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2012, ELOPE
5 pages
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The paper discusses the contributions of Harold Pinter, a notable British dramatist, beyond the confines of British theater and literature, highlighting his significant cultural and political impact internationally. It features analyses of Pinter's works, including a performance by the Belarus Free Theatre, and stylistic elements from 'The Dumb Waiter' as interpreted in German. The discussions reflect on Pinter's cosmopolitanism and respect for humanity, ultimately showcasing his literary legacy and its global resonance.
Philologia, 2007
Plays by Harold Pinter have always attracted attention from theatre and literary critics. In the last 50 years, his opus received a vast variety of domestic as well as international reviews, the Slovene space being no exception. This article sets out a selection of the most prominent and influential productions of his plays on the world and Slovene stages, and adds selected analyses of and comments on the critical views provided by Pinter himself and by others. Some representative reactions to Pinter’s winning the 2005 Nobel Prize for Literature are presented in the last part of the paper.
Balıkesir Üniuers!tesl Harold Pinter was gluen the Nobel Prize /or Literature in 2005 for his contributlons to Brltfsh and contemporary drama. Pinter has been a theatrical institution for hal/ a century, he has reuolutionised his theatre by being a conscientious objector in pub/ic and a politlcaf actiuist since the 1980s. He has explored di/ferent genres lncluding prose and poetry, plays for stage, radio and screen. His crossouer from one medium to another, his deliberate decision to write /or more than one medlum, has gluen him the opportunity to reach the potential mass audience. He has shocked bewifdered, disappointed, and astonished audiences and critics. He swiftly became accepted as Britain's premier dramatist. This paper traces the euolution that Plnter has gone through /rom the early 1950s until the 2000s. Additionatly, the paper Identifles Harofd Pinter's 'Pinteresque' style-a term whlch enters English Language and Literature after him and also exemplify and reason Plnter's change in his styfe from poetical to politicaf.
Journal of world literature, 2022
Literary festivals have become authorities in the literary field, which promote works through the charismatic persona of their author, and operate a transfer of symbolic capital from the most famous ones to the newcomers. Some of these festivals are international, and thus play a role in the making of world authorship and of world literature. This paper focuses on the way international literary festivals reflect, all the while they shape, the structure of the transnational literary field. International festivals tend indeed to mirror the unequal conditions of access to world authorship and the power relations that structure the world market for translations. However, some of them develop strategies to counter these power relations. They are also more politicized, and try to construct a more diverse and inclusive transnational public sphere, where writers act as public intellectuals. The analysis is based on a quantitative and qualitative study of 38 international literary festivals.
This thesis examines the culture of contemporary writers' festivals in an international context. In the last five decades writers' festivals have emerged in cities across the world, and during this time they have expanded their literary discussions and debates to include numerous other topics of broad interest to society. To examine the expanded popularity and function of writers' festivals, this thesis establishes a new vantage point for theorising the content now typically generated by these events using concepts in urban festivals and public culture research. Importantly, the new vantage point addresses the limitations of current commentary on writers' festivals which routinely claim they trivialize literature, and more generally, contribute to the decline of public culture.
Настоящето издание се осъществява с финансовата подкрепа на Фонд "Научни изследвания" при ПУ "Паисий Хилендарски" -договор РНИ-ФЛ-03.
Methis. Studia humaniora Estonica
Central and Eastern European Literary Theory and the West, 2022
In 1991 the British cultural theorist Antony Easthope published a widely received book called Literary Into Cultural Studies (Easthope 1991) in which he argued that post-structuralism had decisively undermined the opposition between the canon and popular culture on which literary theory was based. Once literature was understood as merely one discursive practice among others the field became decentred and literature became merely one more part of culture. The title of Easthope's book was, on the one hand, a reflection on an already achieved intellectual shift, wherein the exceptional status of literature has been discredited but, on the other hand, it was an imperative, urging literary scholars to embrace the new reality. Easthope held a lectureship in English at Manchester Polytechnic from 1969 and became professor of English and cultural studies when it became Manchester Metropolitan University under the Thatcher-era reforms of British Higher Education. The erasure of the titular distinction between the polytechnic and university sectors was often presented as a democratizing move by the Conservative government, but in reality it signaled the leveling down of the higher education open to the majority of potential students in the UK, and its underfunded expansion, justified by an ideology of market populism. Elite institutions survived, but were reduced in number (the so-called Russell Group of twenty-four research intensive universities established in 1994), the sector became increasingly stratified, burdensome tuition fees were levied on students and their maintenance grants cut, placing the survival of less vocational areas of the humanities under particular pressure at less prestigious institutions. This is important since what appears to be an egalitarian development in theory may turn out to be nothing of the sort when considered in its institutional context. Easthope's work largely concerned the place of English as a discipline within the academy, outlined by F. R. Leavis's centering the discipline on the 'great tradition' at Cambridge in the 1930s, when that university was still focused on creating an administrative cadre for the Empire. The implication was that the canon embodied values cherished by the British establishment, that its study and promotion would exert a salutary influence on both the urbanized masses of the metropolitan centre and on the subjects of Empire. Such assumptions were brought into fundamental question by then Althusserian Marxist Terry Eagleton in the same university faculty half a century later (Eagleton 1991, 3-5). The exclusivity of literature, held by Leavis to bear the class-bound and ethnically specific "standards that order the finer living of an age" (1991, 4) was, however, questioned just as the study of non-vocational subjects was, once more, becoming viewed by gov
I wish to thank wholeheartedly Cos Tonmoy who shared his ideas on postmodernism with me and lent me a number of books and materials. I would like to extend my thanks to my friends Asif Newaz, Maroof Ibn Mannan, Borhan Uddin and Parvin Akter who motivated me at times of distress. Finally, I want to thank my father for his endless support and my mother, who prayed for me and encouraged me throughout my project with great enthusiasm. vi
Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 31, 460-467, 2004
Discusses differences between the concept of "Cultural Studies" in the English-speaking world and the German "Kulturwissenschaft". Also sketches the project of a cultural and literary history of the dream as an example for "cultural literary studies". All essays of the volume freely available under:
have been cooperating since 2000 in the form of regular conferences where professors of high international reputation as well as doctoral students reported about their current research and review the notions of culture, literature and media in national and comparative perspectives. These conferences offer Ph. D. students a forum to discuss their papers with members of other doctoral schools and encourage the international academic cooperation of future scholars. The research group published selected conference papers in a series of volumes centred on 'borders and contacts', 1 'codifications of national cultures', 2 'literature and the medias', 3 and 'voyages', 4 comparative studies, 5 cultural history 6 and the literary canon. 7 The eighth conference of this initiative took place in April 2013 at Stiftung Leucorea in Wittenberg and focused on interculturalism and space in literature and media. The presentations offered a wide range of topics discussing cultural interactions and the concept of 'space' in poetic and narrative texts and films in Europe and the Americas. We are glad that most of the papers presented in English, Spanish, French, Italian and German could be published in the present volume Interculturalism and Space in Literature and Media. Our thanks go to all those who facilitated the organisation of the meeting, especially to the staff of Stiftung Leucorea, and to those who contributed to make the publication of the papers possible, especially to our constant partners at Masaryk University Brno and the University of Szeged. Meanwhile the ninth meeting of our international research group in September of 2014 in Szeged brought together Ph. D. students from the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Hungary presenting projects in the field of arts, intermediality and literature. We are looking forward to the publication of Text and
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Wiley-Blackwell eBooks, 2009
Victorien Sardou, un siècle plus tard, 2007
Exercises in Travel Writing and Literary Tourism: A Teaching and Learning Experiment, 2020
Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, Harvard University, USA; 17-20 Mar. 2016, 2016
ICELSCS 2018, 2018
Journal of D.H. Lawrence Studies. Vol 6 (1), 2021
Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 2020
Comparative Drama, 1996
Irish University Review, 1991
Theatre Topics, 2012