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2000, Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht
131 pages
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Probation, 2016
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Neccessary regulation of inheritage according to the law in Kosovo as the state in transition Dr. Sc. Majlinda Belegu College“Universum” Abstract The main Kosovo challenge in the transition period was harmonization of national legislation with the EU legislation.Harmonization of this legislation has touched the Kosovo law of heritage as well. The ineritance of property is one of the most important institutes of the civil law. Inheritance in the inheritage law in Kosovo is done in two ways. Priority in regard to the inheritance of property from de cuius to inheritants is always will (testament)inheritance, however in cases where there is no will left then the inheritance is done by law. All heirs of property should be parts of inheritance and inheritance is based in some conditions normed with the disposals in chapter II of the Inheritance Law. Inheritance has regulated also the steps of inheritance which are four, according to the Inheritance Law. Neccessary part of inheritance cannot be overcome even if that is donated for humanitarian aims. Inheritants can be excluded from inheritance from de cuius only in determined cases by law. If it comes to the exclusion case with no reasons legal inheritants have the right to ask through court - to initiate procedure in order to transfer the property from de cuius to inheritant that was excluded. Key words: law, inheritage, inheritant, neccessary part, devisor
Recognition of a wide range of human rights and fundamental freedom in a series of treaties, conventions and declarations is one of the most revolutionary developments in the history of homosapiens. It has aroused aspirations and expectations of people all around the world and created an awareness of human rights problems and the necessity of their effective implementation and enforcement. But these rights are not self-implementating and depend for their realization on the availability of adequate financial resources, courts and institutions and above all international cooperation and assistance. Article 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights underlines this fact states: "Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in the Declaration can be achieved."
University’s Intellectual Property Policy. No portion of the text may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including analogue and digital media, without prior written permission from the University. Extracts of or quotations from this thesis may, however, be made in terms of Sections 12 and 13 of the South African Copyright laws.
International Reading Association (IRA) has been working for Reading Certification in
International Legal Materials, 2020
From its inception, the collection, publication, and dissemination of important international legal materials has been among the primary functions of the American Society of International Law. These materials were originally published as a section of the American Journal of International Law, and for the past 50 years they have been produced as a freestanding publication. Throughout this period, International Legal Materials has filled a critical need by giving scholars and practitioners access to primary source materials that were often difficult to find.
De Economist, 2004
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Handbook of Communication in the Legal Sphere: Introduction, 2018