is, speaking, and partly, listening. The essence is to make users of English as second language more competent in listening to the native speakers and speaking the language as effectively as possible. The learning of the sounds of English affords the ESL (English as Second Language) learners the opportunity to become aware of how to pronounce words as correctly as possible, or to pronounce words to near perfection. Hence for the ESL users of English to pronounce words as correctly as the native speaker would, or at least to conform to the level of international intelligibility, they must be familiar with the available speech sounds and how each of them is articulated (Osisanwo, 2009) by the human articulators or organs of speech.
European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Language gives people the opportunity to express their feelings, desires, thoughts and ideas. Language is a tool, whereby is discovered, acquired, transmitted, stored and inherited knowledge about the world and universe. Language is one of the most significant indicator of linguistics and cultural identity of the language community and individual personality. Language is the carrier of a culture, social behaviour and custom of the respective users. One of the four language skills in the process of learning English, is speaking skill as the first and main form of communication. It occupies a central place in the process of people enlightenment. Information is received, understood and easily processed through speaking or discourse than through writing. The speaking skills are donated to human beings in biological way. Speaking is a vital activity. Meanwhile, the language is a structural model of the system we use to convey our message while we are speaking. This study seeks to assess ...
Since I am studying to become future teachers of English education, it is really important to know how to speak English, because I need to speak with my student in English and teach them. This term paper starts off by introducing the reader to the topic of aspect listening that we should know as a student of future teachers of English education. This paper also gives definition of speaking, how to teach speaking at school, some important speaking methods. I also made this paper based on the material from the internet such as e-book, and article. I hope this paper can help the reader to find out the research of the speaking material. I am really sorry if in this paper I have the incorrectly spelling or some incorrect word. Human life can not be separated from speaking activities. speaking is a means to communicate between humans. Speaking as a means of communication, in order to meet human nature as a social creature that needs to interact with fellow human beings. Speaking is regarded as the most perfect tool and able to bring good thoughts and feelings about things that are concrete or abstract (Effendi, 1985: 5). In line with the development of science and human technology is required to have good speaking skills. A person who has adequate speaking skills will more easily absorb and convey information both orally and in writing. Speaking skills consist of four aspects, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students must master these four aspects to be skilled in speaking. Thus, learning language skills in schools not only emphasize the theory alone, but students are required to be able to use the language as its function, namely as a tool to communicate. One aspect of language that must be mastered by students is to speak, because speaking skills to support other skills (Tarigan, 1986: 86). This skill is not a kind of skill that can be passed down from generation to generation even though it is by nature every human being can speak. 2. Studies Library According to Tarigan (1981: 15), speaking is a form of human behavior that utilizes very intense physical, psychological, neurological, semantic and linguistic factors. Furthermore Tarigan (1986: 3) argues that speaking is the ability of a person to pronounce articulation sounds or words that aim to express, express and convey the thoughts, ideas and feelings of the person. While Brown and Yule in Nunan (1989: 26) argue that speech is to use an oral language consisting of a short, incomplete or fragmented utterance in the sphere of pronunciation. The pronunciation is closely related to the reciprocal relationship made between one speaker and the listener. Meanwhile, according to Djago Tarigan (1995: 149) speaking is a skill to convey the message through spoken language. The link between the message and the spoken language as the medium of delivery is very heavy. The message received by the listener
Language is a tool of verbal communication for the effective transmission of information. Although nonverbal communication can be achieved equally well through expressive sounds, onomatopoeia, facial expressions, body gestures, body postures, and movements, human beings are endowed with the art and skill of communicating through articulate speech, which is the advanced method of communication across individuals. One of the primary properties of language is that 'language is human specific'. The primacy of speech over writing has long been emphasized and debated by researchers. The acquisition of good receptive skills is the key factor in the acquisition of good productive skills. But we tend to minimize or ignore the importance of developing strong receptive skills of listening and reading, which is a prerequisite for mastery of productive skills of speaking and writing. Regardless of the field of usage, speaking and writing in English as the media of expression are vital in different fields and subfields of science and technology. This is evidenced in various experimental studies (Nunan,1993; Kenworthy,1990) both in the oral and written forms. There is now an increasing need to focus on developing the ability to translate and interpret scientific data using aural skills, based on the specific use and different users. The study presents the importance of listening to achieve a better speaking ability among language learners in general and learners of English as a Second language in particular. Therefore, a major requirement in the language learning/teaching situation is that of extra emphasis on the receptive aspects of language.
ELT Journal, 2012
This paper surveys some of the changes in teaching the four language skills in the past 15 years. It focuses on two main changes for each skill: understanding spoken language and willingness to communicate for speaking; product, process, and genre approaches and a focus on feedback for writing; extensive reading and literature for reading; and decoding and metacognitive awareness for listening. This overview, however, suggests that changes in theoretical understandings and in teacher training often do not filter down to the classroom and that change is context dependent to a very high degree. Overall, some of the changes that have been at work in language teaching since the 1970s may not have reached classrooms in compulsory education around the world. Teaching speaking Understanding spoken language The most obvious changes in this area have been in our view of what teaching speaking entails. This involves issues as varied as the connection between teaching speaking and teaching pronunciation, teaching aspects of conversation, teaching long turns, issues of teaching spoken grammar, and the increasing pedagogical implementation of previous understandings of conversation and pragmatics. The most
Speaking is one of the most important skills to be developed and enhanced as means of effective communication. Speaking skill is regarded one of the most difficult aspects of language learning. Many language learners find it difficult to express themselves in spoken language. They are generally facing problems to use the foreign language to express their thoughts effectively. They stop talking because they face psychological obstacles or cannot find the suitable words and expressions. The modern world of media and mass communication requires good knowledge of spoken English. This paper aims at establishing the need to focus on the factors affecting on language learners' English speaking skill. This review paper traces out the body of research concerning the term speaking, the importance of speaking, characteristics of speaking performance, speaking problems, and factors affecting speaking performance. According to the review of literature, appropriate speaking instruction was found to be the learners' priority and a field in which they need more attention. This study can be useful to teachers and researchers to consider their language learners' speaking needs in English language teaching and learning context.
One of main concern of the most language teachers is how to help language learners to develop satisfying language proficiency. In this regard, speaking proficiency has received the greatest attention among both the language teachers as well as the language learners. This is because speaking is a crucial part of the language learning process. The major goal of teaching speaking skill is communicative efficiency. Language learners should be able to make themselves understood by using their current proficiency. They should try to avoid confusion in the message because of the faulty pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary. In the same line, a common characteristic of many language classes is a heavy focus on the language system. Vocabulary and grammar seem to gain far more attention than the skills needed to use this vocabulary and grammar. To help students develop communicative efficiency in speaking, instructors can use activities that combine language input and communicative output. To this end, the present paper tries to take a closer look at the type of activities that language teachers can utilize to promote speaking proficiency. Accordingly, effective instructors can teach students speaking strategies by using minimal responses, recognizing scripts, and language to talk about language. These instructors help students learn to speak so that the students can use speaking to learn.
International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies, 2014
Speaking is an essential part of how we communicate in day to day life. Teaching communication to second language learners requires the knowledge of variety of techniques. By applying a humanistic approach to the classroom, teachers are able to consider the holistic learner and cater to their needs. The present paper elaborates on some of the very useful techniques that may go long way in developing speaking skill of ESL learners. Some samples of different successful techniques and other ideas are also outlined in this paper.
In this paper discusses about develop of speaking skills by using the English speaking practice application. Speaking skills are the basic abilities students must have because speaking skills include four basic skills in mastering English. In speaking skills the problem most often encountered is selfconfidence, confident students are easy to deal with but will be a big problem for students who have self-confidence issues. One application developed by is the English speaking practice application is an application that can help students who have problems in confidence in developing their speaking skills, speaking practice application offers a variety of materials ranging from beginner to advance level. In this paper we will discuss how to use the speaking practice application in the learning process and discuss it in detail so that it can become the choice of English teachers in the learning process. As a result of the discussion in this paper, the speaking practice application can be well used to develop speaking skills. In speaking practice application students can first observe the conversation then students will give a few questions then can practice speaking.
World Science : Problems and innovations, LXIII International Scientific Conference. Penza , Russia, 2022
The current article elaborates the characteristic features of language skills. It has been noted that to be successful in listening and reading skills, the students should have good logics which is the product of operational function of the brain, while speaking and writing require general outlook and direct perception. The article underlies that grammar is very important in speaking and writing skills. However, the development of listening and reading skills don’t require any grammar knowledge. Key words: listening, communication, language skills, writing, receptive skills
Each skill of English language and the mastery of non-natives over these skills are always ambivalent not only for achieving a good conceptual knowledge but also for maintaining a sound communication in basic arenas like education, business and conversation. The futility to understand the spoken or written text puts the nonnatives far behind and they even cannot make out what is taught as a part of learning. This paper will concentrate on the basic components of English language such as reading, listening, speaking and writing on the one hand and theimpediments faced by the second language learners(L2 learners) in academic arena and working environment on the other hand.The discussion will be made on the ground of experiential knowledge which includes direct observation and theoretical analysis which facilitate the learners to possess more information and dictum of experts analyzing these issues. In addition to the strategies stated above, a number of experiments applied among the L...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2021
The current work discusses the importance of speaking and sub-skills of speaking. Furthermore, determines the distinction between the terms 'speaking' and 'speaking proficiency'. It also provides with the different genres of speaking essential to learning and teaching speaking.
Knowledge International Journal, 2018
This theme:” The Use of Skills and particularly Developing a Basis for Reading and Learning” is very broad, interesting, challenging and very useful at the same time. It is very useful for teachers and students during lectorical exercises which require a joint effort of participating interactively in class in order to be more efficient, flexible and pragmatic in order to achieve the main goal of learning and improving English Language. This source of information is useful for native speakers as well as for us, that are learning and improving English Language as a second language that intend to be future teachers or interpreters from English to respective languages.To Learn and improve English language are used the four main skills: Listening, Reading, Speaking (Communicating) and Writing. During lectures in order to practice and elaborate each of the skills, teachers and students encounter into different situations that in order to answer or conduct one of the skills you will have t...
Second language learning is the process by which people learn a second language. For the language learner to be considered proficient in the target language, he has to show a great level of proficiency in the four language skills-listening, speaking, reading and writing. Speaking is an act of oral or verbal communication. It is the first means of communication open to any language user. Proficiency in speaking skills is important to a second or foreign language learner because speaking is the most frequently used means of communication, without which the language user may be unable to express himself. Proficiency in speaking skills also gives the language learner confidence in the use of the target language as well as creates room for his academic and career success. Learners of second language face a lot of obstacles while struggling to perfect on their oral communication. This paper looks into some of the importance of speaking skills to a language user and enumerates some of the barriers to oral proficiency in second language learning. It then went further to suggest a number of ways language learners can overcome these obstacles and attain proficiency in speaking skills in the target language.
SIGEH ELT : Journal of Literature and Linguistics
Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts. Low motivation in speaking will be formidable reality for the teacher. The students are often reluctant to speak because they are shy and are not predisposed to express themselves in front of other people, especially when they are being asked to give personal information or opinions. The type of this research is ethnography research (realist ethnography), but the research is not stop in Ethnography but it is followed with Research and Development (R&D). Both of them are included in Qualitative Research. Language teachers always develop speaking skills by using different techniques and strategies, the data indicated that the selected teachers were using the communicative approach, direct method, and audio-lingual method and others. The techniques mostly used were discussion, role play, oral report, questions and answers, conversation and d...
Teaching and learning a foreign language like English mostly involves teaching and learning the major-language skills like speaking, writing, reading and listening. It is the opinion of linguists, however, that speech is the primary substance of all human languages. In other words, the. spoken form of any human language is basic, while the written form is derived from the spoken form. For example, the fact that many African languages are yet to be written does not in any way stop them from performing their basic communicative functions in their various speech communities.
Listening and Speaking as a Basis to Improve One’s Language Skills, 2018
This paper aims to study how to help children learn English easily and happily. The pedagogy designed specifically equips the children the ability to answer basic questions, it also trains them to master basic skills and knowledge in listening and speaking in their daily life. The research begins by collecting and analyzing data from previous related researches, projects, as well as the volunteers’ observations and real-life experiences. Especially, the real experiences of the project participants as voluntary English teachers were emphasized. The findings are as below: 1. Listening to sound: those who love music and singing find that learning a language is easy. 2. Speaking to foreigners is fun, because both parties put in much effort and have to try hard to understand each other. In this regard they use their body languages as well as linguistic skills to convey their thoughts. 3. From the collected data, we find that children who stay near the town of Khlong Ngae are more active, open and brave to speak; while the children who live in the village areas are more reserved and shy. Hence, breaking their reservation must be done through using simple and friendly conversations, activities and games to develop trust and confidence in speaking English. 4. Finally, there might be suggestions that learning English should start from developing listening skills. English should be used as a medium in English Class to give students more opportunity to use it, and that body language is an important tool for teaching and learning English. Learning is best done when there is no stress, as it helps to open up the students’ minds, and the individual effort of the students is also a very important factor.
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