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We use the Johansen co-integration test and the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) to analyze data on housing loan, housing price, interest rate and GDP from 19911Q to 20102Q to particularly ascertain the extent to which housing loan affects house prices in Singapore. The results show the existence of a long run co-integration among housing loan, house price, interest rate and GDP. Furthermore, housing loan is found to be positively correlated with house price and GDP but negatively correlated with interest rate in the long run. There seems to be no correlation between housing loan and house price in the short run. Moreover, a change in housing loan per se does not affect house price, neither does a change in house price per se affect housing loan in the short run. Thus, while there is long run equilibrium among housing loan, house price, interest rate and GDP, the causality direction between housing loan and house price is somewhat obscure. This implies that targeting housing loa...
MATEC Web of Conferences, 2016
Housing finance is one of the factors that contribute in the overall economy growth of the country. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the relationship of housing finance variable and the macroeconomic variables in Malaysia. By adopting time series technique of Vector Auto regression (VAR) and Impulse Response to determine the dynamic relationship between the macroeconomic and housing finance variable. The cointegration result shows that there exists a long run relationship between the macroeconomic variable and housing finance variable. The finding from impulse response function indicates that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) response positively to the Primary Mortgage Market (PMM), which shows that during the good economy there are more housing loan extends by the banking institution. Meanwhile, interest rate response negatively to Secondary Mortgage Market (SMM), which implies that during the financial crisis, more housing loan sold to the Secondary Mortgage Market as one of the measure by the government to increase liquidity in banking institutions. As a conclusion, there is presence of relationship between the variable which change in one variable will affect the other variable in the long run.
International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 2022
Malaysia is one of the developing countries facing an upward trend in demand for housing. However, the increasing trend in housing prices has become worrying. This study aims to examine the macroeconomic determinants of the housing price in Malaysia. The house price index and macroeconomic data on gross domestic product growth, consumer price index, and money supply were collected quarterly over the period from 2000 to 2019. The Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model was used to investigate the effects of long-run and short-run estimates of the proposed econometric model based on the selected macroeconomic variables mentioned above. The results from the Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron tests of stationarity indicated that all the variables were non-stationary at the level, I(0) but stationary at the first difference, I(1). The long-run coefficient estimates showed that the gross domestic product and money supply are significant and positively influenced the house price index in Malaysia. In addition, the consumer price index was also significant but had a negative relationship with the house price index in the long run. Further analysis using causality tests revealed that statistically, only gross domestic product and money supply were found significant in influencing the house price index in the short run.
Regional Science and Urban Economics
This paper exploits the homogeneity feature of the Singapore private residential condominium market and constructs matched home purchase price and rental price series using the repeated sales method. These matched series allow us to conduct time series analysis to examine the long-term present value relationship in the housing market. Three key findings are obtained. First, we fail to establish a cointegrating relationship between the home purchase price and rental price based on nationally estimated indexes. Second, areaspecific indexes demonstrate strong cross-correlations, invalidating the use of first generation panel unit root tests that ignore these cross-correlations. Third, Pesaran's CIPS test indicates that the unit root hypothesis is rejected for the first difference of both indexes. We also do not reject the hypothesis that home purchases and rental price indexes are cointegrated with a cointegrating vector (1,-1).
In Malaysia, House Price is considered high at a certain part of the country causing the lower and middle groups unable to purchase a house. This research examines the long-run relationship and causality effect between House Price Index and determinants of House Price Index. The data was obtained from Valuation and Property Services Department (JPPH), Department of Statistics Malaysia, and Bank Negara. The data was collected over 10 years from 2010 to the first quarter of 2019. Johansen Cointegration Test and Granger Causality Test are applied in determining the long-run relationship and causality effect respectively. The general finding of this study is that the House Price Index shows an upward trend for the past nine years but slightly drop in the first quarter of 2019. This study has found that there is a long-run relationship between the House Price Index and the determinants which are Gross Domestic Product, Interest Rate, Inflation Rate, Population, and Unemployment Rate. Nex...
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 2020
Housing is a major industry where price mechanisms or market regulations are applied for efficiency, and house provision is controlled by governments. Malaysia is one of the countries that are facing an upward trend in demand for housing, and the increase in housing prices has become worrying. This paper investigated the impact of macroeconomic variables in the house price index in Malaysia from the period 1988 until 2017 by annually. The selected macroeconomics variables for this study are gross domestic product, consumer price index, base lending rate, and money supply. Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) estimation was used to investigate the short-run and long-run elasticities of the proposed econometric model based on the selected macroeconomic variable mention above. The results from the Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron tests of stationarity indicated that all the variables were non-stationary at the level I (o) but stationary at the first difference I (1). The long-run elasticities showed that gross domestic product and base lending rate is significant and positively influenced house price index in Malaysia. Consumer price index and money supply have a negative impact on house price index in the long run.
The purpose of this study is to find the Granger-causal relationship between house price and income. Singapore is taken as a case study and standard time-series approach is employed. The outcome of this relationship will determine the lead-lag relation between house price and income which will then provide some policy implications to tackle the rising housing price and income distribution as well as housing affordability in Singapore. However, the empirical findings based on the generalised VDC (forecast variance decompositions) tend to indicate that unemployment rate is the most lagging factor, while house price is the most leading variable followed by the income variable. This happens due to the probability that house price is controlled and determined by HDB (Housing Development Board), the government entity for public housing in Singapore. This has strong policy implications.
The increase in household debts in Malaysia which has escalated to about 86% of total GDP is deemed to be at worrying stage as it may in turn trigger another financial crisis. Thus, the aim of this study is to examine the increase in household debts and its relation to GDP, interest rate and house price via time series techniques. Data collected from Datastream and monthly statistical bulletin span from 1999 to 2014 on quarterly basis. The results show that there is a cointegrating long run relation between household debt, house prices, GDP and interest rate. The analysis indicates that although household debts could not be influenced by the changes in GDP, lending rate and house price in the short run, it could be affected by house price movement in the long run. As there is a positive significant relationship between house price and household debts, it implies that, in the long run horizon, the increase in household debts is due to the increase in house price. Although both GDP and lending rate are found to be endogenous, we still believe that the movement in lending rate and GDP (as a proxy to income) may affect the household debts. Thus, extra care shall be taken by the policy maker for any decision to increase the lending rate in particular as the lending rate is deemed to be one of the macroeconomic policy instruments which may have significant influence on household income. As the lending rate is deemed endogenous, the policy maker should strengthen prudential measure in order to curb the increase in household debts. Shortening the loan tenure, tightening credit policy by implementing responsible and selective lending, higher debt service ratio, strengthening the risk management of banking institutions are amongst the measures that might facilitate the policy maker to combat the rising household debts. Additionally, as the result found that the house price is the main indicator that affects the household debt in the long horizon, the policy maker should take an initiative to control the property price in order to mitigate any bubble in asset price.
Journal of Economics, Business and Management
This study aims to investigate the cointegration and causality relationships between gross domestic product and property price in Hong Kong from 1980 to 2017. In contrast to other studies, the cointegration test used is the autoregressive distributed lagged (ARDL) cointegration (bounds testing) approach of Pesaran that based on the estimation of an unrestricted error correction model (UECM) and the causality test is based on non-causality test of Granger. The selection of Pesaran cointegration approaches instead of Johansen approaches address the problem of how to use a relatively small sample data to estimate the long-term relationship and the direction of causality between gross domestic product and property price that faced by many researchers in estimating the cointegrating relationships between gross domestic product and property price. The results of ARDL cointegration tests running from gross domestic product to residential and office property markets and vice versa provide strong evidence to support the hypothesis that the gross domestic product and residential and office properties are cointegrated. The results of Granger non causality test support to the view of wealth and collateral effect that property price has an important causal affect to economic growth in Hong Kong. The empirical results from cointegration and causality tests suggest that the economic growth are better predicted by including the lagged difference values of residential and office property price.
Over the past years, Indonesia’s economic growth has been recorded among the top developing countries. The economic growth is believed to contribute to the increase on residential property prices. The main objective of this study is to analyse the influence of determinants of residential property prices in Indonesia by examining the dynamic relationships of residential property prices reflected through the Residential Property Price Index (RPPI) with Gross Domestic Product (GDP), investment interest rates, wages, inflation and the exchange rate against the US dollar using secondary data over a period of thirteen-years between 2002Q1 and 2014Q4. By applying the Engle-Granger co-integration testand the error correction model, this research aims to see the relationship between the variables both in the short- and long-term. The results of the study indicated that macroeconomic factors that were significantly related to Indonesian residential property prices were GDP, wages, inflation, ...
International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, 2019
The purpose of this study is to develop an enhanced house price index model in Malaysia. At the same time, it attempts to examine the determinants of the existing house price index in Malaysia. Review of the current Malaysian House Price Index (MHPI) model shows that this index is constructed based on demand driven variables. Past studies explained that both macroeconomic factors (income levels, interest rates, labor market) and supply factors are included in constructing the house price index. Therefore, this study aims at providing evidence on the determinants of the House Price Index (HPI). This study employs the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) to discover the short and long-run dynamics between the variables. The study considers the quarterly data from first quarter 2008 to fourth quarter 2015. The analysis shows that supply and institutional factors are significant in determining the HPI. Hence, we propose a new enhanced house price index incorporating new demand an...
Standard-Nutzungsbedingungen: Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, öffentlich zugänglich machen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Sofern die Verfasser die Dokumente unter Open-Content-Lizenzen (insbesondere CC-Lizenzen) zur Verfügung gestellt haben sollten, gelten abweichend von diesen Nutzungsbedingungen die in der dort genannten Lizenz gewährten Nutzungsrechte. Terms of use: Documents in Abstract This paper exploits the homogeneity feature of the Singapore private residential condominium market and constructs matched home purchase price and rental price series using the repeated sales method. These matched series allow us to conduct time series analysis to examine the long-term present value relationship in the housing market. Three key findings are obtained. First, we fail to es...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities, Economics and Law, 2019
The growth of housing mortgage (HM) value displays a flourishing annual trend in line with the number of house purchase using the named credit facility. The amount of HM given by the bank to the buyer is affected by macroeconomic condition. The high inflation rate causes the people's buying power to weaken and triggers the interest rate to drop. Buyer receives benefit in a condition of reduced HM cost, as well as in the contrary condition, causing the proportion of HM to go up. This research aims to examine the relationship between macroeconomic growths toward the proportion of HM in Indonesia. Macroeconomic variables reviewed are Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation level, residential property price, and interest rate. The research period extends between the years 2005-2016 through Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bound test model technique in order to see the relationship between each variable. As a result, the test reveals a significant long-term relationship between the variables of GDP, inflation level, and residential property price with the HM proportion. However, no relation is found between the amount of interest rate and HM proportion.
Using the aggregate and disaggregate dataset of various types of housing loan, this study examines the dynamic relationship between residential property prices, housing loan, construction output, and interest rate. Focusing on the aggregate data, it is noted that housing loan, construction output, and interest rate have significant and positive elasticities towards house prices in both short and longterm. The aggregate loan model indicates that about nine quarters or two years are required for full adjustment of house prices after experiencing a shock. Across the loan categories, first, the empirical analysis indicates that there is still a strong demand and potential opportunities for affordable properties. Second, homebuyers who purchase high-end properties will still borrow. Third, there is a significant and positive impact of interest rate on house prices in both shortand long-run, however, albeit a low percentage. The results of the error correction model imply the house prices...
This paper examines the impact of government policies on house prices in Malaysia. In addition, this study also includes the role of gross domestic product, interest rate and total population as emphasised by the Life Cycle and Overlapping Generation Models. This study used an annual time series data from 1988 to 2017. By using autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) framework, we develop a model of house price determination with a focus on government policy. This study revealed that PR1MA has a positive association with house prices. On the other hand, MM2H is not a primary contributor to the house prices in Malaysia.
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 2020
House prices in Malaysia are considered to be seriously unaffordable as the median all-house price is relatively higher than the annual median income. Although the issue of house prices is prevalent in the country, few studies have been done to determine factors that influence its movement. The current paper, therefore, attempts to investigate the causal relationship between macroeconomic variables and house prices in Malaysia by accounting for the existence of a structural break for the variables. It is identified that in the long run, macroeconomic variables are collectively significant in influencing house price movement while the individual impact of macroeconomic variables is varied. The rise in the level of interest rates, housing supply, and inflation will result in the decline in house prices while gross domestic product and local currency appreciation cause the price to increase. It was found that stock prices do not significantly influence house prices. Of all the macroeconomic factors analyzed, exchange rate fluctuations appear to be most significant in explaining the movement of house prices. In the short-run, all macroeconomic factors are individually significant in influencing house prices and it is also identified that house prices tend to move back into their long-run state after temporary macroeconomic shocks with the speed of adjustment around 5.2 percent quarterly. It is advised for the policymakers to constantly monitor the movement of macroeconomic factors and take necessary actions to cushion the adverse impact of the movement of house prices in the country.
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 2019
The objective of this study is to construct an enhanced house price index model in Malaysia. Having reviewed the current model of the Malaysian House Price Index (MHPI), it is currently found that this index is constructed based on the demand-driven variables. Previous studies explained that both macroeconomic factors (income levels, interest rates, and labor market) and supply factors are included in the construction of the house price index. This study begins by examining the determinants of the existing house price index in Malaysia. This study employs the Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) to discover the short and long-run dynamics between the variables. The study considers the quarterly data from the first quarter of 2008 to the fourth quarter of 2017. The findings reveal that construction cost (CC) and housing loan (HLN) are significant in determining HPI while Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) and land supply (LS) are insignificant with HPI. Then, the housing loan was found to be the most significant variable in determining HPI in Malaysia. Hence, we propose a new enhanced house price index that incorporates new demand and supply variables, by using the Laspeyres approach to calculate the new enhanced HPI. The analysis shows that the enhanced house price index has also recorded the same trend but with a lower value of prices as compared to the current MHPI. This enhanced HPI model may reflect the real situation of the housing market in Malaysia and it is expected to increase the affordability of the society in fulfilling their basic needs. This study may provide evidence for the involved parties to have some policy ramifications to further monitor and take appropriate measures to control the prices of property.
This paper indicate about Malaysia has experienced the foremost changes of house price for over the past few years. This study will show that the performances of house prices in Malaysia are generally caused by the macroeconomics factor. One of it is the growth of economic that is gross domestic product rate. The housing price in Malaysia also influenced by household income because it related to the affordability of buyers to own a house. Moreover, there are strong inverse relationship between interest rates and house prices. That is, when the house prices rise and the interest rate drop. The main objective of this study is to measure the connection between macroeconomic variables and the housing price index. The specific objectives show which significant the macroeconomic variables affect the most on house price index. Dependent variable in this research is housing price index while the independent variables of this research will used of household income, interest rate, and GDP rat...
Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business, 2018
This paper studies the relationship between residential property prices and macroeconomic and demographic determinants in Malaysia. In the years following the Asian financial crisis, property prices in Malaysia rose substantially, resulting in an affordability crisis and ultimately policy responses to the problem. Using unit root, Johansen-Juselius cointegration, VECM-based Granger causality tests and variance decomposition, and considering quarterly data that covers 2000-2015 period, we established that residential property price growth is principally driven by strong demographic performance and population growth and is backed by the low interest rate environment and rising consumer prices. Household income and level of GDP do not appear to contribute to property price growth. Certain distortions and asymmetries in the Malaysian real estate markets are documented: oversupply in the higher price segment of the market coupled with the lack of affordable housing in the lower price seg...
The main purpose of this study is to measure the relationship between macroeconomic variables and the housing price. This paper examines empirically whether the increasing trend in the Malaysian housing price is related to changes in the gross domestic product (GDP), population, inflations rate, costs of construction, interest rate and real property gains tax (RPGT). The paper is exploratory in nature. The empirical data were collected from Valuation and Property Services Department of the Ministry of Finance Malaysia from 2001 to 2010. The paper provides empirical results that the gross domestic product (GDP), population and RPGT are the key determinants of housing prices. However, changes in housing prices may not necessarily be influenced by the gross domestic products (GDP), population and RPGT in Malaysia. The general finding of this paper strongly suggests that housing bubbles in the Malaysian residential property market are becoming bigger and stronger. The paper is useful for speculators, investors and buyers to know which factors to account for in housing investment decision. This paper can serve as a guide for the government in stabilizing the residential housing price in Malaysia.
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2022
Addressing the cause of escalating housing prices in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic is relevant but timely. Housing is both a consumption and an investment good and for many Filipinos, it is a dream worth going abroad for. This thesis studies the housing prices in the Philippines between 2000 to 2020. The overall objective of this thesis is to answer whether important macroeconomic factors can explain these housing prices. Using an econometric model, the Engel-Granger two-step approach captures the dynamic of long-and short-run relationships of the variables. The co-integration test result shows that GDP per capita is positively associated with housing prices by 1.24% in the long term, the inflation rate by 0.08%, and unemployment rate by 0.398%. Furthermore, the error correction model results show that GDP per capita negatively affects the housing price by 0.075% while the interest rate negatively affects it by 0.01497%. Error correction model result shows that short-term and long-term deviation in the previous level can be adjusted by 11% in the subsequent nine periods. Among the variables that affect housing prices, the GDP per capita has the most significant effect size. This thesis seeks to offer its findings that strongly suggest that policy makers need to pay close attention to the effect of the GDP per capita on housing prices and thus provide policies that adopt in various time horizons.
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