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2018, FOKUS Jurnal Kajian Keislaman dan Kemasyarakatan
21 pages
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This article aims to track the Qur'an review of corruption. Because one of the most prevalent issues in Indonesia today is criminal acts of corruption, various ways have been done by the State to overcome corruption, from changing the law, establishing an institution specifically dealing with corruption to increase the sanction for convicted of corruption, but it is still not yet yielding results that encourage the community. The data presented in this paper is sourced from literature review by tracing the sources directly related to the theme especially the Qur'an and Sunnah. From the results of this study found that: Corruption as an extra-ordinary crimes crime is not explicitly mentioned by the Qur'an, but some terms such as ghulul, suht, sarq, hirabah some terms are considered to represent the Qur'an's notion of corruption. The punishment for the perpetrators of corruption, the most appropriate according to the authors is the punishment of the ta'dzir fin...
One of the most complex problems for the Indonesian people today is corruption. Seeing the phenomenons of corruptions, the author considers the need to look back in full at the Qoran, especially in the verses that are conditional with the message of anti-corruption so that it is expected that there is a comprehensive and clear picture that Islam always appears in a strong position as a force to eradicate corruption. The main problem or problem, namely: How is the interpretation of the Qur'anic verses that speak related to the problem of corruption in the present context and how to eradicate it. There is no direct text that talks about the specifications of corruption and other similar dirty practices. In the Quran, corruption is understood through the word ghalla or ghulul, which means the misappropriation of spoils of war in the letter Ali Imran verse 161, besides that it can also be understood through statements about the prohibition of consuming the property of others in an i...
Korupsi dalam Perspektif al-Qur'an, 2015
Corruption means the act of abusing authority, position, or the trust was performed by a man to meet profit, private or group needs, which legally is certainly wrong, and detrimental to the various parties. Thus the corruption that there are three elements that is corrupt (nature), corruption (shape), and corruption (the culprit), also the existence of the elements inherent in the act of corruption, namely the first, the effort darken, hide, take possession of, second, violate the norms in force, the third, misuse of interest (trust) for the sake of something, the fourth, the presence of the injured party, both material and nonmaterial. Corruption brings negative effect very harmful to society, individuals, political developments, the bureaucracy, and the development of the younger generation. It was also supported by-dalil normative proposition, Holly Qur " an use different terminology to express corruption, including ghulul, risywah, suht, ghasab, saraqah, and bakhs. Actually there are several variants of terms that could also represent acts of corruption such as khana (treacherous), al-Hirabah or intikhab (rob), and gifts. And that is closest to the meaning of the expression of this corruption is ghulul and risywah. Also in Islam be confirmed that this corrupt behavior, is part of a crime that violates the norms, the teachings of Islam (Shari'ah) Yag has been established, both also the norms or rules of Islam and of the state constitution. As a form of punishment for the perpetrators of corruption in Islam (as found from the arguments normative) can be ta'zir, prisons, etc. depending on the authorities. A. Pendahuluan Perilaku korupsi, seolah-olah sudah hidup di bagian masyarakat. Dalam konteks ke-Indonesiaan, ketika sistem hukum dan sistem sosial tidak mendukung, maka keteladanan tokoh masyarakat akan berperan sangat penting dalam memberantas korupsi. Jadi harus dimulai dari diri sendiri, untuk merubah perlu kesadaran penuh dari individu ke sosial. Kendatipun, pada kenyataannya permasalahan korupsi di negeri ini sudah sedemikian akutnya, adanya upaya pemberantasan korupsi yang dilakukan oleh aparat penegak hukum selama ini terkesan lamban. Berbagai usaha telah dilakukan, dengan membentuk berbagai lembaga 1 Alumni Pasca UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.
Korupsi merupakan suatu kejahatan yang merugikan dan membahayakan secara individu dan secara kolektif. Oleh karena itu, kejahatan korupsi harus dicegah dan diatasi. Untuk mencegah korupsi, maka terlebih dahulu dicari faktor penyebabnya, kemudian dirumuskan pencegahannya. Artikel ini bertujuan mengelaborasi tuntunan Alquran dan kearifan lokal Bugis mengenai faktor penyebab korupsi dan bagaimana petunjuk Alquran dalam menawarkan pencegahan terhadap kejahatan korupsi tersebut. Untuk memahami petunjuk Alquran mengatasi dan mencegah korupsi, artiekl ini melakukan analisisnya dengan menggunakan pendekatan linguistik Arab. Selain itu, mengintegrasikan petunjuk Alquran dengan nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang bersumber dari budaya Bugis yang relevan dengan pencegahan korupsi. Artikel ini menunjukkan, Alquran memulai pencegahan korupsi pada dua cara; pertama, dilakukan melalui reformasi secara total pada struktural. Kedua, dimulai dari ‘sisi dalam’ pada manusia berdasarkan pada konsep nafsun d...
Rausyan Fikr: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Ushuluddin dan Filsafat, 2018
Corruption is an extraordinary crime. The impact is not only threatening the life order of society but also can tear the national stability. In 2017, Indonesia is still in the order of 90 of 176 countries in the world who have an index of achievement in eradicating corruption. This means that corruption in Indonesia is still very large. With this fact, this paper elaborates the concept of the Quran relating to corruption and its prevention. Through the study of thematic-integrative commentary with maqshidi analysis, it is found that the word as-suhtu, ghulul and al-fasad are terms that describe the phenomenon of corruption in Al-Quan. While preventing corruption, the Koran alleges the death penalty for perpetrators of crimes that damage both natural resources, human resources and community order.
Ar Raniry : International Journal of Islamic Studies, 2018
Korupsi merupakan salah satu tantangan terberat bagi pembangunan di sebuah negara. Kemakmuran rakyat akan sangat sulit tercapai apabila di wilayah tersebut terjadi korupsi. Semakin tinggi tingkat kuantitas dan kualitas praktek korupsi, semakin mempersulit pencapaian kemakmuran rakyat. Dari sisi lain, korupsi tergolong sebagai kejahatan yang luar biasa, dan oleh karenanya pemberantasannya pun harus dilakukan dengan cara luar biasa pula. Pemberantasan secara luar biasa antara lain berupa pengerahan segenap potensi dan pemanfaatan segala instrumen yang ada dalam masyarakat. Salah satu di antaranya adalah pemanfaatan ayat-ayat al-Qur'an yang berkenaan dengan pemberantasan korupsi. Pemanfaatan ayat-ayat al-Qur'an untuk keperluan pemberantasan korupsi tidak dapat dilakukan secara serampangan, tetapi harus melalui kategorisasi dan interpretasi yang memadai. Dari sana akan diketahui bahwa al-Qur'an mempunyai wawasan tersendiri mengenai pemberantasan korupsi yang spesifik.
Aqlam: Journal of Islam and Plurality
This study concludes that the rise of corruption, collusion, and nepotism in the time of the Prophet Muḥammad comes from a variety of special terms and is contained in ḥadīth. These emerging terms affect the different usage associations of each term. The method used in this research is analytical and descriptive method. This study uses two approaches. The first approach used in the research is the 'ilm al-Ḥadīth approach. This approach is used to measure ḥadīth-ḥadīth relating to corruption, collusion and nepotism in terms of quality of matan and sanad; and its asbāb al-Wurūd. The second approach is the linguistic approach. This approach is enabled to explore the rationality of corruption, collusion, and nepotism through tradition, systematics, and language tendencies in producing an understanding. This research has several objectives. Firstly, to authenticate corruption, collusion, and nepotism as disciplinary and inconsistent attitudes that can be present in human beings without being limited by the dimension of time and space. Secondly, to verify and measure the existence of cases of corruption, collusion, and nepotism in the time of Mu'ammad ibn 'Abdillāh by analyzing the matan al-Ḥadīth, Sharh al-Ḥadīth, and asbāb al-Wurūd. Thirdly, inventory the terms of corruption, collusion, and nepotism in ḥadīth and map their usage.
Abstrak Tindak Pidana Korupsi merupakan kejahatan luar biasa (extra ordinary crime) yang dapak negatifnya sungguh sungguh meruntuhkan sendi-sendi kehidupan. Moralitas pelaku korupsi sekelumit masalah yang ditimbulkan dari efek perilaku korup yang dahsyat itu. Timbul karenanya kesenjangan sosial , kemiskinan hingga kebangkrutan Negara. Praktek jual beli perkara khususnya perkara korupsi di pengadilan menyebabkan pendekatan yuridis saja tidak mampu membendung praktek-praktek korupsi yang terlanjur menjamur. Disinilah peran serta teks-teks keagamaan sangat dibutuhkan. Hadirnya tuntunan agama (Al-Quràn) yang masuk kedalam relung hati diharapkan mampu mencegah prilaku korup yang menjamur dimasyarakat. Sekaligus terapi jitu bagi mereka yang terlanjur melakukan praktik-praktik korupsi. Berkaitan dengan korupsi ulama menyamakanya dengan kata ghulul yang dalam penelitian menunjukan makna yang lebih komprehensip dibandingkan kata korupsi yang selama ini dipahami. Sehinggga mengkaji korupsi menggunakan perspektif Al-Quràn menyuguhkan kesan yang beragam dalam jiwa. Pendahuluan Merupakan suatu aksioma bahwa al-Qur ' an adalah kitab suci yang berfungsi sebagai petunjuk bagi seluruh umat manusia (Q. S. Al-Baqarah / 2 : 185) 1. Oleh karena itu dalam perspektif teologis umat Islam harus meyakini bahwa al-Qur ' an menjadi sumber utama dalam meraih kebahagian hidup di dunia maupun di akhirat , disamping hadis Rasulullah SAW. Memposisikan …… Artinya : (Beberapa hari yang ditentukan itu ialah) bulan Ramadhan , bulan yang di dalamnya diturunkan (permulaan) Al Quran sebagai petunjuk bagi manusia dan penjelasan-penjelasan mengenai petunjuk itu dan pembeda (antara yang hak dan yang bathil
Al-Qur’an sebagai kitab suci, memiliki kekhazanahan dalam menyikapi berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia. Sumber inpirasi untuk menata hidup yang lebih baik. Posisi kesakralan al-Qur’an inilah kemudian ditelaah secara kritis dalam menjawab persoalan kegelisahan ummat manusia, salah satunya adalah korupsi. Kendatipun kata korupsi tidak ditemukan dalam al-Qur’an, namun praktik yang senada dengan itu, ditemukan dengan cukup variatif
Et-Tijarie: Jurnal Hukum dan Bisnis Syariah
AbtractAmount corruption cases are conducted by the office holder of late show how the ethical value of our noble birth life and state context is very collapse. In the other side we always find dishonest businessman in our trade stage. A phenomenon as selling food by mixing spoiled and fresh one, preserving fish by formalin, giving tactile color substance in the provision that mostly found from mass media either news paper or electronic media that presented more and more. In this research writer just want to blow up corruption phenomenon because it dangerous wider than other cases. Corruption effect destroys value of social order and also shatters economic factor of our state that influence overall society finally. This is a library research with descriptive model. In the first part writer explains corruption meaning and it law discourse, furthermore explored how Islam keep the member in order to avoid corruption, because corruption is extra ordinary crime that forbidden explicitly....
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Ulumul Qur'an: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
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