The Mi'kmaw chiquebi, the case of the dismissed root



In early modern France, foraging practices were associated with a 'primitive' style of food procurement, with times of dearth and poverty. It was believed those practices brought humans back to the level of animals. The French explorers and missionaries who wrote about their culinary experiences in the Northeastern part of the North American continent at the time of contact paid little attention to the non-cultivated plants used by the diverse Indigenous groups they encountered. Imbued by their own food culture, they failed to acknowledge, not only the plants, but also the Indigenous science behind the management of those natural resources. One of the many consequences of the French-Indigenous encounter was the imposition on Indigenous peoples of the settlers' dominative approach to nature and, subsequently, the systematic erosion of their various food systems. The case of the Mi'kmaw chiquebi, (Apios americana) clearly illustrates this process. Once an essential part of Indigenous diets, by the 20th Century, the root had fallen into almost oblivion.