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The Article presents the areas of logistic controlling in the context of shaping the competition strategy of enterprises. This aim can be realized thanks to modern infor-mation technology. The paper is a part of work devoted to the issues of the functioning of logistic controlling in small and medium enterprises (SME).
Przedsiebiorczosc i Zarzadzanie, 2015
Knowledge about a logistic process in SMEs can be the way to growth of competitiveness of a company by improving those processes. One of the ways can be use of marketing as a support of a logistic process. Identification of logistic activities, logistic process and management should be based on full knowledge about market and its participants. Achieving knowledge and accumulation as a resource allow increasing logistic standards such as supply process, production, storage and distribution. It can contribute to recognize possibilities of competitor´s opportunities. Using marketing methods and instruments in logistic processes can increase competitiveness of SMEs.
Research Article, 2025
In a contemporary era, organizational success extensively relies on corporate strategies and logistics operations. Innovative abilities and structural strength of any organization strengthen its standing in a market competitive environment and provide a strategic comparative advantage against its other competitors. Internal and external environments extensively impact enterprise performance. In all these operations a robust strategic decision making by top management increases market profitability and improves customer satisfaction. The corporate and market strategy plays a fundamental role in organizing logistic operations and without a clear strategic paradigm it will be difficult for companies to stand in a competitive environment. In this study all those factors contributing to the utmost desired success of a company, ranging from strategy, logistics, organizational strategic management, effective communication, micromanagement, and supply chain integration will be discussed. The strategies to overcome these issues will provide a brief insight about the importance of strategy in strategizing the logistics operations.
Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2019
In the context of the current dynamic environment, the complexity of socio-economic objects stipulates the increased requirements for their analysis. The field of strategic logistic management is not an exception. The logistic potential is considered as a control object. Formation elements of the potential determine the conditions for the successful implementation of the selected logistic strategy of an enterprise. The potential of managerial logistic personnel, technological personnel, logistic infrastructure, product and technological innovations in logistics, marketing research, organizational and transfer potential are considered as logistic potential elements. Problems concerning substantiation of logistic strategy selection, determination of the internal conditions to provide its efficient implementation, as well as quantitative measurement of the conditions, are still unstudied. The purpose of the paper is to carry out functional and cost analysis (FCA) of logistic potential ...
The paper, which aims to be a starting point for a scientific exploration, presents considerations on the essence and importance of the "logistic potential of an enterprise". A hypothesis has been adopted proposing that the lack of a precise description of semantic fields of terms used in literature leads to their fuzzy interpretation. When assessing the context of many expressions used in literature on the subject, one has the impression that typically these concepts fail to be understood unambiguously. Therefore, it has been defined as the ability of logistics systems within an enterprise to provide maximum output of logistic service in a given time. It is defined by the client and represents a compromise between the time expected by the client and the time declared as feasible in the system. Also, sources of different interpretations have been indicated, as well as the importance of the "capacity" of the logistic system and the rarely mentioned aspect of syste...
This study evaluates the logistic strategies developed in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) as a response to their organizational structures and planning processes. A multiple case study was carried out in the second largest furniture cluster in Brazil. Based on theoretical models, it was found that the characteristics of a company's organizational structure had an impact on planning. In the case of companies with a low level of family participation, this impact was intentional, whereas in the case of companies with strongly centralized owner control over decision-making, the impact was unplanned. However, the formal nature of planning does not guarantee that logistics will have strategic aims and, in all cases, it has a strictly reactive nature.
Annals of the University of Petrosani: Economics, 2010
This paper presents the results of a study regarding the necessary means for small and medium enterprises to effectively interact and cooperate in terms of obtaining a maximum profit from transport infrastructures and communications using available and predictable information technology and communications means. The diversity of structures among enterprises has led to the development of new software products, which are more competitive and efficient and are covering a wider domain of application. As the majority of logistics activities are focused on planning, realizing and tracking cargo, managing vehicles and afferent activities, specific software products were designed and developed, generically called TMS. An analysis of current situation shows that small and medium enterprises are using just a small part of available software. They are treat customers individually and does not enable collaboration between customers to reduce transportation costs or sharing the transport resources.
Doba globalne ekspanzije poslovanja in sodobnega načina življenja povzroča hitro in vedno težje obvladljivo rast blagovnih in informacijskih tokov v podjetjih in med njimi. Če smo nekdaj obravnavali poslovne funkcije v podjetju (nabavo, proizvodnjo, finance, prodajo …) ločeno, se danes stroka vse bolj posveča njihovemu povezovanju zaradi soodvisnosti. Proučevanje oskrbnih verig v podjetju in med poslovnimi partnerji daje podjetju možnosti, da postane bolj konkurenčno in bolj prilagodljivo, glede na vedno hitrejše spreminjanje tržnih razmer. To pomeni čimbolj celovito zadovoljevanje odjemalčevih zahtev oz. pričakovanj. Pri spletu teh aktivnosti ima ključno vlogo menedžment logistike kot odgovor in strategija podjetij, pripravljenih na izzive 21. stoletja. V članku smo želeli pokazati, kako se na številne t.i. megatrende 1 , ki vedno bolj vplivajo na poslovanje slehernega gospodarskega subjekta, povečuje strateški pomen menedžmenta logistike. Slednje ne smemo enostransko obravnavati kot strošek, ampak celoviteje, tj. kot ključni vir konkurenčnosti in dolgoročnega obstoja podjetja. Pospeševati moramo inoviranje in sistemsko razmišljanje o in v njej.
Advanced Logistic Systems, 2009
The concept of system approach applied to logistic management is related to a complex consideration of logistic processes occurring in the commerce enterprise. It allows to take into account many interrelated phenomena and to organize complex logistic activities. This paper presented logistic management system in example of commerce enterprises.
RICEA Revista Iberoamericana de Contaduría, Economía y Administración
En la última década, los autores han puesto énfasis en la importancia de las pequeñas y medianas empresas en la economía de los países, así como en el poco tiempo que estas siguen funcionando, situación que, obviamente, afecta a la economía mundial. Por la importancia de este tema, este artículo muestra un estudio sobre las características de las mejores pequeñas y medianas empresas en función de las actividades de logística que realizan. El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer las características de las empresas que tienen un mejor nivel de sofisticación en las prácticas de logística, así como los costos logísticos más bajos. El estudio se realizó en Querétaro, México, con 99 empresas. Los resultados mostraron que las mejores empresas son las que tienen una fuente de capital extranjero y las que exportan.
Przedsiebiorczosc i Zarzadzanie, 2014
The SMEs in Poland connected to European Union was in more harder situation than similar companies existed in EU for many years. There appeared a new phenomenon in competing surroundings as globalization not only in economic diameter, and structural and functional too. This phenomenon influenced comprehensive on all spheres of enterprises. Growth of competitiveness of SMEs especially micro enterprises are most interested, and appear questions about possibility of new method of management leading to this goal. In article presented the own researches of SMEs from kujawsko-pomorskie voivodeship in aspect of competitive factors growth in management process. On example of management of marketing and logistic process in micro enterprises are presented the main competitive factors, important for growth and development.
Logistics has long been recognized as the main effective tool for generating competitive advantages in trading enterprises, and therefore there is an acute problem in finding strategic guidelines for improving logistics activities through the lens of organizational and economic support of logistic activity of a trading enterprise. The article compares the main reference models for the analysis of logistics activities and found the most appropriate for use - SCOR model, which identified the main indicators for evaluating the performance of logistics activities. An algorithm for determining the level of efficiency and performance of logistic activity have been constructed. According to the results of the study, the level of organizational and economic support, perormance and efficiency of logistic activity of trade enterprises of Ukraine of the sample population have been determined.
Tehnicki vjesnik - Technical Gazette, 2016
Preliminary notes Changes in the Croatian economy, introduced upon accession to the European Union, significantly influenced the needs for logistics services, and thus the logistic industry. In planning investments and development of their business, companies mainly rely on their own marketing activities and experience, which are of limited scope, without scientific approach and analysis. For this reason, a systematic research on the current demand for logistics services has been initiated, along with defining guidelines for improving Croatian logistics industry performance. Final conclusions are enhanced by comparative analysis of the research results and the logistic performance indicators provided by the World Bank. Guidelines for improving the logistic industry performance outlined in this paper should be considered as scientific contribution in defining national development strategy of the logistic sector.
Hasitha Hemal, 2019
With an increasing number of competitors, both local and worldwide business has to restructure their organizations to produce higher quality products and services. The customer in today’s marketplace is more demanding, not just of product quality, but also of service. “It is only in the recent past that business organizations have come to recognize the vital impact that logistics management can have in the achievement of competitive advantage” (Christopher, M, 2011). “Logistic management is the integration of all activities associated with flow of transformation of goods from the raw material stage through to the end of the user, as well as the associated information flows” (Sadaraoui, Mchirgui, 2014). This essay discusses how the communication should engage on logistic management and will expose the requirement and impact of digital tools in achieving the success of logistic management
LOGI – Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics
The article focuses on the analysis of the regular monitoring of logistics processes in enterprises of various sectors of the economy of the Slovak Republic such as engineering, automotive and electrical engineering, woodworking industry, building industry, agriculture, other industry, trade and services. The first part of the research is the assessment of the basic characteristics of enterprises that focus on logistics processes when managing change. The subject of the survey was the characteristics of the size of the enterprises, the subject of business, the industry and the level of return on equity (ROE). The main objective of the research was to find out the use of new concepts and methods for improving logistics processes and their impact on ROE. The research used methods of questionnaire research, descriptive statistics, pivot table and Chi-quadrat test. The result of the research was to determine the dependence of ROE height on the use of new concepts and methods in improvin...
The human factor plays a major role in boosting the competitive capacity of logistic enterprises. This is of particular importance when it comes to logistic companies. On the one hand they should be strictly compliant with legislation; on the other hand, they should be competitive in terms of pricing and of delivery timelines. Moreover, their policies should allow them to be as flexible as possible. All these circumstances are reason for very serious challenges for the qualification, motivation and experience of the human resources, working in logistic companies or in logistic departments of trade and industrial enterprises. The geographic place of Bulgaria puts it in position of a country with some specific competitive advantages in the goods transport from Europe to Asia and back. Along with it, there is a number of logistic companies, that operate in this sphere in Bulgaria. In the current paper, the authors aim to establish the condition of the administrative capacity and human ...
Background: The authors made multi-dimensional review of production and logistic strategies in order to prove their coherence in shaping internal and ex ternal supply chain. The paper is concluded with de finition of production-logistic system as an object of modeling in transformation of business systems of manufactu ring companies. Material and methods: The paper is based on analysis of state of the art presented in the literature on the subject of production and logistics strategies. Publications o f key importance were selected to identify genesis and basic assumptions of strategies and their functioning. Com parative synthesis of logistic and production strat egies identified is developed with respect to authors' experience in ap plication of predefined tools and methods character istic for strategies identified. Results: The result of the work conducted is consolidation of production and logistic strategies according to multi-variant customer service and original definitio...
Logistics & Sustainable Transport, 2010
of results which were gained from the questionnaires and were filled out in Slovenian retail companies.
Royal Agricultural University, 2023
After the pandemic, things are very different from how they were before the COVID-19 outbreak. Companies that had been performing well before the epidemic also saw their performance suffer during the COVID-19 era, especially those in the transportation industry due to the lockdown. The research team behind this project hopes to learn more about and gain a better understanding of organizations by delving into their histories, structures, goals, challenges, solutions, and foci. The logistics industry relies heavily on supply chain management, which works to remove obstacles. However, additional quality testing and safety processes can extend the time of the supply chain. A company's core values are what set it apart from its competitors, and these values include trust, efficiency, technology, management, and behavior. It turned out that people use their own strategies in different ways and with different ends in mind. There are certain similarities between the two, but they also have some key contrasts, such as DHL's focus on efficiency and FedEx's on innovation. The environmental analysis included in this study looked at both internal and exterior influences that affect people's actions and behaviors. Employees are accorded the utmost respect and provided with all the resources they need, as evidenced by the findings. The company's success may be traced back to its strategic planning and focus on the long-term vision. The financial health of the selected companies is evaluated with the aforementioned criteria. While these businesses show stability, the analysis suggests that the market in which they operate is highly volatile. Increases in freight costs, tax increases, inflation, and other macroeconomic factors all contribute to this uncertainty, but well-planned improvements and emergency events also play a role. The research looked at the goals so that the audience could rest assured that the analysis was thorough and considered every angle of the organization. It's generally agreed that a company's success is measured by more than its bottom line. This research provides a thorough evaluation to aid business owners in identifying the features that set apart firms in terms of their potential for growth.
Nowadays logistics more and more often becomes the strategic issue from thepoint of view the organization aiming at reaching success in lead of its activity. The standardprocess of strategic logistics planning and management is usually periodical and the chanceof cooperation with changes in the environment of the company is missing. The paperpresents the process of logistics planning and its integration
Przedsiebiorczosc i Zarzadzanie, 2015
Marketing and logistics management is now becoming an interesting concept for entrepreneurs, and thus perpetuates the belief that the skills of marketing and logistics of the company contributes to the improvement of the company’s competitive position in the market. The activity of businesses from the SME sector is based on a much more modest material resources than it is in large enterprises, thus building logistic and marketing advantages through innovation strategies is often the right direction of improving the competitiveness of the SME sector. The aim of the paper is to present the areas and potential use of new methods of management, with the application of integration of marketing management and logistics processes. Knowledge of the characteristics of both types of processes in the SME sector becomes necessary. Insufficient knowledge of marketing and logistics in SMEs, both in the field of logistics and marketing should be complemented by the development of educational offer...
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