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Historical and artistic heritage has been destroyed during wars and revolutions and regrettably this destruction goes on although the international laws try to protect it. The respect for heritage is a rule of good citizenship. However, the reduction of teaching Art History and Visual Arts doesn't bring to young people the knowledge of national heritage. A wave of destruction is seen in cities painted with tags, which now began to be seen inside historical buildings such as the Faculty of Fine Artsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
In Portugal, the promotion of the democratization of culture and the school system are charged with an essential function in relation to the understanding, preservation and management of culture and, therefore, patrimony education is an important element of art education in Portugal. This article explores strategies used by art students of different courses who have been working with the Art Education Department at the College of Education, Viana do Castelo Polytechnic. The projects described here aim to: (1) reflect about art education and cultural management through a review of literature (predominantly AngloSaxon); (2) develop reflective practice; and (3) use the fundamental principles of educational research. Finally, some conclusions and implications for the integration of culture into education and for sustainable development, are presented.
The relationships that artists establish on common objects set an adherent paradigm of appropriation. Interventions by artists, documented in many of the articles of the issue 19 number Revista Estúdio Journal, challenge through an alternative symbolic economy, alternative to the circuit of the objects. Reframing operates in the white Chamber, the modernist device. The “cube” digests slowly its critical dissolution through diverse installations. This processing is taking its timeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
The mind outgrew man: language survives us, allows the transmission of acquisitions, conveys the culture from generation to generation. The language thinks us. The artifacts that we produce do act on us by strange powers: and the human is devalued by things. People want to look like images, delightful bitmaps. This is the place for a special attention in Arts Education: one can think being on the other side of the code? The 18 articles collected here allow us to put this question, as a cross pedagogy: art asks us questions, art education can help us to like to be asked questions, and to like to make new questions. This is as simple as good works of artinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
This paper aims at defending good practices in the context of interdisciplinary curriculum articulation, involving all classes of pre-school and first grade of basic education, where students with Special Educational Needs (NEEcp), with diversified needs, had been integrated in schools of the Schools of Pinhal de Frades, in Seixal, during the biennium 2012/2014. For this purpose, it was made use of plastic arts and drama activities in a relaxed and experimental pedagogic atmosphere, allowing for the valorization of new educational concepts and expressions, promoting the creation of puppets representing several characters. Students created so-called "Bisnaus" puppets, which were designed in order to acquire the basic expressiveness and animation needed to develop symbolism. It was hence possible to create characters, which permitted to communicate in their faces the basic expressions of happiness and affection, related with the expressive, cognitive and affective domainsinf...
Outras relações entre arte e educação: uma atitude política, 2018
Resumo: Este texto traz um conjunto de relações sobre arte e educação a partir de uma base teórica que compreende os campos da arte, da educação e da filosofia, provocando encontros interessados em produzir um modo de pensar a arte na educação desobrigada de certas noções de aprendizagem e ensino, ordens comprometidas com o alcance de resultados guiados por interesses exteriores. Aposta em pensar a escola como forma que torna presentes a arte e o mundo por meio dela, suspendendo os sentidos tradicionalmente atribuídos para o seu ensino. Nessa ideia de escola, uma atitude política toma a arte na escola como um meio de ruptura com as determinações incidentes sobre o conhecimento que vêm do mundo produtivo, capaz de fazer circular outros modos de pensar e habitar a escola. Palavras-chave: Escola. Arte. Educação. Atitude política. Abstract:This text brings a set of relations about art and education from a theoretical base that includes the fields of art, education and philosophy, provoking meetings interested in producing a way of thinking art in the education released from certain notions of learning and teaching, orders committed to the achievement of results guided by external interests. The text aims to think about the school as a form that makes art and the world present through it, suspending the senses traditionally attributed to its teaching. In this idea of school, a political attitude takes the art in the school as a mean of breaking with the determinations incident on the knowledge that come from the productive world, able to circulate other ways of thinking and to inhabit the school.
Art education is going through paradoxes in its plastic essentiality: the drawing disappeared from the paper, to be replaced on the screen. I propose to designate this contemporary analogy weakness as 'infirmitati', meditating Richard of Saint Victor (c.1123-1173) and Marshall McLuhan. This a conceptual setting to present the 18 articles that constitute this issue, proposing a scope to mess with the raw matter of art education.
Para este número 18 da Revista Matéria-Prima reuniram-se 16 artigos que permitem colocar em perspetiva diversas dimensões da Educação Artística. Entre a consciência patrimonial e a emancipação, entre o domínio da técnica e do género, entre a integração e a maturação criadora, há um espaço a ser pesquisado, feito de história, de identidade, de ensaio e de inclusividadeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Para empreender o exame psicológico da arte não é suficiente, e nem mesmo adequado, transpor termos de uma área de estudo para a outra, realizando colagens. É necessário construir um exame próprio, bem como um corpo teórico singular para tal análise.
The article describes and analyzes a pedagogical journey carried out in the class called School Knowledges in Visual Arts, offered to the Visual Arts undergraduate students at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The proposal aimed to awaken the sensibilities of future teachers to the knowledges and experiences that are either revealed or erased in the city, layers of subjectivity, stories and affections that can trigger teaching creativity, aesthetic enjoyment and their own poeticsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Revista Digital do LAV, 2016
O presente artigo visa refletir sobre o ensino da arte a partir de uma dupla investigação: verificar o…
Caminho Aberto: Revista de Extensão do IFSC, 2023
Avaliado pelo sistema double blind peer review. Publicado conforme normas da ABNT. Open acess free available online.
This article seeks to provide a retrospective on artistic practices and school practices of portraiture, crossing history of art and history of education. By comparing the origins of portraiture in ancient fine arts academies and how this genre is now addressed in secondary schools, we conclude the coexistence of old structural teaching methods and renewable learning approaches closer to contemporary artinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Atas do ..., 2006
Este texto considera a obra de arte como um texto, que para ser lido faz-se necessário percorrer o caminho: olhar, ver e compreender, sendo que cada etapa constitue momentos de aprendizagem e de prazer estético, um verdadeiro processo de letramento visual. Ensinar a ler a linguagem artística, a vê-la através do rítmo e do movimento como produção de sentido e de estesia. Eis a nossa proposta.
Cadernos CEDES, 2010
Education through art has a crucial role in the development of a sustainable development because it promotes creativity, innovation and critical thinking. Such skills are necessary to acquire an emancipating culture of equality and social responsibility, essential conditions to develop a sustainable future. If directed towards citizenship and education for values, the holistic nature of art education may transform the curriculum and reform school through transdisciplinary projects breaking boundaries between knowledge areas and enabling unique learning sites. However, this will only be possible if we reformulate current education paradigms and art education approaches and teacher training.
The new challenges of art education can be listed as inclusion, dematerialization, the diffusion of artistic practices into new fields beyond crafts, and new non-formal approaches by museums. The activity of researchers is increasingly demanding, and the proposals present approaches to the Museum ‘without place,’ towards a cultural introspection of critical pedagogies, the approach to identity, to the complexity of the hybridization of the media, to the threat of political downsizing or to the growing urbanization of contemporary cultural imaginariesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Mediation between cultural operation and formal art education is central to the implementation of new education interventions. The 18 articles presented explore these aspects integrating the contributions of some authors that remain a reference to the area. There arises a global issue for art education, the identity, based on the local heritage. The proposals articulate curatorial discourses (the museum, the biennial, the exhibition) as mediation actions, and also some reflections on the reality of teacher training in different realities are presented.
This article proposes to elaborate learning objectives in the qualitative evaluation for the process of the education of Art in High School. The study presents criteria to analyze the effectiveness of Art teaching. It is understood by effective, the teaching of Art that, in addition to providing knowledge of the material resources, procedures and elements of each artistic segment (Visual Arts, Dance, Theater and Music), it guarantees the necessary learning for the reading of the reality, the confrontation of the new challenges of contemporaneity (social, economic and environmental) and the making of ethical and reasoned decisions, as established by High School BNCC. Based on categories elaborated by certain students and the critical analysis of the third version of the BNCC document, a cross--checking of the data was carried out and learning objectives were proposed taking into account -for the qualitative evaluation -two prospects: the transformation of the students and of didactics. Urdimento, Florianópolis, v.1, n.34, p. 77-95, mar./abr. 2019 Tiago Cruvinel Avaliação qualitativa do ensino de Arte no Ensino Médio
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