CFD Analysis for Cavitation of a Centrifugal Pump Impeller



Centrifugal Pumps are the most common appliances used in various industries, agriculture and domestic application& thus its impeller design thus required a very precise understanding of the internal flow at rated and part load operating conditions. Design and development of turbo machines like centrifugal pump is highly complex due to turbulence flow structure, unsteadiness and cavitation inside the pump. The pump suffers with loss of efficiency, erosion of material, degradation of its useful life caused by cavitation. The Phenomenon of cavitation can be described as the vapor bubbles formation in an originally liquid flow, this change of phase is carried through at constant temperature and local drop pressure, generated by flow conditions. Turbo machines like centrifugal pumps suffer with loss of performance, degradation of its useful life caused by the cavitation. Under the analytical point of view the cavitation phenomenon shows very complex, bringing great physical and numerical...