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2018, University Development and Administration
32 pages
1 file
As the volume progressed to its halfway point, Professor Ronel Erwee unexpectedly passed away in March 2017 after a short illness. Her warmth and caring to colleagues and friends is sorely missed; however, her sense of detail and preparation are noted throughout this volume because of her diligent work in reviewing a number of the chapters and her guidance in shaping the approach and content that are found within these pages. This volume is dedicated to her memory. Ronel was a Professor in the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts, University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Australia. Moving from South Africa, she arrived at USQ in 1998, teaching in the areas of International Management, People Development and Team Leadership, and in the DBA program as well as supervising Ph.D. and DBA candidates. Her areas of research include Strategic Thinking, International Human Resource Management, Knowledge Management, Managing Diversity, Leadership, and Organizational Change. Above all else, she was noted for her dedication and care on the topics of postgraduate education and research supervision. Her colleagues' esteem for her devotion inspired the creation of the Ronel Erwee Memorial Award for Excellence in Postgraduate Research Supervision given to groups or individuals demonstrating specific contributions to the advancement of HDR student research culture and/or HDR student supervision practices at USQ. I also need to take this opportunity to thank Drs. Marcus and Meredith Harmes for the willingness to enter into this project media in res and help complete the request, review, and other administrative processes that are part of creating a volume such as this one. Their contributions have been significant, building on and completing the work that was either incomplete or still undone.
The impact of globalisation and the knowledge economy on postgraduate education has led to a resuscitation of the relevance of some of the postgraduate policies, curriculum and capacity to include the demands of this very sophisticated world which at the moment is in need of a more advanced skilled labour with capabilities that engages the head, hands and heart in finding solutions to the existing challenges as without any of these, neither of these graduates would be competitive in the current global economy as it demands for a more skilled labour force (Tomé,E; Neumann,G; Knežević, B; 2017). Globalisation and the knowledge economy has influenced the internationalization of higher education in South Africa, as being explored from the perspective of South Africa's emphasis on democratic values expected to bring gains to the larger masses(Rensburg,I; Motala,S;David,S.A;2015:92). Through the exploration processes taken into consideration is the reduction of brain drain, undertaking collaborative research, sharing knowledge and resources, building mutual capacities and enhancing mutual economic benefits. Such an approach implies honesty, openness, responsiveness, common commitment, sound academic values, scientific integrity, appropriate ethics and social responsibility Globalization of the world economies is leading to increased emphasis on internationalization of the subjects included in a course of study in tertiary institutions postgraduate programmes(British Council:Going Global, 2012). It also creates the opportunities for new partnerships in research and teaching with agencies and institutions across the world. This paper builds on existing literature which focuses on issues surrounding globalisation and the knowledge economy in relationship to postgraduate education in South Africa & globally. The analysis will preview the available scholarly literature from two ideological positions, the human capital theory which stipulates that a key strategy in determining economic performance is to employ a conception of individuals as human capital and various economic metaphors such as technological change, research, innovation, productivity, education, and competitiveness and the Marxist Approach which argues that globalisation has transformed the higher education systems from public services to private commodities that is sold for profit on the expense of students from socially disadvantaged background. These two models will guide the analysis to the topic.(OECD,1996 & Global Sustainable Development Report 2019) The theory stipulates that globalisation is developed on a platform that imposes values and ethos in the Higher Education systems that lead to increased educational inequality and social disharmony. Higher Education programmes particularly Postgraduate education is believed to be one of the key drivers of growth performance, prosperity and competitiveness in national and global economies.
SUN PRESS eBooks, 2014
Pushing Boundaries in Postgraduate Supervision, 2014
International journal of African higher education, 2022
Challenges Confronting Postgraduate suPervision at the national university of lesotho 23 spécifiques au contexte ou à l'institution. La Faculté d'éducation de l'Université Nationale du Lesotho a été confrontée à de nombreux défis pour proposer des diplômes de troisième cycle, avec peu de superviseurs qualifiés pour le grand nombre d'étudiants qui s'inscrivent dans ces programmes. Cette étude a exploré la nature des défis auxquels est confronté l'encadrement des étudiants de troisième cycle dans ce contexte. Elle s'est appuyée sur le paradigme interprétativiste et a utilisé une approche qualitative. Quinze superviseurs ont participé, dont neuf (trois professeurs associés et six maîtres de conférences) ont été interviewés. Six maîtres de conférences ont pris part à un groupe de discussion. Les directives relatives à l'encadrement des étudiants de troisième cycle ont également fait l'objet d'une analyse documentaire. Les résultats ont révélé que si certains superviseurs ont eu des expériences positives, d'autres sont frustrés. Cela est dû à un manque de formation et à un manque de clarté des procédures de supervision, ainsi qu'au faible niveau de connaissances universitaires et au manque d'engagement de certains étudiants. Il est recommandé de former les superviseurs. En outre, les directives de supervision devraient être revues et comparées aux meilleures pratiques dans le domaine. Mots clés : Supervision des étudiants de troisième cycle, constructivisme, pratique réflexive, directives de supervision, défis de la pratique de supervision 1. Introduction and Research Problem Postgraduate supervision is challenging in any context (Stephens, 2014; Boughey, van den Heuvel and Wels, 2017). Research and knowledge production continue to be the hallmark of higher education; however, in some contexts, systems are lacking to uphold this hallmark. Maistry (2017, p. 1) observes that the "neoliberal performativity imperatives that drive the strategic vision and mission of many higher institutions…have begun to shape the higher education project in particular ways". Wood and Louw (2018) concur and assert that the focus of postgraduate supervision is often graduating students in the shortest possible time rather than embracing the task as an opportunity to develop them as emerging professionals. Due to the rising number of students enrolling in postgraduate studies, most university teaching staff have heavy workloads (Bitzer
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management
Postgraduate Education in Higher Education, 2018
As the volume progressed to its halfway point, Professor Ronel Erwee unexpectedly passed away in March 2017 after a short illness. Her warmth and caring to colleagues and friends is sorely missed; however, her sense of detail and preparation are noted throughout this volume because of her diligent work in reviewing a number of the chapters and her guidance in shaping the approach and content that are found within these pages. This volume is dedicated to her memory. Ronel was a Professor in the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts, University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Australia. Moving from South Africa, she arrived at USQ in 1998, teaching in the areas of International Management, People Development and Team Leadership, and in the DBA program as well as supervising Ph.D. and DBA candidates. Her areas of research include Strategic Thinking, International Human Resource Management, Knowledge Management, Managing Diversity, Leadership, and Organizational Change. Above all else, she was noted for her dedication and care on the topics of postgraduate education and research supervision. Her colleagues' esteem for her devotion inspired the creation of the Ronel Erwee Memorial Award for Excellence in Postgraduate Research Supervision given to groups or individuals demonstrating specific contributions to the advancement of HDR student research culture and/or HDR student supervision practices at USQ. I also need to take this opportunity to thank Drs. Marcus and Meredith Harmes for the willingness to enter into this project media in res and help complete the request, review, and other administrative processes that are part of creating a volume such as this one. Their contributions have been significant, building on and completing the work that was either incomplete or still undone.
Strengthening Postgraduate Supervision, 2017
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Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management
Africa Education Review Vol 15 (2), 2008
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 2010
Studies in Higher Education, 1992
Frontiers in Education, 2017
Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal
Leadership, 2009
P. Ling & Council of Australian Directors of Academic …, 2007
British Journal of Educational Technology, 2009