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1994, Proceedings of the 1994 Conference of the Centre For Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) techniques appear to be at the forefront of software engineering technologies. Nevertheless, as with the introduction of any relatively new technique, there is a tendency for people to attempt to maximize efficiency without always having a corresponding factual basis for their actions. This paper discusses important "bullets of measure" that should be taken into consideration during and after the development of an Object-Oriented System, particularly as it pertains to the static analysis of OO source code. The proposed metrics are consistent with the suggestions of many individuals who are well known for their experience.
Global journal of computer science and technology, 2020
The ever-evolving body of empirical results do confirmation on the theoretical perspective the validity of OOD metrics whose validity is determined by them demonstrating that [1] they measure what they purport to measure. Quite often OOD metrics have been used as indicators of both the internal and external behaviors in the software development process. Software metrics especially for Object Oriented Systems literature often describe complex models with the focus to help predict various properties of software products and processes by measuring other properties. Usually designers are met with challenges to work with these measures especially when and how to use them. The very process of collecting these measurements leads to a better organization of the software process and a better understanding of what designers do as long as they confine to measurements that are meaningful. To this end therefore, the initiation of these metrics during the initial software development process is important. This paper elicits an understanding of the OOD metrics used in OOS development.
— Object oriented metrics have become more important in software engineering field. They are used to measure software quality and to estimate the cost, to enhance the reliability, maintainability and effort of software projects. Object oriented metrics evaluate the complexity of OO program. Object oriented concepts are dominating the software industry and engineers need proper measuring parameters in order to make software more efficient and reused. Object Oriented Design metrics is an essential part of software engineering. This paper collects many object oriented metrics proposed by various researchers and a final conclusion is to overcome the drawbacks of existing metrics and to deliver efficient metrics which is effectively used to measure the programs. Keywords-Software architecture; Coupling; cohesion; reusability; maintainability I.
This paper gives the different type of metrics used in object–oriented environments. Our survey includes a set of various object–oriented metrics i.e. those designed specifically for object–oriented programming. We believe that these metrics have significant implications for designing high-quality software products using the object oriented approach. The results can be of great assistance to quality engineers in selecting the proper set of metrics for their software projects.
SUMMARY This paper presents the results derived from our survey on metrics used in object- oriented environments. Our survey includes a small set of the most well known and commonly applied traditional software metrics which could be applied to object- oriented programming and a set of object-oriented metrics (i.e. those designed specifically for object-oriented programming). These metrics were evaluated using
The Journal of Object Technology, 2006
The increasing importance of software measurement has led to development of new software measures. Many metrics have been proposed related to various constructs like class, coupling, cohesion, inheritance, information hiding and polymorphism. But there is a little understanding of the empirical hypotheses and application of many of these measures. It is often difficult to determine which metric is more useful in which area. As a consequence, it is very difficult for project managers and practitioners to select measures for object-oriented systems. In this paper we investigate 22 metrics proposed by various researchers. The metrics are first defined and then explained using practical applications. They are applied on standard projects on the basis of which descriptive statistics, principal component analysis and correlation analysis is presented. Finally, a review of the empirical study concerning chosen metrics and subset of these measures that provide sufficient information is given and metrics providing overlapping information are excluded from the set.
In order to improve productivity (and quality), measurement of specific aspects of software has become imperative. As object oriented programming languages have become more widely used, metrics designed specifically for object-oriented software are required. Recently a large number of new metrics for object- oriented software has appeared in the literature. Unfortunately, many of these proposed metrics have not been validated to measure what they purport to measure. In this paper fifty (50) of these metrics are analyzed.
IEEE International Software Metrics Symposium, 1999
The objective of this study is the investigation of the correlation between object-oriented design metrics and the likelihood of the occurrence of object oriented faults. Such a relationship, if identified, can be utilized to select effective testing techniques that take the characteristics of the program under test into account. Our empirical study was conducted on three industrial real-time systems that
… Metrics Symposium, 1999 …, 1999
As object-oriented (OO) analysis and design techniques become more widely used, the demand on assessing the quality of OO designs increases substantially. Recently, there has been much research effort devoted to developing and empirically validating metrics for OO design quality. Complexity, coupling, and cohesion have received a considerable interest in the field. Despite the rich body of research and practice in developing design quality metrics, there has been less emphasis on dynamic metrics for OO designs. The ...
Abstract In order to compute metrics automatically, these must be implemented as software programs. As metrics become increasingly complex, implementing them using imperative and interrogative programming is oftentimes cumbersome. Consequently, their understanding, testing and reuse are severely hampered.
In the pursuit of ever increasing productivity, the need to be able to measure specific aspects of software is generally agreed upon. As object oriented programming languages are becoming more and more widely used, metrics specifically designed for object oriented software are required. In recent years there has been an explosion of new, object oriented software metrics proposed in the literature. Unfortunately, many or most of these proposed metrics have not been validated to measure what they claim to measure. In fact, an analysis of many of these metrics shows that they do not satisfy basic properties of measurement theory, and thus their application has to be suspect. In this paper ten improved metrics are proposed and validated. 1 Introduction In the early days of computer applications, software development was best described as art, rather than science. The absence of design guidelines often resulted in spaghetti code that was unintelligible to those charged with maintaining t...
Metrics help in identifying potential problem areas and finding these problems in the phase they are developed decreases the cost and avoids major ripple effects from these in later development stages. These days, Object Oriented Paradigm is mainly used for all practical purposes, hence accessing Object Oriented Systems is a major research area in Software Engineering. As proved by researchers Procedural metrics are unfit for measuring various OO characteristics. Many researchers have proposed different OO metrics suite. This paper discusses the most commonly used OO metrics suite (CK, MOOD & LI) on the basis of characteristic they measure. An advanced metric for inheritance is also discussed. The strengths and weaknesses of all these are identified. The paper concludes by identifying that none of the metrics suite is full proof and there are flaws in almost all of them. Moreover, there is no single metric that can measure all the aspects of an OO System. Rather some of the suites h...
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015
Object oriented metrics have become more important in software development environment. They are used to measure software quality and to estimate the cost, to enhance reliability, maintainability and effort of software projects. Object oriented metrics estimate the complexity of OO programs. This paper highlights all the object oriented metrics which are proposed in the last two decades such as CK metrics, Moose Metrics, QMOOD Metrics, GQM, MOOSE, LI Metrics, Chen Metrics, Lorenz Kidd Metrics, Reuse Metrics and EMOOSE. The need for such metrics is particularly acute when an organization is adopting a new technology for which established practices have yet to be improved. This research addresses these desires through the development and implementation of a suite of metrics for OO design. The equations and measurement calculation methods for all mentioned OO metrics are clearly defined. In this research paper a java program is taken as a model with OOP concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction. The above mentioned Object oriented metrics are applied on this java program and the results of each metrics are tabulated clearly. The objective of the research is to select the correct object oriented metrics for their models and application for software developers.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1992
An acceptable measure of sofhvare quality must quantify sofhvare complexity. Traditional software metrics such as lines of code, sofrware science, cyclomatic complexity are investigated as possible indicators of complexity of objectoriented systems. This research reports the effects of polymorphism and inheritance on the complexity of objectoriented systems as measured by the traditional metrics. The results of this research indicate that traditional nzetrics are applicable to the measurement of the complexity of object-oriented systems.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
This full-day workshop was organized in four sessions. The first three were thematic technical sessions dedicated to the presentation of the recent research results of participants. Seven, out of eleven accepted submissions were orally presented during these three sessions. The first session also included a metrics collection tool demonstration. The themes of the sessions were, respectively, "Metrics Definition and Collection", "Quality Assessment" and "Metrics Validation". The last session was dedicated to the discussion of a set of topics selected by the participants.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2000
A suite of object oriented software metrics has recently been proposed. While the authors have taken care to ensure their metrics have a sound measurement theoretical basis, we argue that is premature to begin applying such metrics while there remains uncertainty about the precise definitions of many of the quantities to be observed and their impact upon subsequent indirect metria. In particular, we show some of the ambiguities associated with the seemingly simple concept of the number of methods per class. The usefulness of the proposed metrics, and others, would be greatly enhanced if clearer guidance concerning their application to specific languages were to be provided. Such empirical considerations are as important as the theoretical issues raised by the authors. Zndex Terms-CR categories and subject descriptors: D.2.8 [software engineering]: metrics; D.2.9 [software engineering]: management; F.2.3 [analysis of algorithms and problem complexity]: tradeoffs among complexity measures; K.6.3 [management of computing and information systems]: software management. General terms: Class, complexity, design, management, metria, object orientation.
Abstract In this paper, we examine the current state in the field of object-oriented design metrices. We describe three sets of currently available metrics suites, namely, those of Chidamber and Kemerer (1993), Lorenze and Kidd (1994) and Abreu (1995). We consider the important features of each set, and assess the appropriateness and usefulness of each in evaluating the design of object-oriented systems.
Journal of Object Technology, 2006
The importance of software measurement is increasing leading to development of new measurement techniques. As the development of object-oriented software is rising, more and more metrics are being defined for object-oriented languages. Many metrics have been proposed related to various object-oriented constructs like class, coupling, cohesion, inheritance, information hiding and polymorphism. The applicability of metrics developed by previous researchers is mostly limited to requirement, design and implementation phase. Exception handling is a desirable feature of software that leads to robust design and must be measured. This research addresses this need and introduces a new set of design metrics for object-oriented code. Two metrics are developed that measure the amount of robustness included in the code. The metrics are analytically evaluated against Weyuker's proposed set of nine axioms. These set of metrics are calculated and analyzed for standard projects and accordingly ways in which project managers can utilize these metrics are suggested. SOFTWARE DESIGN METRICS FOR OBJECT-ORIENTED SOFTWARE 122 J OURNAL OF OBJECT TECHNOLOGY V OL. 6, NO. 1
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 1994
Abstruct-Given the central role that software development plays in the delivery and application of information technology, managers are increasingly focusing on process improvement in the software development area. This demand has spurred the provision of a number of new and/or improved approaches to software development, with perhaps the most prominent being object-orientation (00). In addition, the focus on process improvement has increased the demand for software measures, or metrics with which to manage the process. The need for such metrics is particularly acute when an organization is adopting a new technology for which established practices have yet to be developed. This research addresses these needs through the development and implementation of a new suite of metrics for 00 design. Metrics developed in previous research, while contributing to the field's understanding of software development processes, have generally been subject to serious criticisms, including the lack of a theoretical base. Following Wand and Weber, the theoretical base chosen for the metrics was the ontology of Bunge. Six design metrics are developed, and then analytically evaluated against Weyuker's proposed set of measurement principles. An automated data collection tool was then developed and implemented to collect an empirical sample of these metrics at two field sites in order to demonstrate their feasibility and suggest ways in which managers may use these metrics for process improvement.
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