Postgraduate Education in Higher Education

2018, University Development and Administration

As the volume progressed to its halfway point, Professor Ronel Erwee unexpectedly passed away in March 2017 after a short illness. Her warmth and caring to colleagues and friends is sorely missed; however, her sense of detail and preparation are noted throughout this volume because of her diligent work in reviewing a number of the chapters and her guidance in shaping the approach and content that are found within these pages. This volume is dedicated to her memory. Ronel was a Professor in the Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts, University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Australia. Moving from South Africa, she arrived at USQ in 1998, teaching in the areas of International Management, People Development and Team Leadership, and in the DBA program as well as supervising Ph.D. and DBA candidates. Her areas of research include Strategic Thinking, International Human Resource Management, Knowledge Management, Managing Diversity, Leadership, and Organizational Change. Above all else, she was noted for her dedication and care on the topics of postgraduate education and research supervision. Her colleagues' esteem for her devotion inspired the creation of the Ronel Erwee Memorial Award for Excellence in Postgraduate Research Supervision given to groups or individuals demonstrating specific contributions to the advancement of HDR student research culture and/or HDR student supervision practices at USQ. I also need to take this opportunity to thank Drs. Marcus and Meredith Harmes for the willingness to enter into this project media in res and help complete the request, review, and other administrative processes that are part of creating a volume such as this one. Their contributions have been significant, building on and completing the work that was either incomplete or still undone.