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LADU: Journal of Languages and Education
Background: Morphology, defined as the internal structure of words, has always played an important role in linguistic typology, and it is with the morphological classification of languages into fusional, agglutinative, and isolation This paper will take one language as an example or object that is Indonesian language, and analysis the morphological typology characteristics in the Indonesian language. Purpose: This research is to find out the all characteristic of the morphology typology and analysis Indonesian language based on the agglutinative language because Indonesian language has same type with agglutinative language. Design and methods: This paper using descriptive qualitative method. The author analysis all of morphology typology branch especially agglutinative. To support analysis, the author using theory from other journal to strength the result of analysis. Results: The result show the Indonesian language is included to agglutinative language based on the analysis.
This research-based paper presented the investigation on Morphological process of tabale language in Palu Central-Sulawesi. Therefore, the aims of this study were to describe the use of Tabale language in PaluPerumnasBalaroa and to introduce the uniqueness of the jargon (Tabale language) to the public. This study used descriptive qualitative method. This research also used Remembering method to collect the data, because the researcher himself was the native of this jargon language, the other method which was used was agih method to analyze the data. This research result showed the public about the uniqueness of morphological process in Bahasatabale such as
This study is aimed at describing the kinds of the English and Indonesian prefixes and suffixes mostly found in the descriptive text of student's and finding the similarities and dissimilarities. The writer used descriptive qualitative research method. To collect the data, the writer used documentation technique. In analyzing the data the writer used descriptive analysis. After investigating the data, the writer found out four types of English prefix; quantified, locative, temporal, and negation prefixes. English suffixes have four types; nominal, verbal, adjectival, and adverbial suffixes, and five types of Indonesian prefixes; forming verb, forming adjectival, forming noun, forming numeral, and there forming interrogative. The writer also found out thirty two prefixes and suffixes words categorized as English Prefixes and Suffixes, and twenty prefixes and suffixes words categorized as English Prefixes and Suffixes. The writer found out the similarities and dissimilarities. The similarities between English Indonesian prefixes and suffixes in the descriptive text were on prefixes in line with quantity, and suffixes in line with nominal, verbal, and adjectival suffixes. While the dissimilarities were on prefixes and suffixes. In English prefixes, there were no types of prefixes that forming verb, adjective, noun, and interrogative. While in Indonesian prefixes, there were no types of prefixes such as locative, temporal, and negation prefixes. In English suffixes there were no forming numeral and interrogative. In Indonesian There was no adverbial suffix.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fib, 2013
Dialect is a variety of language that has uniqueness in phonology, morphology, syntax and vocabulary. One of the examples of dialect spoken in Indonesia is Papuan dialect. The uniqueness of Papuan Indonesian dialect can be seen in its morphology and vocabulary. Thus, this study was conducted to analyze the word formation process and the lexical variation in Papuan Indonesian dialect. This study was a qualitative research. The data of this study were the utterances which contained linguistics items that mark the characteristics or uniqueness of Papuan Indonesian dialect. In doing the observation, the writer took notes on the relevant data from the subjects that contain morphological and lexical variation of PID utterances that are different from Standard BI. In data analysis, the writer classified the data in form of table and gave further explanation according to the word formation processes. The results of this study showed that there are seven word formation processes in the lexical variation of Papuan Indonesian dialect. They are borrowing, blending, coinage, compounding, clipping, conversion, and derivation. Coinage is the most dominant with twenty six words, followed by clipping with 7 words, 6 compounding words, 4 conversion words, 3 blending word, 2 derivation, and the last is borrowing with 1 word. In conclusion, Papuan Indonesian dialect is a Bahasa Indonesia that is spoken by Papuan. It has uniqueness in the word formation process of some of the words. There are words that are formed differently with standard BI. Based on Yule's theory of word formation process, the writer found seven of them in PID. For further research on PID, the writer suggests to the next writer who is interested in Papuan Indonesian dialect to analyze it from the syntax and sociolingusitics point of view. Second, great gratefulness is also dedicated to Isti Purwaningtyas, M.Pd. and Yana Shanti Manipuspika, M.App.Ling. as his advisors, and Emy Sudarwati, M.Pd. and Syariful Muttaqin, M.A. as examiners who have given very great patience, guidance, correction, explanation and worth suggestions during this thesis writing process. Next, the researcher would like to dedicate this thesis to his parents, Yunus Ap and Purwanti Ap, and his brother, Henry Ap who always give support, prayer, encouragement, patience and love even more in this thesis writing process. A special thanks goes to Wahyu Dwi Novianingsih who has given great support, and encouragement during this thesis writing process. Finally, the researcher would like to give deepest thank to all the friends
International journal of linguistics, literature and culture
This research is entitled "Tajen Language in Balinese Society". This study focuses on the linguistic aspects contained in Tajen activities. This study aims to reveal the lexicon and its categorization, as well as to identify the morphological process happens to those words found. The research data was collected using field linguistic methods supported by note-taking techniques and interview methods. The data that has been grouped is then verified again to Bebotoh as informants through interview techniques related to the meaning of forms or varieties of Balinese speech in the implementation of the Tajen. The data were analyzed using the distributional method with the Immediate Constituent Analysis technique. The results of the analysis found 146 lexicons related to Tajen. The lexicons then are classified based on grammatical forms which are divided into two, namely basic forms and derived forms. There are 72 basic forms and 74 derivative forms. The derived forms are the res...
International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, 2019
The aim of this study was to find the morphological typology of Korean and Indonesian Language which is employed in novel. The data which was represented in this qualitative research came from relevant translation in writing form. The writing form involves a Korean-language novel and its translation in Indonesian language novel. The findings reveal that Korean and Indonesian morphological transformation in the application of affixation process is not different. However, studying Korean language is challanging since its writing system (hangul) is quiet distinctive compared to Indonesian and its suffixes indicate the hierarcy, mood, tense, and vice versa unlike Indonesian.
One issue which is frequently discussed in linguistic study is the connection between the principle of morphology and syntax. Morphosyntax is a term used in linguistics studying the application of morphology and syntax on grammatical categories. In short, morphosyntax is the combination between morphological and syntactic studies. The writer correlates the relation between morphology and syntax by applying corpus-linguistics, the study of language data on a large scale. Corpus-linguistics is used as a method to identify each form of morphological process in the word having root nyata in wider context. The result of this research shows the relationship between morphosyntactic structure and lemmatization (the process of determining the lemma for a given lexeme). According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia , the word having root nyata is classified as verb and noun with nyata as the head word. In this study, the word having root nyata does not merely belong to both verb and noun. Further...
The Routledge Handbook of Asian Linguistics, 2022
This chapter first provides an overview of Indonesian morphology. It then proceeds to show how the morphology of Indonesian can be modeled using a computational error-driven model for lexical processing in the mental lexicon. The chapter concludes with a case study of two rival prefixes and illustrates how methods from corpus linguistics and computational modeling contribute to our understanding of affixal rivalry and morphological productivity.
This article proposes a workable, teachable, generalisable as well as communicatively efficient framework for analyzing the word in English Morphology. It is proposed that a framework of English Morphology should include the understanding of word structure, morphemes and their arrangement in forming words. Further, this article explains why is morphology studied and how is morphology studied to EFL students from the point of view of several morphologists in some sources. This is also intoducing some principles used in Morphology which are taken from Eugene Nida's: 1965 textbook Morphology. Finally, the main objective of teaching morphology is to assign meaning to parts of words.
Journal of Education and Practice, 2018
This study aims to describe the interference of affixation, reduplication and compound of Jamee language on the use of written Indonesian by high school students in Singkil subdistrict, Aceh Singkil district; describes the factors causing interference of affixation, reduplication, and Jamee language compositions on the use of written Indonesian by students; and describes the usefulness of interference research in the form of affixation, reduplication and compound of Jamee language on the use of written Indonesian as a learning material (handout) in learning to write narrative text by students. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The results of this study are (1) there are 114 sentences interfered with Jamee form of affixation that consists of (a) prefix ta-, ma-, sa-, ba-, di- , and ka- , (b) suffix -nyo and -kan , and (c) konfiks di-...-kan , ma-...-i , sa-...-nyo , di-...-nyo , ma-...-kan , ba-...-an , sa-...-an , pa-...-an , ma-...-nyo , pa-...-nyo...
This study examines the morphology of nouns and verbs in Cambodian (Khmer) and Indonesian, two languages that come from different cultural backgrounds. Although there are significant differences in the history and development of these two languages, the analysis shows similarities in some structural aspects that are interesting to study. This study aims to understand how morphology affects word formation as well as its use in sentences, focusing on the way both languages handle word formation and meaning changes. The research method used involves qualitative analysis of data taken from linguistic sources, including dictionaries and related academic works. The results showed that the Khmer language, which has a relatively simple morphological structure, tends to use the basic form of the word without much afjection. On the other hand, Indonesian shows a wealth of variation in word formation through the use of affixes, both prefixes, suffixes, and infixes. This process not only enriches vocabulary but also gives different nuances of meaning to the words produced. These findings highlight the importance of understanding morphological differences and similarities in both languages, which can provide deeper insights into linguistic and cultural interactions. This research is expected to contribute to the development of linguistics, especially in the field of morphology, as well as improve understanding of how languages adapt and evolve in different social contexts.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
Makassarese speakers are bilingual. They are generally domiciled in the southern part of South Sulawesi Province, especially in Gowa Regency. The alternation of Makassarese and Indonesian languages has the consequence of mutual influence at various levels, including the morphological level. This study aims to describe the form of words and the meaning carried by each word due to the morphological influence of the Makassar language on the Indonesian language. This research is a type of descriptive research. Sources of data are the speeches of respondents who live in Gowa Regency as twenty people who were selected purposively based on occupation (employees, teachers, traders, and students); age (between 18-47 years); and education (junior till high school). The data were analyzed according to the properties of the morphemes and then transcribed according to their basic forms. The results showed that the morphological influence of the Makassar language into Indonesian has certain characteristics, namely the presence of a bound element in the form of clitics. There are clitics in the form of personal pronouns; some are in the form of particles. Clitics derived from personal pronouns consist of neutral or familiar pronouns and honorific or polite pronouns. There are clitics in the form of particles that function as affirmations while others act as markers of time or time. These clitics can be attached to the class of nouns, verbs, adjectives, numerals by carrying different meanings according to the context of the speech.
Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal , 2023
This qualitative study employing comparative analysis method uncovered the similarities and differences of Tagalog, Bahasa Indonesia, and Bahasa Melayu languages in terms of orthographic, phonological and semantic features. The words in Tagalog, Bahasa Indonesia, and Bahasa Melayu languages were used in this study. The findings revealed that Tagalog orthography is a bit complex to understand for it contains more elements than the others. It possesses extra letters that are not present in the other two languages. Further, in terms of phonological features, the Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Melayu languages have an additional /ə/ sound, one will really notice how Tagalog pronunciation is different from the other two languages. This is why when they speak, there is a distinct difference in the stressing of the words because /ə/ are not stressed and are unaspirated. In addition, in terms of semantic features, affixation and reduplication play important roles. While all the three languages make use of prefixes, suffixes and circumfixes, they vary in the morphemes that they use. These morphemes can change the lexical category of the words and are subject to a set of rules unique to each language.
Linguistic Typology 11 (1), pp. 115-117, 2007
Typology in its modern form is connected with the search for universals. This works to the advantage of certain types of questions, those which allow a more or less coherent answer for any language. Phonology, syntax, and semantics are usually the starting point, and such topics as phonological inventories, word order, and the range of expressible semantic distinctions constitute the bulk of research. These also form the core questions of general linguistics, so this research emphasis is only to be expected. Conversely, one area that receives relatively little attention from typologists is morphology. This too is hardly surprising: of all the aspects of language, morphology is the most language-specific and hence least generalizable. Indeed, even the very presence of a meaningful morphological component is language-specific.
According to Kontjaraningrat (1986:8), language is an integral part of the culture. The use of language as a communication tool aiming to let in the submission of the idea can be carried out efficiently and effectively. Language is used not only in the oral form in communications but can be obtained through writing either from an article, discourse, novel, poetry and so on, as well as the use of language also varied from the use of the language of formal and non-formal. Each language actually have in common in terms of the grammar of sound, the shape, the meaning of the words, but because of a variety of factors contained in the user community, such as education, religion, areas of activity, profession, as well as the cultural background of the region, so that language becomes a not uniformly true. Every language around the world is diverse (Chaer, 2006:3). Article is a scientific works produced by a person for the publication in the mass media or electronic. It contains the results of a form of creative ideas about certain topic using the value approach and artistic cultural norms or art that dominated the speech writer. A Moskow travel article is one of article collection of Colours, Garuda Indonesia Inflight Magazine which can be accessed on This article was written by Brian Johnston as a reference of travel places for flights from Jakarta to Moscow via Abu Dhabi. In addition, this article includes reduplication as word formation of morphology discussion. Thus, the morphology analysis can be not only found in comparing such language, but also other media like an article. Ramlan (1978:19) argues that morphology discusses about the in and out form of words, as well as the function of changes form of that words, either grammatical or semantic function. Word changes of each language around the words definitely undergone development. In Indonesian language, the development of language is influenced by many factors, including the absorption of foreign language, either in words or in the form of the structure of the shaper and the development of structures that form with regard to the use of language, for instance reduplication. The study of Indonesian linguistic commonly uses a number of reduplication terms that comes from Javanese and Sundanese language, such as dwilingga (the reduplication of basic morpheme e.g. buku-buku), dwilingga salin suara (the reduplication of basic morpheme with the changes of vocal and other phonemes e.g. bolak-balik), dwipurwa (the reduplication of first syllable e.g. lelaki, pepatah, peparu) and trilingga (the twice reduplication of basic morphemes e.g. dag-dig-dug, cas cis cus, ngak ngik nguk). It concludes that the form of reduplication in Indonesian language occurs at both the level of phonological, morphological, and syntactic. Reduplication is often used by the public. However, they do not know the concept of repetition they use. Even the use of reduplication in the language of Indonesia is still experiencing errors and does not fit with the way the repetitions contained in studies of English morphology. From that, we are interested of discussing reduplication analysis of Indonesian language on Colours Magazine. The discussion focuses on reduplication in Indonesian language and the form and meaning of words in this article.
Proceedings of the 2nd Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Conference: Establishing Identities through Language, Culture, and Education (SOSHEC 2018)
The aim of this study is to describe the form, the socio-cultural context, and the social meaning of the Javanese language varieties. In this research, the researchers used descriptive qualitative research with case study design. The data of this research were obtained from the people utterances. Observation, interview, and documentation were used to collect the data. There were 30 participants involved in this research. The instruments of this research were an audio recording, a questionnaire, and note. Triangulation was applied to measure the validity of data. The researchers used content analysis for peeling utterances in text form. For analyzing the data, the researchers used An Interactive Model of Analysis. The results of this study revealed that 40 words differ from the basic vocabulary. The context of the Javanese language varieties is particular context and general context based on the participant, setting, topic, and the function. There are four social meaning such as group identity, solidarity, politeness, and pride. The participants in this study were relatively small. Conducting similar studies with more participants involved would be helpful. Moreover, it would be insightful to examine the use of Javanese language varieties among people around Java.
e-Journal of Linguistics, 2020
This study aims to examine the Muna language interference on the morphological aspects as a symptom of language that generally occurs in bilingual people. The influence of Muna language as a mother tongue and the difference between the morphological system of Muna and Indonesian is very possible for interference. This study was conducted with 20 participants from different community groups within the scope of Kecamatan Mawasangka, Kabupaten Buton Tengah. The data were collected using observation method with involved and uninvolved conversation, records and transcribing technique then analyzed using padan or Contrastive method to determine the presence of morphological interference. The result showed that Interference in the aspect of affixation in this research occurs in the formation of the prefix {ka-}, prefix {kafo-}, prefix {ta-}, and confix {ka-...-i}. whereas in the aspect of reduplication the interference symptoms are found in the form of partial reduplication of the Muna lan...
KnE Social Sciences
Language hybridity production is a linguistics phenomenon that comes up nowadays among multilanguage speakers. Indlish then comes up as a part of Englishes, this new term refers to language hybridity formed from the combination of the Indonesian affixations and the English words. This qualitative research conducted in two months for collecting the speakers’ hybrid words productions. The participants on this research are 32 graduate students that speak in at least 4 languages and at most 7 languages. The result shows that there is a formation of the hybrid words produced by the students, the formation is followed by the Indonesian rule of affixation addition and places the English words instead of the Indonesian. Keywords: morphology, word production, hybrid, Indonesian, English, 2018
This paper is aimed at describing the nominal characteristics in Pakpak language. The structural morphology theory was employed with specific attention is driven to morphological processes of nominal natures which can be seen from semantic, syntactic as well as morphological natures. The distributional method was used. The results concluded that the nominal characteristics of Pakpak language can be observed from the natures of nominal semantics, nominal syntactics, and nominal morphology. The semantic nature is related to the meanings of nouns and the syntactic nature is related to nominal functions in sentences and to noun phrase markers. The morphological nature of nouns is also related to affixing morphemes of noun class markers, such as penjukjuk 'trapping instrument', penuan 'a person who grows plants', and pengerana 'speaker'. The affix /pe-/ here becomes the nominal markers from the verbal class, for instance jukjuk 'to trap', suan 'to plant' and from the nominal class, such as rana 'word'.
Amanassah , Refereed Scientific Journal, Mardin, Turkey, 2021
This research studies the application of one aspect of the unification of the Kurdish language, which is the study of morphological difference between both Kurdish dialects (Kurmanjy and Sorany), which hinder the unification of the Kurdish language, through about shows the most prominent issues, suggestion solutions, knowing the energies of each dialect to use them in the development of the Kurdish language. In addition to that this research recognizes the aspects of contrast and similarity between these two dialects to create an affinity between them, and finally uniting the Kurdish language, so that these various dialects become enriched and unified elements , instead of being dividing and dispersing factors . The method of this research depends on the conventional logical morphological classifications, by dividing the search into the following morphological types (infinitive, adjective, subject, object, machine name, place name, and minimize). On the other hand, this research studies the morphological issues in context of some modern linguistics methods, especially the functional approach, which focuses on the study of the function of morphological units and their role in the development, organization and standardization of the language. This research found that the similar characteristics of these two dialects are more than the differences , and this differences do not impair their unification, otherwise this differences work to enrich and expand the Kurdish language.
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