Isaac Bound

The following paper is a commentary on the Torah passage most subjected to interpretation, the “Akedat Yitzhak”--the “Binding of Isaac.” You shall depend on some familiarity with the brief text found in Genesis 22:1-22:19 to fully grasp the discussion which follows. Although it is not lengthy, many details have been subjected to scholarly scrutiny, and if I refer to a selection of these, my hope is you will recognize their place in the story. Most, though not all commentaries find the word “neesah,” or “test” in the opening line, of immense importance. It reads: “God tested Abraham.” (Or, “put him to a test.”) If we accept the premise that Abraham was somehow not clearly “measuring up” to the stature of the individual God had selected to be the Covenantal leader of the incipient Hebrew People--proved by the fact he needed to be “tested”--our question must be how was he NOT measuring up? Was he simply a “work in progress” which this “test” was designed to either fully expose if he disobeyed (and so, rule him out as God’s error) or alternately, complete his education about the taboo of child sacrifice, or is there another explanation for God’s seemingly cruel command to make Isaac a fire- offering. Naturally, I would not be writing this if I did not hope to unravel the tethers immemorially constraining Isaac, but with more profound purpose to liberate God from our annual deep-seated, if repressed resentment, that God could have ever done such an insidious thing.