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2015, Journal of High Energy Physics
33 pages
1 file
Adapting a method recently proposed by C. Marboe and D. Volin for N =4 super-Yang-Mills, we develop an algorithm for a systematic weak coupling expansion of the spectrum of anomalous dimensions in the sl(2)-like sector of planar N =6 super-Chern-Simons. The method relies on the Quantum Spectral Curve formulation of the problem and the expansion is written in terms of the interpolating function h(λ), with coefficients expressible as combinations of Euler-Zagier sums with alternating signs. We present explicit results up to 12 loops (six nontrivial orders) for various twist-1 and twist-2 operators, corresponding to triple and double wrapping terms, respectively, which are beyond the reach of the Asymptotic Bethe Ansatz as well as Lüscher's corrections. The algorithm works for generic states in this sector and in principle can be used to compute arbitrary orders of the weak coupling expansion. For the simplest operator with L=1 and spin S=1, the Padé extrapolation of the 12-loop result nicely agrees with the available Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz data in a relatively wide range of values of the coupling. A Mathematica notebook with a selection of results is attached.
We study issues concerning perturbative integrability of N ¼ 6 Chern-Simons theory at planar and weak 't Hooft coupling regime. By Feynman diagrammatics, we derive so-called maximal-ranged interactions in the quantum dilatation generator, originating from homogeneous and inhomogeneous diagrams. The dilatation operator requires proper regularization of ultraviolet and infrared divergences and also bears scheme dependence depending on operator-mixing or two-point function methods adopted. We first consider the standard operator-mixing method. We show that homogeneous diagrams are obtainable by recursive method to all orders. The method, however, is not easily extendable to inhomogeneous diagrams. We thus consider two-point function method and study both operator contents and the spectrum of the quantum dilatation generator up to six-loop orders. Within this scheme, we show that, of two possible classes of operators, only one linear combination actually contributes. Curiously, this is exactly the same combination as in N ¼ 4 super Yang-Mills theory. From these operators, we extract a spectrum of anomalous dimension up to six loops. We find that the spectrum agrees perfectly with the prediction based on quantum integrability. In evaluating the six-loop diagrams, we utilized a remarkable integer-relation algorithm developed
Physical Review D, 2010
We study issues concerning perturbative integrability of N = 6 Chern-Simons theory at planar and weak 't Hooft coupling regime. By Feynman diagrammatics, we derive so called maximalranged interactions in the quantum dilatation generator, originating from homogeneous and inhomogeneous diagrams. These diagrams require proper regularization of not only ultraviolet but also infrared divergences. We first consider standard operator mixing method. We show that homogeneous diagrams are obtainable by recursive method to all orders. The method, however, is not easily extendable to inhomogeneous diagrams. We thus consider two-point function method and study both operator contents and spectrum of the quantum dilatation generator up to six loop orders. We show that, of two possible classes of operators, only one linear combination actually contributes. Curiously, this is exactly the same combination as in N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. We then study spectrum of anomalous dimension up to six loops. We find that the spectrum agrees perfectly with the prediction based on quantum integrability. In evaluating the six loop diagrams, we utilized remarkable integer-relation algorithm (PSLQ) developed by Ferguson, Baily and Arno.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010
Using N = 2 superspace techniques we compute the four-loop spectrum of single trace operators in the SU(2) × SU(2) sector of ABJM and ABJ supersymmetric Chern-Simons theories. Our computation yields a fourloop contribution to the function h 2 (λ) (and its ABJ generalization) in the magnon dispersion relation which has fixed maximum transcendentality and coincides with the findings in components given in the revised versions of arXiv:0908.2463 and arXiv:0912.3460. We also discuss possible scenarios for an all-loop function h 2 (λ) that interpolates between weak and strong couplings.
Journal of High Energy Physics
Using superspace techniques we compute the four-loop spectrum of single trace operators in the SU(2) × SU(2) sector of ABJM and ABJ supersymmetric Chern-Simons theories. Our computation yields a four-loop contribution to the function h 2(λ) (and its ABJ generalization) in the magnon dispersion relation which has fixed maximum transcendentality and coincides with the findings in components given in the revised versions of arXiv:0908.2463 and arXiv:0912.3460. We also discuss possible scenarios for an all-loop function h 2(λ) that interpolates between weak and strong couplings.
We revisit unitary representation of centrally extended psu(2|2) excitation superalgebra. We find most generally that 'pseudo-momentum', not lattice momentum, diagonalizes spin chain Hamiltonian and leads to generalized dynamic spin chain. All known results point to lattice momentum diagonalization for N = 4 super-Yang–Mills theory. Having different interacting structure, we ask if N = 6 superconformal Chern– Simons theory provides an example of pseudo-momentum diagonalization. For SO(6) sector, we study maximal shuffling and next-to-maximal shuffling terms in the dilatation operator and compare them with results expected from psu(2|2) superalgebra and integrability. At two loops, we rederive maximal shuffling term (3-site) and find perfect agreement with known results. At four loops, we first find absence of next-to-maximal shuffling term (4-site), in agreement with prediction based on integrability. We next extract maximal shuffling term (5-site), the most relevant term for checking the possibility of pseudo-momentum diagonalization. Curiously, we find that result agrees with integrability prediction based on lattice momentum , as in N = 4 super-Yang–Mills theory. Consistency of our results is fully ensured by checks of renormalizability up to six loops.
Nuclear Physics B, 2010
We revisit unitary representation of centrally extended psu(2|2) excitation superalgebra. We find most generally that 'pseudo-momentum', not lattice momentum, diagonalizes spin chain Hamiltonian and leads to generalized dynamic spin chain. All known results point to lattice momentum diagonalization for N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. Having different interacting structure, we ask if N = 6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory provides an example of pseudomomentum diagonalization. For SO(6) sector, we study maximal shuffling and next-to-maximal shuffling terms in the dilatation operator and compare them with results expected from psu(2|2) superalgebbra and integrability. At two loops, we rederive maximal shuffling term (3-site) and find perfect agreement with known results. At four loops, we first find absence of next-tomaximal shuffling term (4-site), in agreement with prediction based on integrability. We next extract maximal shuffling term (5-site), the most relevant term for checking the possibility of pseudo-momentum diagonalization. Curiously, we find that result agrees with integraility prediction based on lattice momentum, as in N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. Consistency of our results is fully ensured by checks of renormalizability up to six loops.
Physical Review Letters, 2009
Using the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz method we derive an infinite set of integral non-linear equations for the spectrum of states/operators in AdS/CFT. The Y -system conjectured in Gromov et al. (Integrability for the Full Spectrum of Planar AdS/CFT. arXiv:0901.3753 [hep-th]) for the spectrum of all operators in planar N = 4 SYM theory follows from these equations. In particular, we present the integral TBA type equations for the spectrum of all operators within the sl(2) sector. We prove that all the kernels and free terms entering these TBA equations are real and have nice fusion properties in the relevant mirror kinematics. We find the analog of DHM formula for the dressing kernel in the mirror kinematics.
Physical Review Letters, 2014
Recently, it was shown that the spectrum of anomalous dimensions and other important observables in planar N ¼ 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory are encoded into a simple nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problem: the Pμ system or quantum spectral curve. In this Letter, we extend this formulation to the N ¼ 6 supersymmetric Chern-Simons theory introduced by Aharony, Bergman, Jafferis, and Maldacena. This may be an important step towards the exact determination of the interpolating function hðλÞ characterizing the integrability of this model. We also discuss a surprising relation between the quantum spectral curves for the N ¼ 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and the N ¼ 6 supersymmetric Chern-Simons theory considered here.
N = 6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory was proposed as gauge theory dual to Type IIA string theory on AdS4*CP3. We study integrability of the theory from conformal dimension spectrum of single trace operators at planar limit. At strong `t Hooft coupling, the spectrum is obtained from excitation energy of free superstring on OSp(6|2,2)/SO(3,1)xSU(3)xU(1) supercoset. We recall that the worldsheet theory is integrable classically by utilizing well-known results concerning sigma model on symmetric space. With R-symmetry group SU(4), we also solve relevant Yang-Baxter equation for a spin chain system associated with the single trace operators. From the solution, we construct alternating spin chain Hamiltonian involving three-site interactions between 4 and 4*. At weak `t Hooft coupling, we study gauge theory perturbatively, and calculate action of dilatation operator to single trace operators up to two loops. To ensure consistency, we computed all relevant Feynman diagrams contributing to the dilatation opeator. We find that resulting spin chain Hamiltonian matches with the Hamiltonian derived from Yang-Baxter equation. We further study new issues arising from the shortest gauge invariant operators transforming as 15 and 1 under SU(4). We observe that `wrapping interactions' are present, compute the true spectrum and find that the spectrum agrees with prediction from supersymmetry. We also find that scaling dimension computed naively from alternating spin chain Hamiltonian coincides with the true spectrum. We solve Bethe ansatz equations for small number of excitations, and find indications of correlation between excitations of 4's and 4*'s and of nonexistence of mesonic (4 4*) bound-state.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013
We compute the four-point amplitude in 3d N = 8 SYM at two loops, by solving the three dimensional scalar doublebox in dimensional regularization. We compare it to the same result in the ABJM theory, to which maximal SYM should flow in the infrared at strong coupling. After proper rescalings, we find that the two amplitudes coincide in the Regge limit.
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