Absolute Physics in Historical Context

2023, Academia.Edu (© R. Schleyer, M.A.)

A brilliant mid-20th c. work of philology is summarized and annotated to show how Plato in effect founded the Special Theory of Relativity. His many-faceted concept of the "Receptacle" is equivalent to modernity's deepest physical conceptualization--the immaterial Color Vacuum--as a description of the inward-most nucleonic ground of physical reality. Plato's construction of Absolute Physics reappeared centuries later in Plotinus, another Greek, whose ruminations on the physics of matter can be understood have founded Heisenberg Indeterminacy (and therefore quantum field theory). Plato's physics reemerged still later in "the platonic successor" Proclus, whose sketch of the cosmic Negative Unity is shown to be the actual foundation of the 21st c. microphysics of "entanglement" (Nobel Prize, 2022). Supplemented with a glossary and supported by appendices on idealist physics in the 19th c. and on physical understanding in Greek mythology. Illustrated.