河鍋暁斎の挑戦 狂画で拓いた新時代

2023, 河鍋暁斎の挑戦 狂画で拓いた新時代


東京大学出版会、2023年。ISBN: 978-4-13-086066-6 Sadamura Koto, Kawanabe Kyōsai no chōsen: Kyōga de hiraita shinjidai (Kawanabe Kyōsai's Endeavour: Exploring a New Era through Comic Pictures), Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 2023. Monograph on the Japanese painter Kawanabe Kyosai (1831-1889), based on the PhD dissertation submitted to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, and published by the University of Tokyo Press (August 2023). ISBN: 978-4-13-086066-6