The European Union has been, and still remains one of the most amazing phenomena that has been witnessed in the 21st century. It is an epic story of different countries getting past their differences and trying to move forward in order to create a system of one economic currency and having the ability to transact globally with all nations through the world that will not only work for themselves economically and socially, but will also have the ability to usher the Union into the new world order and be recognized in the modern era of Globalization in the eyes of all world governments. However, past issues that have taken affect with respect to the past 15 years since its founding have plagued the Union making its future questionable to those not only within the Union itself and each other, but also in the eyes of other nations, such as the United States, China, Japan, and England, all of whom are a part of the new Global Economic Movement. However, in order for one to fully understand the significance of the problems, one must go back to the earlier times of Europe before it became known as the European Union. In this paper, I will take you through a historical journey that shows you the early origins of the first attempts not only to bring about the European Union, but also to point out the problems then and now that continue to plague it up to its modern existence.