Anonymous certification for E-assessment opinion polls

2019, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing

Anonymous Certification (AC) refers to cryptographic mechanisms in which users get certified from trusted issuers, with regard to some pre-defined user attributes, in order to produce presentation tokens. Such tokens satisfy service providers' access policies, without revealing sensitive user information. AC systems are generally classified under two main different categories: (1) one-time show credentials that can be shown once for avoiding their originating user being traced from one transaction to another, and (2) multi-show credentials that can be used many times while avoiding their originating user to be traced. In this paper, we consider eassessment opinion polls scenarios and propose an AC scheme where the one-time show property is relevant for making sure each user cannot hand in more than one poll in order to get significant results. To mitigate cheating, the scheme is provided with two extra procedures: attribute revocation and anonymity removal. The correctness of our scheme, as well as unforgeability, privacy and anonymity removal, are analyzed and demonstrated.