The Passion of the Word. Chapter 14

2023, The Passion of the Word. Chapter 14

Pope Benedict has his own beautifully concise explanation of the Word and relates it to the Servant Songs. “[His death] belongs in the context of God’s ongoing relationship with His people from which it receives its inner logic and its meaning. It is an event in which the words of scripture are fulfilled; it bears within itself Logos or logic; it proceeds from the word and returns to the word; it surrounds the word and fulfils it….an enormous wealth of tradition in the form of scriptural allusions feeds into the background here, chief among them the Fourth Suffering Servant Song.” With the wisdom of Pope Benedict I bring this meditative study on the Passion of the Word to a place of pause. I cannot call it a conclusion for the Servant Songs are a bridge to all that is eternal. It is rather like the fourth mode in Gregorian Chant which has a feeling of suspension about it, similar to an unfinished symphony. We call it the ‘contemplative mode’ because it is, like contemplation, always orientated towards the infinite, and associated with light and sight. The exegesis of the prophecies of the Servant Songs is similar. Dealing with profound mysteries it is not possible, in my view, to pin them down too tightly. Their treasures are without limit.