Kashmir Śaiva Philosophy: An Introductory Overview*

philosophy is a geographical nomenclature used for Śaiva and Śākta philosophical streams which originated in Kashmir or were imported from elsewhere and flourished between ninth to eleventh century in Kashmir. From this point of view, all the Śaiva doctrines-dvaita, advaita and dvaitādvaita (dualist, non-dualist and dualist-non-dualist)-are denoted by this term, but currently, in popular understanding, this term only signifies nondualist philosophical traditions. Thus, Kashmir Śaivism is not a school in itself, rather it is a complex cluster of many interconnected traditions which were first centered only in Kashmir and later spread all over in the northeast , south etc. The presence of philosophical traditions which can be traced during that period are: Trika (literally, triad or group of three), Krama (lit. order or sequence), Mata (lit. tenet or dogma or opinion, a particular sect in philosophy), Kula (lit. family or whole), Spanda (lit. vibration), Pratyabhijñā (lit. recognition), Siddhānta (lit. doctrine, commonly used for Siddhānta Śaiva Dualism) and Tripurā (lit. consisting of three cities). Scholars have presented these traditions by classifying them in various ways. Many approaches are found in this context, for example,