Unconscious Bias among Health Professionals: A Scoping Review

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health


Background: Unconscious biases are one of the causes of health disparities. Health professionals have prejudices against patients due to their race, gender, or other factors without their conscious knowledge. This review aimed to provide an overview of research on unconscious bias among health professionals and to investigate the biases that exist in different regions of the world, the health professions that are considered, and the research gaps that still exist. Methods: We conducted a scoping review by systematically searching PubMed/MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, and AMED. All records were double-screened and included if they were published between 2011 and 2021. Results: A total of 5186 records were found. After removing duplicates (n = 300), screening titles and abstracts (n = 4210), and full-text screening (n = 695), 87 articles from 81 studies remained. Studies originated from North America (n = 60), Europe (n = 13), and the rest of the world (n = 6), and two studi...