Globlization and the Local Effect; Example of the Erzurum

2013, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies


Globalization and global economy is an obvious fact in our contemporary world. Although there are some doubts about what globalization is or not, there is no doubt about its social economic phenomenon. What are mostly discussed are the positive and negative effects of this process. One of the most important characteristics of globalization is consumerist society. Consumerist society is a try to produce new habits by changing the traditional ones. Global economy focuses one way of this proliferations on consumption patterns. Development of consumerist society depends on replacing the nonwestern society structures with the western norms. One of the most significant parts of this process is shopping malls which encourage western style consumption. Shopping mall is a commercial term coined in 1990s in the U.S.A. Indeed, it can be argued that one can find the traces of this kind of commercial approach in European countries and by covered bazaars even in Middle East countries. But the dominant shopping mall approach in contemporary world is a production of the U.S.A. and it is this country that has