2023, European Journal of Applied Sciences

We consider the case of a planar gravitating object in General Relativity and find glaring inconsistencies in the Einstein Field Equations. 1 Introduction. Consider an object (something approximating a black hole, if you will) distributed in the − plane of constant density, , for finite thickness, −ℎ < < 0. This corresponds to the case of a constant gravitational field in the z-direction in Newtonian gravity-the simple case you learned in High School where projectiles follow parabolic trajectories & escape velocity is ∞-i.e., nothing can escape the gravity: a projectile shot with any velocity upward returns to earth. The mass per unit area is finite = ℎ; the gravitational field depends on this finite quantity and not the total mass of the plane, which is infinite-both in the relativistic & Newtonian case. However, there are easily calculable contradictions in the Einstein Field Equations [EFE], as we will see in this brief missive.