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© Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis ini dengan suatu apapun, tanpa ijin tertulis dari penerbit.
Nurul Fitriyah Almunawaroh, M.pd. (universitas lfamansiswa) Nurfisi Arriyani, M.Pd. (Universitas Tamansi swa) Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra: ENGLISH EMPOWER merupakan media publikasi hasil penelitian dan karya ilmiah di bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang terbit dengan ISSN 2528-3998 terbitZ (dua) icali perrahun Diterbitkan oleh FKIP Universitas Tamansiswa palembang Alamat Redaksi : I alan Tamansi swa No.
Fungsi dan Sifat hak Cipta Pasal 2 1. Hak Cipta merupakan hak eksklusif bagi pencipta atau pemegang Hak Cipta untuk mengumumkan atau memperbanyak ciptaannya, yang timbul secara otomatis setelah suatu ciptaan dilahirkan tanpa mengurangi pembatasan menurut peraturan perundang-undangan yang v KATA SAMBUTAN Rektor Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Pertama-tama marilah kita memanjatkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah SWT, karena atas izin, rahmat dan petunjukNYA sehingga kita masih senantiasa berkarya demi kemajuan daerah khususnya Provinsi Gorontalo. Saya selaku Rektor menyambut dengan gembira dan penuh apresiasi atas penerbitan buku dosen di lingkungan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Penerbitan buku ini dirangkaian dengan program Tahun Buku 2014 Universitas Negeri Gorontalo yang telah dicanangkan pada Januari 2014. Hal ini merupakan suatu gagasan dan upaya yang sungguh-sungguh para dosen sebagai ilmuan yang patut kita teladani. Betapa tidak, menulis dan menerbitkan karya seperti ini adalah sebuah pekerjaan mulia. Buku yang ditulis oleh para dosen ini mengulas berbagai macam disiplin ilmu berdasarkan keahlian masing-masing dosen yang bersangkutan. Oleh sebab itu menurut pemahaman saya, buku ini sangat penting untuk dibaca, baik oleh pengambil kebijakan maupun kalangan akademisi dan mahasiswa yang ingin mendalami lebih jauh konsep berbagai disiplin ilmu. Saya berharap kiranya buku ini dapat memberi manfaat bagi masyarakat umum. Akhirnya, atas nama Rektor dan Civitas Akademika Universitas Negeri Gorontalo menyampaikan selamat kepada penulisnya. Semoga usaha dan gagasan yang baik ini dapat disambut dengan penuh suka cita. Selamat membaca. Gorontalo, Medio Agustus 2014 16808690 vi vii PREFACE The course is designed to enable students to have a more through and comprehensive knowledge the materials of Applied Linguistics. We hope that students have a comprehensive knowledge about the field of Applied Linguistics. The discussion of the materials focus on (1) Introduction to Applied Linguistics, (2) language bevavior and language learning, (3) approaches to language learning, (4) contrastive analysis, (5) error analysis, (6) crtical discourse analysis, (7) applied linguistics and methods of teaching language, (8) applied linguistics and language testing, and (9)approaches to language testing. We hope students to learn and apply the materials.. I am indebted to the administration of Gorontalo State University whose cooperation and services made in relating to this book. These include Dr. H. Syamsu Qamar Badu, M. Pd as the Rector, Prof. Dr. Hj. Moon Hidayati Otoluwa, M.Hum. From the bottom of my heart, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and sincerest appreciation to my father and my mother, my brothers and my sisters for their encouragement and prayers for me. Especially to my father and my mother, my sincere thanks and appreciation are extended for bringing me as I am now. Finally, I would like to dedicate this book to my wife St. Roskina Mas, my sons: Fadlih A.Hasanuddin, Abdi Dzul viii Ikram Hasanuddin, and Arham F.Hasanuddin, who exerted much understanding and patience for my busy tasks for preparing this book. Thanks to all of them for their solemn prayers for my achievement and success so far. I wish this course materials will bring them some meaning in their lives.
Heritage Publishers, New Delhi, India, 2011
This introductory book covers almost all the major areas, domains, issues and aspects of general descriptive linguistics in a very lucid and simplified manner so that anyone interested in language and linguistics can easily gather some ideas about the discipline. The importance of the book lies in its elaborate presentation of information and data for general academic and referential purposes. The book is the first of its kind that tries to furnish new information and findings that are hardly presented before the students and scholars willing to know more about the general aspects of natural languages and linguistics. Since the level of the book is a general one, it does not include the findings of research and investigation, which are more complex in nature and which ask for specialized knowledge of the discipline as traced among the scholars baptized in the discipline called Linguistics. Rather, in simple term, this book includes simple descriptions and analyses of some notable findings and studies on the general areas of linguistics which can easily be liked by students of linguistics and general readers. In the present global scenario, there is hardly any book on general and descriptive linguistics which can be greatly useful for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of Linguistics of colleges and universities of India and other countries. This book is primarily written to address the needs of these learners. Thus, the target readers of this book are undergraduate and postgraduate students of Linguistics in India and similar countries. This book will also be useful for general readers who are interested in various aspects and properties of natural languages and linguistics. It can be highly referential for scholars and researchers working in various fields of general linguistics (e.g., descriptive linguistics, features of language, origin of language, branches of linguistics, functions of language, human and non-human communication, etc.). The students and teachers of Linguistics can use this book as a reference-cum-text book in classroom teaching.
The study maps thoroughly how different concepts and theoretical aspects of linguistics are applied in literary criticism. Diverse linguistic features are analyzed in literary criticism to highlight how they are used differently by poets and writers from the way they are commonly used. Since the early 20 th century, due to the influence of formalistic critical practice, it has been the common pursuits of the critics to enquire how special uses of linguistic elements contribute to achieve the literariness in a text. Further, it is interesting to note that that from the mid-20 th century linguistic codes and conventions have been appropriated as the paradigm in a number of Language in India
Proceedings of the 2nd ELITE International Conference, 2014
The proceedings, The Multifaceted Dimensions of English Linguistics, Literature and Education, are the selected papers that were presented in the 2nd English Linguistics, Literature and Education (ELITE) International Conference in Indonesia conducted at the State Islamic College of Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, on 10 -11 October 2014. The title of the proceedings was taken from the theme of the international Conference. The conference was organized by English Education Study Program of the State Islamic College of Palangka Raya in cooperation with the Association of Teachers of English Linguistics, Literature and Education (ELITE) in Indonesia. English Linguistics, Literature and Education is a discussion forum that researchers, practitioners (lecturers, teachers and instructors) and teachers can expose their ideas, researches and products on language teaching of English Linguistics, Literature and Education. One of the annual activities is international conference which is aimed at testing out ideas and perspectives of all researchers, practitioners (lecturers, teachers, instructors) with intellectual bearings that can be different one another and to share a similar frames of reference. This conference is objected to bring together a broader spectrum of scholars to have an intellectual conversation. With the compilation of the conference papers, it is expected that the proceedings will be beneficial for the practitioners (lecturers, teachers and instructors) participating in the conference. Also, it is hoped that this proceedings will be useful for those who are interested in the development of their knowledge in language teaching of English Linguistics, Literature and Education.
A. COURSE OBJECTIVE After learning the topic of the linguistics and related disciplines, the students are able to know and understand about the close relationship between linguistics and other related disciplines. B. COURSE DESCRIPTION Linguists are not the only people interested in the study of language, anthropologists, philosophers, psychologists, and language teachers have long been interested in language, and linguistics has close ties with each of the other disciplines. These ties have been stronger at some times than others as interests change and as the influence of one discipline on another grow or diminishes. a. Linguistics and Anthropology It is clear that linguistics is linguistics is the study of language, not any particular language, but human language in general. It can be assumed that it lerns about how the language changes, how meaning is changed and others. Meanwhile, anthropology is the study of humans, past and present, that build knowledge from social sciences, biological sciences, humanities, and the natural sciences. Humans have one particular language, and the language in one group is a crucial window in culture. Linguistics and anthropology have close relationship in our daily life. The relationship between them is called as socio-cultural anthropology. The relationship between anthropology and linguistics can be seen from the following examples. Linguists usually conduct long periods of fieldwork living with people who speak the language they are studying. They examine language and the emotions; ritual and performance; language shift and multilingualism; connections between language, ethnicity, nationalism, and political systems. For example, linguists are interested in investigated the development of Baduy language; they investigate how they use their
International Conference on Learning, Researching, and Teaching of English through Asian Literature: A Discourse Analysis Perspective. To be held on 30-09-2023 THRUST AREAS Learning English Language through Asian Literature Technology in English Classrooms blending Asian Literature Translating Asian Literature into English Developing E-Resources for English Learners Research in Pedagogy, Curriculum & Assessment of English for students. Online Learning and Teaching of English Socio-linguistics of English with Asian background Any other fields related to the topic Last Date For sending Abstract: 08-09-2023 For sending Full paper and Registration Form and Fee: 17-09-2023 Guidelines/format for the Research Paper Registration is compulsory for participation and presentation at the conference. Authors are requested to send their original and unpublished articles with the format of MLA 7th Edition. Only selected papers will be published in an ISBN: 978-93-92751-11-0, Proceedings of International Conference on Learning, Researching, and Teaching of English through Asian Literature: A Discourse Analysis Perspective The abstract/ full paper should be mailed to: [email protected] Registration Fee Details Faculty Members and Others: INR 1000/- Faculty Members (SF): INR 500/- School Teachers: INR 300/- Ph.D. Scholars (FT) 200/- Ph.D. Scholars (PT) 300/- PG Students: INR 100/- BANK DETAILS FOR PAYMENT Account Name : The Principal, Vivekananda College Bank Name & Branch : Tiruvedagam Ramakrishna Tapovanam Account Number: 8629101102540 IFSC Code : CNRB0008629 GPay: 8870518474 (BHARATHIRAJA S) Registration Link: Abstract and papers will be published in the ISBN book: Conference video link:
Heritage Publishers, New Delhi, India, 2024
The author has made an effort to introduce some new methods, ideas, and strategies for English Language Teaching, Dictionary Making, Translation, and Dialectology with direct utilization of data and information elicited from language corpora in English and Indian languages developed in digital form. The primary goal of this book is to train the new generation of Indian linguists in the utilization of language corpora in various works of applied linguistics. The book is enriched with references to recent works carried out in various parts of the world. This will help readers to know how novel approaches are being used to make valuable improvements over the traditional methods and techniques used in different branches of applied linguistics. The book is best suited to be used as text-cum-course book at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Indian universities. It can also be used as a reference book by students, teachers, and researchers working in these areas of applied linguistics. Moreover, general people interested in these areas will find this book highly useful for new insights, methods, and information. The academic importance of this book may be attested to in its direct focus on the Indian contexts of applied linguistic research and development works. The book sincerely appeals to the people engaged in different branches of applied linguistics to redirect their focus towards this new approach for the benefit of the discipline as well as for better service to the country and its people.
Languages combine form and meaning in order to express an infinite number of ideas. Modern linguistics has developed sophisticated methods to probe the formal structure of languages from phonetics to syntax, but the study of meaning remains relatively unexplored. The lack of sophisticated methods to document the semantic structure of languages remains a significant problem for work with endangered languages. Research in semantics is limited by semantic theories that can be traced back to Plato and Aristotle. These theories assume that languages use a universal set of semantic elements to construct meaning. The classical theories cannot account for semantic change and an explanation of metaphor is completely beyond the scope of such theories. In this paper I propose a theory of semantics that puts metaphor at the center of semantics. Rather than create an artificial dichotomy between figurative and non-figurative language, the metaphorical approach to semantics assumes that all langu...
This research paper investigates the factors that affect student's interpersonal communication skills in English language and literature regular students at Kabridahar University. It focused on English Language and Literature regular students in Kabridahar University. The objective of the study was to investigate the major factors that affect student's interpersonal communication. The researcher collected data from the students by using Questionnaire, Interview and observation in order to get an appropriate finding. The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis. The study shows that, the students have interest to communicate and interact with each other. But, some of barriers like mother tongue influence and variety of language affect their interpersonal communication as well as their relationship. Also, factors like weak relationship to others, lack of interest, inexperience, lack of practice and gender issues are the major barriers which affected student's interpersonal communication.
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Journal of Sociolinguistics, 2011
2011. New Delhi, Cambridge University Press India (Hardcover, 253 + xxii pp.; ISBN: 978-81-7596-793-9), 2011
Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia, 2009
Ayudya Whardani, 2019
Modern Asian Studies (forthcoming)
Yayasan Karinosseff Muda Indonesia, 2020